Displaying items by tag: Brexit

Friday, 01 November 2019 00:30

Brexit could put child refugees at risk

1,800+ refugee children have safely and legally entered the UK from Greece, Italy and Spain through routes that ‘Safe Passage’ has opened for them. Working in Northern France, it is asking the home secretary to ensure that unaccompanied child refugees are not Brexit victims. As the UK’s EU exit is debated, little thought has been given to unaccompanied refugee children hoping to join their families in the UK. A no-deal Brexit, or a Brexit that does not consider their situation, means that under current EU law children could no longer access a safe and legal route. They might have to risk their lives in the hands of smugglers and traffickers. The only way to guarantee that Brexit does not leave them separated from their loved ones is for the Government to commit to maintaining the current family reunion safe passage arrangements from day one if the UK exits the EU.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 25 October 2019 09:58

PM aims for snap election

In the latest twist to the Brexit saga, Boris Johnson has said he will give MPs more time to debate his deal with the EU - if they agree to a 12 December election. He expects the EU to grant an extension to the 31 October deadline, even though he said he ‘really’ did not want one. But Jeremy Corbyn said he would not support an election until a no-deal Brexit is ‘off the table’. EU leaders could give their verdict on delaying Brexit for up to three months on 25 October. A motion will be tabled on 28 October calling for a general election; under current legislation, it has to be agreed by two-thirds of MPs. We need to pray for our leaders to work together to find solutions to difficult problems with God’s direction. May God guide them to speak respectfully and with humility to one another, and may the Holy Spirit help them to show Christ-like love to those they interact with. May they be wise advocates for their constituents and the nation.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 18 October 2019 09:14

Intercessor Focus: Brexit new phase

‘Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.’ (Isaiah 43:18-19) With God all things are possible. In Matthew 17 Jesus told His disciples that if they had faith as small as a mustard seed, they could say to the mountain, ‘Move from here to there’, and it will move. Father, we ask you to move the mountains of discussions that will be taking place in the coming days, especially now that a Brexit deal has been agreed, but has to be backed by all 27 EU members and debated in Parliament on 19 October. May everything progress in line with Your purposes and under Your authority.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 10 October 2019 23:39

Keep praying for our nation

In February, Prayer Alert highlighted the National Call to Prayer. In this time of both uncertainty and significance for our nation this is a reminder for Christians to join in prayer across the UK for the UK. Christians in Government believe that Christians can play an important role. This is not about politics, but all about seeking God. The Bible says that we may not know what to do, but our eyes can be on God. In this major time of change, we can commit the UK to God with Psalm 23 as our inspiration, for Jesus to be the Good Shepherd to the UK, to bring comfort and to guide us as a nation. Churches across the UK are invited to partner with the national call to prayer, in particular over the whole period leading up to Brexit, especially the final two weeks. For more information click the ‘More’ button.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 10 October 2019 23:33

Ireland and Brexit

At the time of writing Boris Johnson and his Irish counterpart Leo Varadkar agree they can ‘see a pathway to a possible deal’. A government website is advising the nation how people and businesses should prepare for 31 October, and the Church is praying. Father, we ask for Your grace and wisdom to come into every phase of decisions. As a Brexit is birthed, and fresh foundations laid, we pray for Heaven’s design and schedules over every vote. We ask You to remove every deadlock so that ‘detailed discussions’ on the Brexit process will connect the United Kingdom to Your perfect plans.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 04 October 2019 09:51

Brexit: final decisions

Having addressed the Conservative Party conference, Boris Johnson has also delivered new Brexit proposals to the EU. These included plans to replace the backstop, with Northern Ireland staying in the European single market for goods, but leaving the customs union - resulting in new customs checks. Mr Johnson has explained the proposals to MPs, and will update the House of Commons next week. Michael Gove said that the government had given ‘serious proposals’ to the EU; however, one EU spokesman has described them as ‘gravely concerning’, and other commentators are sceptical. The UK hopes to begin a period of intense negotiations, with the aim of reaching a final agreement at the EU summit on 17 October. Let us pray for God to drench European leaders with His strategies as they discuss their response to the latest Brexit plan.

Published in British Isles
Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:48

UK: Bishops open letter re Brexit

A group of Church of England bishops has issued an open letter on the prospect of a 'no-deal' Brexit and the need for national reconciliation.

The full text can be found below:

The Archbishop of Canterbury has conditionally agreed to chair a Citizens Forum in Coventry and, without prejudice for any particular outcome, we support this move to have all voices in the current Brexit debate heard.

However, we also have particular concerns about the potential cost of a No Deal Brexit to those least resilient to economic shocks.

