CBN News Terrorism Analyst reported the Iranian government believes the Islamic messiah (Mahdi) is about to appear. An Iranian regime-produced video called, ‘The Coming is Near’ describes current events in the Middle East as a prelude…
A report commissioned by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) recommends that children should be asked if they are homosexual from the age of 11 and that records should be kept of those unsure about…
Sexually charged pop lyrics and videos are damaging young children but the industry does not care as long as it makes money, a national newspaper columnist has said. Sandra Parsons highlighted popstar Rihanna’s song S&M which…
Churches are to be trained in running community festivals as part of their outreach during the 2012 London Olympic Games. Thirteen training events are to take place over the coming months to show churches how they…
Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali has warned that Britain is no longer a free society where conscience is respected. Speaking at the Christian Broadcasting Council’s annual conference, the bishop warned that ‘encroaching totalitarianism’ was threatening respect for conscience.…
The recent judgment in the case of Owen and Eunice Johns provoked huge national interest and wide scale media coverage. The Judgment highlighted once again the difficulties that Christians can encounter when attempting to participate in…