Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has posted an open letter to Western youth on his website, asking them to ‘gain direct and first-hand knowledge’ about Islam instead of information based on ‘resentments and prejudices.’ It…
President Obama ended his visit to India with a speech referring to religious freedom. He warned India not to stray from its constitutional commitment to allow people freedom to ‘profess, practice and propagate’ religion. Obama's visit…
American Pastor Saeed is in an Iranian prison because of his Christian faith. He was found guilty of ‘undermining state security,’ because he built a church network in private homes. He’s serving an eight year sentence.…
SAT-7 Kids presenter Mr Know visited camps for internally displaced people in Iraq. ‘I thought people would be miserable. The children miss their school and friends but they are full of hope. This is not denial.…
Abraham, Job, Moses, and Jesus walked Jordan’s land. Today only 2% of the population are Christian and Christians are persecuted or oppressed as a result of government policy. Jordan’s Zaatari refugee camp is 10 kilometres east…
Both countries face collapsed governance. In Libya militias, tribes and militant groups vie for control. Egyptian Coptic Christians have borne the brunt of instability, with at least 20 reported abductions since December 2014. There is serious…