Australia’s Prime Minister Tony Abbott was cut down by one of his Liberal Party cabinet ministers, Malcolm Turnbull, last Monday. A major issue was same-sex marriage. Abbott had held back a relentless campaign to change the…
Many have not heard of the United Nations’ eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). They were a blueprint agreed by all the world’s countries and leading development institutions. The aim was to meet the needs of the…
It’s hard to say how many young people attempt to take their lives each year. The way the data is reported and collected also means that exact figures for teen suicides are not readily available. We do…
George Osborne is turning his attention to his November spending review, and free school lunches for infants could be scrapped. To provide free hot meals for all schoolchildren between four and seven, regardless of their parents’…
Campaign group Equal and Free has launched a website highlighting the impact of sharia law on UK women. Sharia discriminates against women and girls, and the site carries true stories of women who have faced such…
English and French bishops took part in a 'Welcome Refugee' day of action in Calais, while other UK church leaders returned from meeting thousands fleeing conflict on the Greek-Macedonian border. The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Southwark…