
Kingdom values

26 Mar 2016
In AD 849 King Alfred the Great wrote, ‘There is only one way to build my kingdom and that is on the sure and certain foundation of faith in Jesus Christ crucified.’ Although Alfred was never…
Brian Mills was asked by Andy Page from Prayer Alert what was on his heart for the Middle East and what burning issues we could be praying about. He said that, thinking about Easter and beyond,…
The stakes are high for Donald Trump, who is attempting to present himself as a pro-Israel candidate for presidency. The real estate mogul has repeatedly said he would be ‘the best thing that could ever happen…
The International Prayer Council are calling for a global Prayer UPRISING from 26 to 30 July 2016 - a united prayer rising in Seoul, South Korea. They say, ‘With the global crisis this generation is facing…
Give thanks for the hundreds of churches and thousands of folk who have taken part in the forty days of prayer during Lent, and for the positive testimonies starting to come in from folk responding to…
In Spain hundreds of processions take place at Easter. Some local processions of penitents can be very serious with people wearing white cloaks and burka-type hoods. In Greece, people hurl clay pots from windows and balconies…