‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.’ (Jn. 1:5) Jesus was born into a dark world. No sooner was he born than Herod tried to kill him. Even during this…
Pray for those whose duties take them away from their families this Christmas and New Year, and that soldiers will find peace and joy in the fact that God sent His Son Jesus to be our…
Families in refugee camps are safe - for now - from any immediate danger, but dropping temperatures pose another serious threat. Little David has not experienced many Christmases, but he and many other refugee children know…
Christmas in Austria starts around 4 pm on Christmas Eve, when the tree is lit for the first time. Finnish people traditionally eat rice porridge and plum juice for breakfast on Christmas Eve, and at midday…
We praise God for the many churches and charities who will be reaching out to the vulnerable, homeless and lost over this Christmas season. They will do so with love, hope and God’s message of salvation…
In the USA last week nine candidates appeared for the final Republican presidential primary debate of 2015 and Donald Trump was received positively. In France last week six million disaffected French voters gave their support to…