‘With smiling faces they are praising God and giving thanks in their trials and sufferings,’ reported a mission worker, describing Christians in the area worst affected by devastating floods in August and September. He was helping…
Brazil’s Lula da Silva’s presidential election victory brings renewed hope for our largest rainforest as he pledged to combat climate change and reverse his predecessor’s policies. Pray for Lula to keep his pledges to protect the…
The United Nations peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has withdrawn troops from the eastern military base of Rumangabo, ceding ground in the battle against the M23 rebel group. M23 resumed fighting…
The Ethiopian government and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) have agreed to permanently end hostilities, in a significant step toward ending the grinding war that has seen thousands killed, millions displaced, and millions more in…
There's been another win for the Christian Legal Centre as Hatun Tash was awarded £10,000 and given an apology by the Met Police over two arrests that took place at Speakers' Corner, the home of free…
The UN and humanitarians have delivered aid to more people in the retaken areas, reaching 13.4 million people across Ukraine since the end of February. Despite the escalation of hostilities and challenges of helping millions of…