A case against the EU deal has been brought by German plaintiffs, and the Greek vote could mean nothing if a court case launched by a group of German citizens derails Germany’s financial contribution to the…
When you hear ‘unreached people groups,’ you probably think of tribes in Africa and Asia, or of small communities of rural people. But seldom might Europe cross your mind. It's easy to think that in Europe,…
When you hear ‘unreached people groups,’ you probably think of tribes in Africa and Asia, or of small communities of rural people. But seldom might Europe cross your mind. It's easy to think that in Europe,…
A month of outreach by South African Christians in areas where ancestral spirit worship is very strong has been blessed with 2,600 people giving their lives to Christ. Praise God! The organisers of this outreach have…
Last week, the Pan-American Health Organization issued a statement saying that 2,600 people were infected with cholera every week.(Oxfam said the number of deaths is lower than last year as people can get help faster.) Basic…
Mfangano Island, on Lake Victoria, is home to a small tribe called the Suba. A few weeks ago, more than one thousand people gathered at a local orphanage to dedicate the newly translated Suba New Testament,…