‘Father, when we look at all that is going on around us today, it would be so easy to pray according to how the media lead us, or how our own reasoning would have us intercede.…
A recent report concluded that 36% of farming people in England and Wales were 'probably or possibly depressed', 52% 'experienced pain and discomfort', 25% had 'mobility problems', and 58% of women in the sector said they…
The Government wants to ban what it calls 'conversion therapy', putting it on a collision course with the freedom to give and access appropriate support for unwanted same-sex feelings and gender confusion. The official consultation ended…
Electricity and gas bills for a typical household will go up by 54% in April because the energy price cap - the maximum amount suppliers in Great Britain can charge consumers - has been raised. Meanwhile…
The government's 332-page Levelling Up White Paper,published on 2 February, aims to ‘change the economic model of the UK’. The areas for improvement are as follows: pay, employment and productivity to rise; more investment in research…
Michael Gove admitted that people in some areas have been ‘overlooked and undervalued’ by Westminster for years. Truro Foodbank is in one of the poorest UK areas; its manager said levelling up won't be effective unless…