Vatican City: Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation
14 Feb 2013
The Pope’s resignation letter said, ‘After examining my conscience before God, I am certain that my strengths, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry.’ His brother Georg Ratzinger said, ‘He felt…
Vatican City: Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation
14 Feb 2013
The Pope’s resignation letter said, ‘After examining my conscience before God, I am certain that my strengths, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry.’ His brother Georg Ratzinger said, ‘He felt…
Radical Islam surging in Balkans
14 Feb 2013
Just as al-Qaida is extending its reach through franchises from the Arabian Peninsula and across North Africa, it could soon be linked up with the growth of radical Islamists in the Balkans. In the 1990s, Sunni…
Radical Islam surging in Balkans
14 Feb 2013
Just as al-Qaida is extending its reach through franchises from the Arabian Peninsula and across North Africa, it could soon be linked up with the growth of radical Islamists in the Balkans. In the 1990s, Sunni…
Govt minister sacked for opposing gay marriage
11 Feb 2013
Former Government minister Tim Loughton was sacked because of his opposition to redefining marriage, according to reports. He was removed from his ministerial post in September’s Government reshuffle, and close friends say it was because of…
Forty acts of generosity to change the world
11 Feb 2013
Giving blood and living on a fiver are just some of the Lent challenges from Christian charity Stewardship. Its 40acts initiative kicks off on Wednesday and will challenge people to do something generous each day during…