Authorities in Vietnam prevented much-anticipated public Easter celebrations in Hanoi planned for Friday and Saturday (April 15-16) after giving a verbal promise to organizers that the events would proceed. An inter-church organizing committee had submitted a…
Bibles are being desecrated, churches attacked and human rights advocates threatened in Pakistan as Islamic extremists intensify pressure on the Christian community. Christians have faced persecution in Pakistan for years but the climate has deteriorated in…
Six recently baptised Christians were arrested in northern Orissa State after Hindu activists accused them of converting to Christianity 'illegally'. The six ethnic minority Christians, who had recently joined Good Shepherd Ministries in Mayurbhanj district, appeared…
Riots erupted across northern Nigeria on Monday as President Goodluck Jonathan secured a decisive win in the country's presidential poll, which observers have described as the fairest in decades. Deadly rioting erupted across Nigeria's largely Muslim…
There may be chaos in our lives and in the nation too, but Christians serve a God who can bring order out of that chaos and use what little we give to bring about big changes.…
‘Cynical directors and weak censors mean our children can now go to films that would have been x-rated ten years ago’, a film critic has warned. Chris Tookey’s comments came in response to the release of…