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Saturday, 11 September 2010 11:31

A pastor and two other Christians who were attacked by extremists have been charged with 'outraging the religious feelings' of others. Pastor Dilip Chakravarty, Ganga Ram and Shankar Lal of the Church of God in Chhattisgarh have been held at Dhamtari district jail since police arrested them on Aug. 29. Police officers were acting on a complaint made by Hindu extremists who accused the Christians of 'forcible conversion' by offering 'money and false hope'. The extremists had already taken the law into their own hands by launching several attacks on the Christians, which had reportedly left Ganga and Shankar with fractures to their hands and legs. The extremists had also tried to force the pair to return to Hinduism. The three Christians have now been charged with 'deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion'. Local Christian leaders strongly deny the church was involved in 'forcible conversion'.

Pray: that Christians would be led by the Holy Spirit and protected from these accusations. (Nu.14:9)

More: http://www.releaseinternational.org/pages/posts/india-christians-detained-on-false-hope-accusation-747.php

Saturday, 09 October 2010 06:44

On Wednesday, evangelist .V K Williams and seven other Pastor/Evangelists were arrested Wednesday morning and are now in police custody in Bodi Nayakanur because they had started a One Day Gospel Outreach which immediately drew an anti-gospel disruption. The local anti-gospel elements and their leadership are putting pressure on the police to book them under false charges. ‘Our local Brethren have rushed to the police station and assisted the pastors detained for questioning. Urgent Prayers solicited.’ See  Also, the Global Council of Indian Christians reported, ‘Pentecostal pastor Shivanda Siddi, was arrested during a service at an Assemblies of God Church in Kanataka on Sunday.’ About five Hindu extremists disrupted the service and began to humiliate the pastor by tearing his clothes and beating him in front of the faithful. After beating the pastor for about half an hour, they called the police at Yellapur station. The pastor and seven women and children were arrested.

Pray: that the 25 million Christians in India would know God’s presence in times of persecution; and experience his enabling when ministering the gospel. (Ps.118:8)

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/pentecostal.pastor.beaten.and.arrested.in.india/26806.htm

Thursday, 18 November 2010 11:17

India's economy is booming with more millionaires per square mile than anywhere else on earth, the huge and youthful population of nearly 1.2bn will overtake China's by approximately 2050. But hundreds of millions still live in abject poverty in rural areas - more than 830 million live on less than half a US dollar a day. India has more cases of malnutrition than the whole of sub-Saharan Africa and the worst affected areas are central and eastern India where many Christians live amongst the lower caste. Development has come but done little for rural Indians. Mining companies turned people off their land with little in the way of compensation. A civil rights worker fears for the future of the nation if the divide between its rich and poor continues to grow. ‘People have been left out, marginalised completely and are no longer going to take it lying down, if policies are not changed the situation will get out of hand.’

Pray: that God’s laws will inspire government decisions so that repression is removed. (Ja.1:27)

More: http://news.bbc.co.uk/today/hi/today/newsid_9166000/9166402.stm

Thursday, 17 January 2013 16:28

After Hindu nationalists in Maharashtra State attacked Christians two weeks ago because they refused to honour a tribal deity – violence that led many to flee their homes – the extremists yesterday assaulted remaining Christians as they met for worship. As police stood by watching, about 100 club-bearing Hindu extremists disrupted worship at the house of Ravindra Shankar Ander in Tamsai village, Thane District. The extremists did not use their wooden clubs as they did in the attack two week's ago. More than 100 Christians from the area are afraid to return to their homes after Hindu extremists on Dec 30 beat worshippers with wooden clubs for refusing to contribute to the festival for the tribal deity. Men and women said to belong to Hindu nationalist groups in Tamsai village stormed the worship service of the Yehovah Prathana Group Tamsai congregation in Tamsai.

Pray: that God's people will not fear but trust in the His protection. (Ex.15:2)

More: http://www.religiontoday.com/blog/attacked-christians-in-india-fear-returning-home.html

Saturday, 09 March 2013 15:10

As police looked on, militants attacked a church in central India on the second day of a revival meeting earlier this month at the Indian Christian Assembly of God Church in Rajnandgaon, causing severe injuries to some members and sending the pastor into hiding. The revival meeting included a graduation ceremony of 14 students who attended a short Bible training programme. About 300 Christians had gathered to witness the ceremony and attend the revival meeting. Attendees came from the neighbouring states of Maharashtra, West Bengal, Orissa, and Madhya Pradesh. ‘Everything went well on the first day of the meeting until the afternoon of the second day,’ a witness told World Watch Monitor. The witness asked not to be named in order to avoid possible retribution from the attacker.

