Two former sponsored children of charity organization Compassion have been elected into the Parliaments of Uganda and Haiti. Beguens Theus from Haiti and Margaret Makhoha from Uganda both grew up in sheer poverty, but Christian sponsors…
Global Christian broadcaster Trans World Radio (TWR) was heard ‘louder than ever’ across Asia Monday, November 21, after inaugurating two transmitters it hopes will help to reach ‘millions more people’ including ‘persecuted’ Christians in countries such…
Global Christian broadcaster Trans World Radio (TWR) was heard ‘louder than ever’ across Asia Monday, November 21, after inaugurating two transmitters it hopes will help to reach ‘millions more people’ including ‘persecuted’ Christians in countries such…
Unsung Christian heroes from across the UK were recognised for their community work at the Inspire Awards last week. More than 120 nominations were whittled down to just three winners who were awarded during a ceremony…
Unsung Christian heroes from across the UK were recognised for their community work at the Inspire Awards last week. More than 120 nominations were whittled down to just three winners who were awarded during a ceremony…
Author Peter Schweizer has researched financial and political records of deals and stock trades, done by US politicians including the timing of briefings, votes on bills, and every other point of leverage in Washington to produce…