Nigeria: Help needed to fight militants
08 May 2012
Chad's leader has called for the urgent creation of a regional force to tackle Nigerian Boko Haram militants. The Islamist group operates in northern Nigeria, but President Idriss Deby said it was posing a threat to…
Iain Duncan Smith last night signalled support for a major campaign to promote marriage and turn back the ‘appalling’ tide of divorce. The Work and Pensions Secretary, widely seen as the social conscience of the modern…
Scotland for Marriage
03 May 2012
Scotland for Marriage is a campaign to support marriage as the union of one man and one woman. This definition has served Scotland well down the centuries. We argue the case for marriage. We draw on…
Volunteers for Olympics
03 May 2012
2,700 people from London churches signed up to be community volunteers during the Olympics. PRAISE GOD! Members of ‘the2012’ collective were commissioned by the Bishop of London at St Paul's Cathedral this week, and will be…
‘The WPA is a once in a generation moment for the parts of the body of Christ to come together from around the world, to stand together in humility, to worship Him, to seek His face,…
European leaders have mounted renewed diplomatic pressure on Ukraine over its treatment of Yulia Tymoshenko, the jailed former prime minister. Jose Manuel Barroso, the EU Commission president, said on Tuesday that he would not go to…