Barclays and Coutts have announced that they will withdraw their support for Stonewall's Awards event unless the homosexual campaign group drops the 'Bigot of the Year' category. Coutts and Co stated: ‘We have advised Stonewall that…
A motion will be debated on Wednesday 7th November in the British Parliament calling for a cut in the EU budget. The EU’s next long-term budget running between 2014 and 2020, will be discussed at an…
A network of Christians working against government cuts have urged ministers to not ‘punish the poor for the sins of the rich’. Christianity Uncut marched with thousands of people of many religions or none in…
Highland Council has removed prayer from its formal meeting agenda after secularists threatened legal action. The decades-old tradition will now be held prior to the formal meeting, in a move criticised by one Councillor as a…
Assisted suicide is illegal in the UK, but on the 10th anniversary of the first British citizen visiting Dignitas a senior NHS consultant claimed doctors are prematurely ending the lives of thousands of elderly patients because…
Last weekend 300 people from 23 nations gathered on the banks of the river Maine in Frankfurt, Germany for Euro-gathering. In amongst the exciting times of prayer, worship and community were sessions of amazing teaching from…