Churches in India have called for a three-day hunger strike July 25th, 26th and a rally to Parliament on the 27th demanding Scheduled Caste status for Dalit Christians and Muslims. It is a matter of great…
Indonesia: Mission school attacked
01 Jul 2011
A mob of approximately 85 Muslims attacked a mission training school after a prayer meeting in West Java. They raided every class and the living quarters, removing pictures of Jesus. They told the staff that the…
Egypt: Uncertain future ahead
01 Jul 2011
Christians have been killed, churches attacked and burned and the interim military government and police are unwilling to intervene. On Wednesday 200 people were injured as police fired tear gas at thousands frustrated by the slow…
Sudan: Pre-independence shaking + A sung prayer
01 Jul 2011
South Sudan faces formidable challenges and fears of civil war and genocide as Christians are attacked and displaced. Also substantial oil resource wealth is tainted with threats of waste and corruption. We can intercede for South…
USA: Relationship with Israel
01 Jul 2011
Universities in the US are experiencing a heated and polarised debate about the Israel / Palestine conflict. On campuses across the country, pro-Palestinian students are holding ‘Israel Apartheid Week’ in which they claim that Israel is…
World: Christians agree code of conduct
01 Jul 2011
On 28th June three organizations, representing 90% of world Christianity launched a global code of conduct for proselytizing in a bid to reduce tensions between different religious convictions. ‘Today represents an historic moment in our shared…