Displaying items by tag: Cameroon

Thursday, 01 August 2019 23:16

Cameroon: Christian majority flee Boko Haram

Bishop Bruno Ateba of Maroua-Mokolo said that over 100,000 Christian Cameroonians have been made refugees within their own country as a result of a rise in attacks by Boko Haram. 70% of the population is Christian. The bishop said tourism has ceased and life has come to a standstill because of the terrorist crisis. Suicide bombings in Maroua, in the far north, killed over 30 people and injured hundreds. The recent suicide attacks were carried out by two young girls, forced by Boko Haram to conceal bombs under their burkas and detonate their weapons in public places. In an appeal to international governments, Bishop Bruno said, ‘Help us to achieve peace. The international community has all the resources to put an end to the terrorism of Boko Haram.’ In a letter to all the faithful of his diocese, Bishop Bruno called them to pray and be watchful.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 04 January 2019 09:13

Countries needing prayer in 2019

Cameroon’s president Paul Biya said he wants dialogue with separatist elements to end the ongoing security crisis in the country’s English-speaking regions. But in the same breath, he threatened, ‘If my appeal to warmongers remains unheeded, the defence and security forces will be instructed to neutralise them. I am aware of the difficulties the rebels are putting citizens in.’ Criminal gangs are exploiting the chaos to expand their activities. See http://www.africanews.com/2018/12/31/cameroon-president-ready-for-dialogue-over-anglophone-crisis/ Pray also for peace in Venezuela, for the thousands who have fled, and the families of those killed. 90% of Venezuelans live in poverty. Malnutrition is rampant. Once-eradicated diseases have returned. 3 million have fled to Colombia. Outsiders say President Maduro is a control freak, and Venezuelans need a revolution. Pray that Mr Maduro will listen to wisdom that will bring relief to citizens. See https://www.forbes.com/sites/francescoppola/2018/12/31/why-venezuelas-hyperinflation-problem-is-so-difficult-to-solve/#660ea3c6373c For other urgent international challenges, click the ‘More’ link.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 08 November 2018 23:47

Cameroon: kidnapped students freed

Students kidnapped from a Christian boarding school in Cameroon's restive North-West region have been reunited with their parents amid joyful scenes. The 78 boys and girls and three others were seized early on 5 November in the region's capital, Bamenda. A driver was also freed, but the principal and a teacher are still being held. After being released, the students were taken in army vehicles back to the school, where their parents were waiting. One of those kidnapped, a 15-year-old girl, said she had been treated well, and that they had all had been given fruit, food and warm water to wash with. A separatist group which is fighting for independence for the two English-speaking regions, in a country where French is the most widely-spoken official language, has denied that it was responsible for the kidnapping.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 17 August 2018 09:48

Cameroon: growing violence

The World Council of Churches (WCC) has called on the Cameroonian government to stop using force to punish its people in the English-speaking region. The authorities should immediately cease using ‘disproportionate and deadly force against civilians and protect everyone’s human rights’. The UN described the situation as ‘an unprecedented complex humanitarian crisis’ caused by violence between the government and both English-speaking separatists in the west of Nigeria and Boko Haram in the north-east. The country has been affected by the mass displacement of hundreds of thousands of Nigerians and Cameroonians; also by insecurity, malnutrition, and a ‘very disturbing’ risk of epidemics, because of the ongoing conflict. The WCC particularly condemned escalating violence against women and children. Paul Biya, who has been president since 1982, intends to run for a seventh term.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 30 March 2018 00:11

Cameroon: challenges for prayer

Mission networking in Cameroon is bearing fruit through evangelical cooperation to reach the unconverted. Please pray for three initiatives: 1) Christian Missionary Fellowship International has remarkable ministries in prayer, missions and publishing, all having a global impact. 2) Cameroon for Christ, launched in 1996, involves many denominations and churches in research and evangelism of the 2,400 villages of the north. 3) Mission BINAM targets the idol-worshippers of West Cameroon, especially the Bamiléké, and is very active in evangelism as it trains researchers for church and mission needs. Please pray also for the restless young people who are frustrated by high unemployment and cheating, bribery and favouritism in the education system. Many turn to crime and prostitution, and violent demonstrations are occurring. Cameroon has never before dealt with such disruptions. Also Christians in the north are under increasing pressure from Muslims.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 16 February 2018 09:26

Cameroon: Christian persecution

‘They threatened to kill me.’ ‘They’ are not jihadist groups, they are A’s family. When A committed his life to Christ in 2000, his Muslim family from the ethnic Kotoko people acted as if he had pointed a challenging dagger at them. The Kotoko take pride in the fact that they are one of the few tribes in their region with no known Christians. A said, ‘When all their spells and curses with the help of the local medicine man failed, they tried to kill me themselves.’ More than once, his family tried to poison his food. One night, strangers kidnapped him and took him to an unknown destination. ‘On the way there, I prayed for God to confuse them so that they could release me. And He did! They just let me go without saying anything.’ A and others face constant insults, exclusion and danger from their families when they become Christians.

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