Pray: against the increasing violence against Christians in many parts of India may God arise and his enemies be scattered. (Ps.10:12)

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/india.attack.on.revival.meeting.sends.christians.underground/31705.htm


Thursday, 28 June 2012 15:08

The discovery of explosives in one village days ahead of a brutal assault on a Christian community in another village has raised fears of a repeat of the large scale anti-Christian violence in Orissa state, India. A church leader and the 12 families in his congregation were attacked by Hindu extremists on 15 June in the village of Mitrapur. Evangelist Baidhar (50) was making his way home from a prayer meeting in a believer’s home when he was set upon. He was seriously injured and left bleeding on the ground. He was found shortly afterwards by local Christians who took him to hospital. Around 50 Hindus then attacked the Christian community in the village. The assailants looted the homes of the 12 families. The Christians fled the village. A few days before this incident, on 10 June, police seized more than 50 homemade bombs and 12 blocks of dynamite from a hut in Gambhari village, Puri district. The offenders fled and the explosives were taken to the police station to be defused.

Pray: against any recurrence of extremist activities in Orissa state. (Ps.5:11)

More: http://www.barnabasfund.org/Attack-on-Christian-community-in-Orissa-raises-fears-of-further-violence.html

Thursday, 23 June 2011 15:10

An international advocacy group urged the U.S. government to condemn Indian authorities for asking three American Christians to leave India because they allegedly participated in evangelism. ‘We urge the U.S. government to look into this matter and take appropriate measures to pressure India to respect the religious freedom of Christians and other religious minorities,’ explained an International Christian Concern (ICC) representative. Shelly Deeds, a nurse from Pennsylvania, her daughter Katelyn 15, and Diane Harrington a teacher at Wisconsin were ‘asked to leave’ the country after Hindu organizations complained they ‘tried to convert poor families in India's southern state of Kerala. Indian police acknowledged there was no evidence the Christian tourists participated in proselytizing, but said they asked them to leave because the women ‘violated’ visa regulations by trying to attend a prayer meeting.

Pray: God’s protection for Christians and the Christian community in the sensitive areas of India. (Ps.17:1)

More: http://www.bosnewslife.com/17201-india-asks-u-s-evangelists-to-leave

Tuesday, 21 September 2010 14:34

Tensions remained high on Wednesday, September 15, in several parts of India where reports of Qur'an burning in the United States sparked deadly attacks against Christian institutions. In the village of Tangmarg, in India's Kashmir region, at least 14 people were killed and scores injured over the weekend when thousands of angry Muslims took to the streets and torched a Christian school. ‘The students are not hurt, but the building has totally burnt down,’ said Bishop Pradeep Kumar Samantaroy of the Church of North India. He said officials were informed of a possible attack and that Christians requested protection, but that ‘no action was taken’. The demonstrations were fuelled by reports that although a Florida pastor called off his plans to burnthe Qur'an, Iran's state-run TV, which is widely available in India, showed footage of a different man destroying a Qur'an in Tennessee. (See also Prayer Alert 3710)

Pray: that any further actions that would bring the Church into disrepute and cause outrage would be stopped at source. (2Pet.2:1-2)

More: http://www.bosnewslife.com/13830-14-killed-as-anti-christian-violence-spreads-in-india

Sunday, 08 September 2013 16:36

With Hindu extremists constantly perpetrating attacks against the church, Christians in the northern region of India find themselves in a very hostile environment. Persecution has also come through politics as some states have implemented laws against conversion to Christianity. One such law is ironically called the "Freedom of Religion Bill." Similar legislation has been approved by lawmakers in Madhya Pradesh. The bill, which now awaits the governor's signature, would make it a crime to convert to Christianity without government permission. But Pastor Abraham, who works everyday with average people in the region, says that not everyone is hostile toward Christians. "When you bring the salvation, the healing, the blessings from Jesus, the common people always respond to the Gospel," he said. "Otherwise we can't do the work." Despite the persecution and the challenges, God is moving and the church is growing, Abraham said.

Pray: for true freedom of religion and for those who do wish to convert to Christianity. ( Jn.10:28)

More: http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2013/September/India-Church-Growing-Stronger-Despite-Hostilities/

Monday, 05 November 2012 12:11

There has been a steep increase in persecution across the ‘10/40 window’ in the last decade, says Gospel for Asia. It warned that in India alone there had been a ‘400 per cent’ increase in persecution. The 10/40 window encompasses the countries that have been least reached with the Gospel. Gospel for Asia president K P Yohannan said that people who had not experienced persecution ‘do not fully understand what it means to have their lives threatened, homes destroyed, rights violated and loved ones imprisoned, all because of embracing faith in Jesus Christ’. Christians in the 10/40 region have had their homes destroyed or been imprisoned because of accusations against them, including accusations of forced conversions. Many have been killed because of their belief in Christ and others have been forced to go underground. ‘The increase of this kind of persecution should not be surprising where the gospel is going forth in unfriendly world areas,’ said Yohannan. ‘.

Pray: for all Christians ouround th World who find themselves persecuted for their faith. (2Ti.3:12 )

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/increase.in.persecution.across.1040.window/30949.htm