Teachers will today call for an investigation into rising levels of poor behaviour among girls in the classroom. The girls, they argue, are more likely to resort to cyber-bullying – the form of bullying utilising the…
An electrician faces the sack for displaying a palm cross in the window of his company van. Colin Atkinson, 64, from Wakefield, has been called to a disciplinary hearing at the housing association where he has…
The astonishing speed at which traditional family life has collapsed is laid bare in a recent report. Shocking figures reveal that births outside marriage are at their highest level in two centuries and nearly half of…
There was no pressure for Kate Middleton to get confirmed - she did it because she wanted to. Confirmation is a public declaration of a Christian faith, so for once it is possible to talk about…
School children are being taught about euthanasia using a video that includes demonstrations by a notorious assisted suicide campaigner nicknamed Dr Death. Pupils as young as 14 are being shown the 20-minute film which features Dr…
A Dutch town known for its traditional churches and fishing community has forbidden an evangelism tent campaign, a move Christian Democrats say further threatens freedom of religion in the Netherlands. The local government of Urk said…