Election officials will throw out 1.3 million ballots from last month's parliamentary election due to fraud; and investigators still need to rule on over 2,000 serious complaints affecting results before they can be finalized at the…
A court in predominantly Buddhist Bhutan sentenced Prem Singh Gurung, a 40-year-old ethnic Nepalese Christian, to three years in prison for ‘attempting to promote civil unrest’ by screening films on Christianity. Gurung was arrested after neighbours…
Shouts of ‘welcome’ in Persian and showers of rice, sweets and petals greeted President Mahmud Ahmadinejad as he waved to crowds from an open-topped car in Beirut this week. It's his first visit to Lebanon where…
Authorities in Saudi Arabia have charged twelve expatriates from the Philippines and one from France with proselytising, according to an official at the Philippine Embassy in Riyadh. Although twelve of the expatriates were temporarily released through…
Two-hundred Chinese Christians scheduled to participate from 16th to 25th October in a major evangelical gathering in South Africa are not going because the Chinese government has denied them permission to travel to the event. More…
Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) reported a Christian pastor in Iran faces a potential death penalty for a ‘thought crime’ President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says they don't have a ‘thought crime' law yet that's what Pastor Nadarkhani…