Open Doors has confirmed the death of two Christians in North Korea. According toOpen Doors the ministry one Christian was recently shot while he was on his way back to China for Bible training. The other…
Last month, governmental authorities in Iran put more pressure on Christians in the country by demanding personal details of members of a Tehran church. Divulging personal information is risky as a Christian worker explained, ‘For former…
Prayer changes things. While hundreds of thousands came to watch the inauguration, many came to pray during the event. Religious believers gathered in places like hotel ballrooms to pray for America and its president, but also…
Churches across the country will be using 2013 Education Sunday (January 27) to pray and work towards new ways of reaching out to those who are easily overlooked in the education world. The Rev Jan Ainsworth,…
Christians’ rights of conscience are being sacrificed on the altar of “obsessive political correctness” contrary to the values of a democratic society, two European human rights judges have claimed. They likened the treatment of a London…
The social care system is failing to meet the needs of disabled people of working age, the Bishop of Carlisle has said. The Right Reverend James Newcome made the comments in support of the report, 'The…