ChinaAid reported that early Friday morning more than 10 believers were taken away by officials; five of them were not released until that afternoon. Without going through any paperwork government officials confiscated items belonging to the…
Tuesday night Muslims set fire to at least 10 houses belonging to Coptic Christians in a village south of Cairo over rumours that a Christian had an affair with a Muslim girl. Several people were arrested…
According to, the official death sentence verdict has now been delivered in writing to Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, stating that he is to be hung for the crime of apostasy. There are 20 days to appeal…
House church leaders fear an increased wave of persecution following a speech by Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who warned against the ‘network of house churches’ that ‘threaten Islamic faith and deceive young Muslims’. His…
Health officials say the cholera bacteria now raging through Haiti is a very virulent strain matching those commonly found in South Asia, so rioting Haitians believe the cause of the Cholera epidemic in Haiti originated from…
Catholic, Protestant and Muslim leaders and non-governmental organisations have slammed a death sentence imposed on Asia Bibi, a Christian mother of two convicted on blasphemy charges for proclaiming her faith in Pakistan. She is the first…