What is the best way to reach out to youngsters, to encourage them to go to church and to live a Catholic life? Parish priest Zsolt Kovesdy from Kunszentmárton, Hungary, has an idea. He is planning…
What is the best way to reach out to youngsters, to encourage them to go to church and to live a Catholic life? Parish priest Zsolt Kovesdy from Kunszentmárton, Hungary, has an idea. He is planning…
12 Oct 2013
Deployed members of the Armed Forces with sick relatives at home.Many of our service personnel serving in various areas around the world, but especially those in Afghanistan, are having to cope with the knowledge that loved…
The Magistrates Association will put forward a motion to scrap the Bible from the court oath in October. The motion has been met with wide criticism especially as the last census revealed that an overwhelming 60%…
David Cameron said he wouldn’t have pushed through gay marriage had he known beforehand how alienated grassroots members would feel, it has been revealed. In quotes disclosed in a book by a newspaper columnist, the Prime…
All three main Westminster parties have been reshuffling their teams. David Cameron has promoted three women, though none of them have been given a cabinet post. Across the board, women are taking more prominent roles -…