As troops from France and Chad enter the last major city in northern Mali, critical Christian aid efforts have been hampered by a climate of violence and instability. ‘I wish I knew what is going on,’…
Truth today has become that which is true in the eyes of the beholder at a given moment in time or place. It constantly evolves and restructures itself to fit the circumstances of the day. In…
The Zadran people are one of the most well-known ethnic tribes in south eastern Afghanistan with more than half a million living in the provinces known as Greater Paktia (GP) and NW Pakistan. GP is a…
This year an election will be held in Pakistan to elect a new president. Already there is much discussion about how to make the election fair and honest amid charges of potential fraud. Potential candidates are…
Violence is intensifying in Nigeria. A Senior Fellow for Africa Policy Studies, said that although religion remains a divisive issue conflict occurs when ethnic, religious and economic boundaries coincide - as these factors are interconnected. Nigeria…
A Christian psychotherapist is the subject of a professional conduct inquiry in London for supporting therapy for those with unwanted feelings of same-sex attraction. Dr Davidson is a trainee with the British Psychodrama Association (BPA) and…