As bishops with pastoral responsibilities in communities across urban and rural England, we respond to the call by Jesus to tell the truth and defend the poor. We also recognise that our obligations go beyond England and impact on relations with the wider UK and our neighbours in the EU.

Exiting the EU without an agreement is likely to have a massive impact on all our people and the Government is rightly preparing for this outcome.

The Government believes that leaving the EU on 31 October is essential to restoring trust and confidence. It is unlikely, however, that leaving without an agreement, regardless of consequences, will lead to reconciliation or peace in a fractured country.

“Getting Brexit done” will not happen on exit day, and we have to be transparent about the years of work ahead of us in bringing the country together for a better future. We also need to be frank about the potential costs.

Our main social and political priority must be to leave well, paying particular attention to the impact of political decisions on those most vulnerable.

We hold different views about Brexit and how our country should proceed from here. However, although we agree that respecting a public vote is essential, democracy and committed debate do not end after the counting of votes. Our concern for the common good leads us to express concern about a number of matters. Our conviction is that good governance can only ever be based on the confidence of the governed, and that includes minorities whose voice is not as loud as others.

Seeing the evidence of division in every part of England, we are deeply concerned about:

Political polarisation and language that appears to sanction hate crime: the reframing of the language of political discourse is urgent, especially given the abuse and threats levelled at MPs doing their job.

The ease with which lies can be told and misrepresentation encouraged: leaders must be honest about the costs of political choices, especially for those most vulnerable.

The levels of fear, uncertainty and marginalisation in society, much of which lies behind the vote for Brexit, but will not be addressed by Brexit: poor people, EU citizens in the UK and UK citizens in Europe must be listened to and respected.

The Irish border is not a mere political totem and peace in Ireland is not a ball to be kicked by the English: respect for the concerns on both sides of the border is essential.

The sovereignty of Parliament is not just an empty term, it is based on institutions to be honoured and respected: our democracy is endangered by cavalier disregard for these.

Attention must be paid not only to the Union, but also to the meaning of Englishness.

Churches serve communities of every shape, size and complexion. We continue to serve, regardless of political persuasion. We invite politicians to pay attention with us to the concerns we register above and encourage a recovery of civil debate and reconciliation.

Pray: for all the politicians to adopt mutual respect, thoughtful and non-antagonistic wording and tones of speech and behaviour that are commensurate with the responsibility and status of their positions.
Pray: that the issues affecting the marginalised, poor and vulnerable people will not be side-lined.  
Pray: for a workable 'deal' and implementation plan to be brokered that is acceptable to all parties.
Pray: for peace, patience and calmness to prevail among the people of the constituent countries of the United Kingdom. Pray for reconciliation of the issues that have divided them.

Friday, 20 September 2019 10:05

EU parliament - solutions?

Jean-Claude Juncker has asked Britain to table ‘operable proposals in writing’ to the Irish Backstop. On 19 September the UK gave the EU written suggested solutions ‘reflecting the ideas the UK has put forward’ saying that the UK will table ‘formal written solutions when we are ready and not to an artificial deadline’. The UK will accept an all-Ireland food and agricultural zone to avoid the need for many checks, but Barnier said that the EU must control products arriving to the single market, insisting Brexit must include the backstop or equivalent legally-binding guarantees. The EU parliament will never accept any agreement giving the UK advantages of free trade without aligning with European standards. ‘We are not stupid, we will not kill our own companies.’ Nigel Farage said Barnier’s objective is ‘keeping us trapped inside, fearing - if we break out of the single market - we would become wealthier outside the EU’.

Published in Europe
Friday, 06 September 2019 10:38

Brexit - tempers and fears

In 2016, while a majority of the nation voted to leave the EU, a much larger majority of our MPs voted to remain. Boris Johnson prorogued Parliament, bringing a bitter period of debate and huge rage across the benches and in the media. On 4 September MPs passed a bill which aims to prevent a no-deal Brexit, and Mr Johnson failed to obtain the necessary majority to call an October election. At the time of writing, there is considerable confusion about what will happen next - so all the more reason to pray.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 06 September 2019 10:15

Ireland: Fianna Fáil fears

Fianna Fáil leader Micheál Martin wants the Government to admit that a no-deal Brexit is now the expected outcome, and to be transparent with the Irish public about its plans. He told RTÉ radio’s Today with Seán O’Rourke show, ‘The issue is too important to be left until 31 October. The public needs to know now what plans are in place, what kind of checks will be required in the event of a no-deal Brexit.’ Mr Martin said he was ‘deeply concerned’ about the state of readiness for a no-deal Brexit, especially for ports where he feared there would be disruption to the transport of goods, both outward and inward. He added, ‘Politics is not about playing games in an arena, it is about people’s lives.’

Published in Europe