John Harper boarded the Titanic with his six-year-old daughter Nana bound for Chicago where he'd been invited to preach for three months. When the ship began to sink Harper made sure his daughter was placed into…
Ten candidates who had applied to run in the Egyptian presidential election are disqualified. They include ex-spy chief Omar Suleiman, Muslim Brotherhood leader Khairat al-Shater and ultraconservative Salafist, Hazem Abu Ismail. The three were considered front-runners.…
18th April was the 5th anniversary of the murder of three Christians at Zirve Christian publishing house in Malatya. Five men were arrested at the scene and charged with the murders. Their trial became complicated, hearings…
Muslim social network users are calling for the arrest and death of a Saudi Arabian Christian convert they say insulted Muhammad via Twitter, Click to watch a short video. Hamoud Bin Saleh, has been imprisoned three…
The Nigerian government must do more to protect Christians after another church was targeted over the weekend, an advocacy group has said. (see last weeks Prayer-Alert 15-2012) Suspicion for responsibility has fallen on Boko Haram. The…
Three believers were arrested in a cafĂ© on March 1st. During detention police gained information about other secret Moroccan believers. The arrest involved two young men meeting an older believer from another city. The two young…