Displaying items by tag: Germany

Friday, 17 March 2017 09:40

Wycliffe work in Europe

The Roma people, often referred to as Gypsy, are originally from India and now live scattered all over the world, especially Europe. After attending a training workshop, Marlute works with a Roma man on a OneStory project in a Central Romani dialect in Romania. OneStory works with mother-tongue speakers to develop and record worldview-sensitive, chronological Bible story sets. The whole project will take about two years. The team has drafted several Bible stories and is testing them. New-Neighbour-Bible.org was recently launched by Wycliffe Germany. The website provides information about Scripture resources in the languages spoken by the people arriving from other nations now living in Europe. Links to Bibles, Bible stories, videos and audio recordings are listed for the languages of Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. Resources for other countries will be added soon. Pray that churches and Christian refugee networks will find out about and use this site.

Published in Europe

As we remember the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, we need to make every effort to overcome the division in the Church that followed the Reformation. In the churches in Germany and Europe there is a growing consciousness that the body of Christ can only reflect Christ and be a powerful and effective witness in society when working in unity. We need to look for our identity as Christians in denominations and the differences between us, but in Christ. Following on from their joint word for 2017, ‘Healing of memories - witnessing to Jesus Christ’, the German Bishops’ Conference and the Protestant Church of Germany have made an open invitation to a central repentance and reconciliation service in the Michaeliskirche in Hildesheim on 11 March. What Christians have caused in suffering and injury to one another in the 500 years of separation will be confessed and mutually forgiven. Unity of the body of Christ also needs alignment with God’s word to stand against the misappropriation of the gospel to support ungodly policies.

Published in Europe
Friday, 27 January 2017 10:04

Germany: integration of refugees

‘One of the most important issues of our time is how to integrate refugees into German society. Integration works best by involvement in everyday life - in a day-care centre or school, in learning a trade or in a place of work. Here the refugees can come into direct contact with the German language and culture and can also become familiar with the social norms and customs of our society. Integration into the job market however takes time; this might be because of lack of qualifications, or few opportunities for apprenticeships or vocational training. Many refugees remain in temporary accommodation for a long time, with no prospects for work or a more permanent place to live. The ready availability of social housing is an essential component of a successful integration plan: but a home of your own must be affordable not only for refugees but also for the low wage earners, the unemployed and pensioners. These also should not be forgotten! Much patience is often expected also from them. To ensure the keeping of peace and harmony in communities, the task of effective integration requires our constant prayer.’

Published in Europe
Saturday, 07 January 2017 02:55

Portions of a letter from Germany

‘The terror attack on the Christmas market in Berlin has been reported in detail in the media. As well as praying for the bereaved and injured, please pray for the security forces, police, politicians and the justice system to work together for the security of citizens, and to better manage the challenges of tracing those who may be intent on carrying out terror attacks. Pray for God’s wisdom and protection from the rule of fear.’ Also: ‘Post-factual (or Post-truth) stands for a fundamental change in presenting news and information in society. Increasingly political and social discussions are based on emotion rather than facts. An emotional perception of what is real then replaces the factual reality. The “truth” now rests in what everybody is talking about irrespective of the underlying facts. News is increasingly created and spread through social networks. Pray for political leaders to protect citizens from the deliberate manipulation of facts and make the spreading of untrue information a punishable offence.’

Published in Europe
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