The C of E’s Diocese in Europe has begun exploring the implications that Britain’s decision to leave the EU might have on British-national clergy deployed to the continent. At present, as members of the EU, British…
‘One of the most important issues of our time is how to integrate refugees into German society. Integration works best by involvement in everyday life - in a day-care centre or school, in learning a trade…
Rev’d Kuwa Shamal, Rev’d Hassan Abduraheem, Mr Petr Jašek, and Mr Abdulmonem Abdumawla were arrested in December 2015 and held in prison on charges of national security crimes. They were charged with helping fund medical treatment…
Social studies textbooks for grades 1-4 were recalled after an outcry from concerned parents over a page illustrating two Christian churches. The books had been introduced by the new management at Gateway International School, without official…
The inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America took place in Washington, watched by tens of millions around the world. His speech was full of rhetoric and confirmed many of his…
The annual Persecution Trends report by the UK-based group Mohabat says that as well as the rise of brutalities against Christians in the Middle East, Pakistan and Africa, there is reason to worry about the safety…