Members from around 50 churches across greater Norwich will be forming an annual chain of prayer at St Luke’s Chapel in Norwich Cathedral on Thursday January 19 to mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.…
The Home Office is currently consulting on whether to remove the word ‘insulting’ from section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986. This consultation is extremely important because a number of Christians, including street preachers, have…
Britain’s Christian heritage is no longer understood in the ‘corridors of power’. The Rt Revd Michael Nazir-Ali made the comments as he reflected on the Prime Minister’s recent speech on the place of the Bible and…
More British children are being raised in one-parent families than in any other major European country because the tax and benefit system ‘encourages transient shack-ups’. One in five British children live with a single mother or…
Grim predictions for UK family finances up to 2015 are revealed in new evidence produced by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) for the Family and Parenting Institute (FPI), published yesterday. The report says the median…
There are over 450 Service Chaplains both full and part time attached to ships, units and stations, at home and abroad, ministering to Service personnel and their families. Some deploy to operational theatres such as Afghanistan…