David Smith, a former employee of the British embassy in Berlin, was arrested for having allegedly offered names of British officials to Russian spies. He was extradited to the UK on 4th April after losing a…
Prime Minister Viktor Orban won his fourth term in Hungary’s general election. In his victory speech, Orban said, ‘We never had so many opponents, Brussels bureaucrats, the international mainstream media, and the Ukrainian president.’ He has…
God loves the nations, and we can pray for their healing and destiny. May Ukraine experience God’s comfort and help. May the sun of righteousness rise upon them with healing in its wings. May God’s peacemakers…
Anger over the worst economic crisis in decades drives unrest as hundreds of people defied a curfew and rallied in Sri Lanka’s cities and towns demanding the president steps down. They believe their economic crisis has…
Pray for Christians in the Muslim world during the month of Ramadan when Muslims will fast from food and drink during daylight, pray, do acts of charity and give alms. Most Muslims observe Ramadan peacefully, but…
26 pastors have been explicitly named and included in written threats. A Christian leader from a nearby city said other Christians in the area have also received threats, but still gather for worship, saying, ‘This is…