Sudan and South Sudan continue to try to negotiate their common border with the help of the UN. The struggle remains over oil resources and pipelines where there is continual border fighting. Refugees who fled Sudan…
USA: America has chosen its future
10 Nov 2012
On paper, Mr Obama should have been in trouble. He became the first president to achieve re-election since FDR with an unemployment rate of 7.9 per cent. A swathe of statewide ballots culminated in US states…
Turkey: Patriot missiles on Syria border
10 Nov 2012
Turkey's Foreign Minister said NATO is preparing to deploy patriot missiles to bolster border defences with Syria. The surface-to-air missiles will be able to shoot down aircraft up to 160 kilometers away. His comments appeared to…
Turkey: Patriot missiles on Syria border
10 Nov 2012
Turkey's Foreign Minister said NATO is preparing to deploy patriot missiles to bolster border defences with Syria. The surface-to-air missiles will be able to shoot down aircraft up to 160 kilometers away. His comments appeared to…
World: Persecuted Church - Silent for the gospel
10 Nov 2012
For Christians who wanted to speak up for the Persecuted Church but didn’t know what to say Release International is running a sponsored silence. Christians in the UK and Ireland will be staying silent in solidarity…
UK doctors forgo treatment
10 Nov 2012
Thousands of practicing doctors in the UK have drinking problems and suffer from depression, several recent studies reported. They continue to treat patients because of a ‘culture of invincibility’ and ‘presenteeism,’ as well as a fear…