Seven aids for general election intercession
19 May 2010
For those of us finding it difficult to hear God’s still small voice in the orchestra of political sound bites there are a number of valuable websites available to help our intercessions in the final lap…
India: Christians seek Easter protection
19 May 2010
Archbishop Marampudi Joji of Hyderabad sought police protection for conducting Easter services, particularly the Good Friday procession through public streets. The city witnessed Hindu-Muslim violence in the last week of March and police impossed a curfew…
Open Doors reported ‘Christians in southern Karnataka State are experiencing an unprecedented wave of persecution, having faced more than 1,000 attacks in 500 days, according to an independent investigation by Justice Michael Saldanha, a former state…
A London conference was held last week by Christian Solidarity Worldwide and Release International to raise awareness of persecuted Christians in China. Release International called on Microsoft and Yahoo to follow Google's lead and refuse to…
North Korea: High ranking defector speaks out
19 May 2010
On Thursday AFP reported Hwang Jang-Yop, the highest-ranking official ever to defect from North Korea is calling for ‘ideological warfare’ against the hard-line regime and says China could easily bring it down if it chose to.…
Riaz Anjum Masih, Chairman of the Pakistan Christian Movement has stressed the need for unity among the Christians of Pakistan and urges them to launch a united effort to scrap all discriminatory laws against minorities. He…