In April 2016 Prayer Alert intercessors prayed that a vision to build a wall of one million bricks, each brick representing an answered prayer, would become a reality. The land has now been secured: the wall…
The hearing by the members of the Supreme Court regarding the Prime Minister’s move to prorogue parliament for five weeks will declare their ruling next week. Let us pray for God’s wisdom and revelation to inspire…
Rev Dr Richard Frazer has said, ‘Climate change will change the lives of children growing up today, and they will experience profoundly the impact in decades to come. It now casts a long shadow over their…
Dr Kylie Moore-Gilbert, an Australian-British lecturer in Islamic studies at Melbourne University, was arrested last September, tried, and imprisoned for ten years for espionage. She is in solitary confinement in Tehran’s Evin prison, with no contact…
Rehman Chishti MP is to be the new Prime Minister's envoy for freedom of religion and belief. CSW has congratulated him on his appointment, saying, ‘He has always been outspoken on issues relating to freedom of…
Rehman Chishti MP is to be the new Prime Minister's envoy for freedom of religion and belief. CSW has congratulated him on his appointment, saying, ‘He has always been outspoken on issues relating to freedom of…