Nine European countries endorsed plans on 5th June to step up intelligence-sharing and take down radical websites to try to stop European citizens going to fight in Syria and bringing violence back home with them.The initiative…
When children pray, God seems to move more powerfully. John Robb, chairman of the International Prayer Council, shares this observation with confidence. He witnessed it when he was director of prayer at World Vision, a large…
In a country of 76 million where 99.9 percent of the population are Muslim, positive pro-Christian news is rare. But, Turkey's Ministry of Education has requested that Behnan Konutgan, Director for International Needs Network, would lead…
Some 4,000 children have been protected from trafficking following Tearfund's 'No Child Taken' campaign at this year's Big Church Day Out at Wiston House, Steyning, West Sussex. The festival, now in its sixth year, partnered with…
Peter Wanless, chief executive of the child protection charity NSPCC, has said people who cover up child sex abuse should be prosecuted, and there should be a duty on institutions like hospitals, children's homes and boarding…
The mother of a seven-year-old girl with Down’s Syndrome, who hit the headlines for appearing in Sainsbury’s clothing adverts, has said there had been an ‘assumption’ she would abort her daughter. Hayley Goleniowska, 43, and her…