A police chaplain says he was forced out of his post after criticising the Government’s plans for gay marriage on his personal website, MPs have been told. Rev Brian Ross said he was summoned to a…
The head of Church Action on Poverty has warned hunger is becoming an increasing reality for families in the UK. Niall Cooper said stagnant or falling incomes were combining with rising food and fuel costs to…
Independent Police Complaints Commission's Deborah Glass, reports that victims have been encouraged to drop rape charges in order to improve the Met's sex crime squad's performance results is ‘a sorry indictment of the performance culture.' This…
Fairtrade Fortnight 2013 (25 Feb – 10 Mar) has now begun! This year we are being asked to sign Fairtrade’s petition to urge David Cameron to champion a better deal for the world’s smallholder farmers when…
The words ‘Italy ungovernable’ appear in large black letters on the front of one of the country's bigger newspapers. The headline pretty much sums up the mood in the aftermath of this inconclusive election. Centre-left leader…
The words ‘Italy ungovernable’ appear in large black letters on the front of one of the country's bigger newspapers. The headline pretty much sums up the mood in the aftermath of this inconclusive election. Centre-left leader…