Displaying items by tag: Global

Thursday, 11 March 2021 20:22

Year for the ‘Elimination of Child Labour’

The United Nations have declared 2021 the Year for the Elimination of Child Labour. Children are being deprived of their childhood, their potential and their dignity. The worst forms include the sale and trafficking of children. For example trafficked children in Ghana worked longer hours, performed more hazardous work, and were more frequently prevented from attending school than non-trafficked children in the fishing industry. Also trafficked children do not have proper clothing and shelter and are more likely to be beaten. Trafficked girls risk sexual exploitation and forced marriage. Child labour can last for years, leaving children traumatised and robbing them of an education and social mobility. Covid-19 has closed schools, so teachers are not around to notice signs of abuse. An estimated 150 million people are in extreme poverty, creating conditions for child labour in its worst forms.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 11 March 2021 20:19

Global: vaccine distribution

Not many countries are currently transparent and open about the procurement, allocation and distribution of Covid vaccines. This lack of transparency threatens a fair and equitable global response to the pandemic. From elected politicians jumping the queue and fraudulent vaccine rings to unlawful contracts and opaque confidentiality clauses, recent news has offered some spectacular examples of what can go wrong when stakes are high and transparency is low. Citizens have the right to know how government decisions are made and resources are spent, especially when it comes to our health. Corruption will only stop when people work together to change the system. Collectively, high-income countries have bought 56% of the world’s vaccine supply. On 10 March a diplomatic row erupted when the EU's top official claimed the UK had imposed an ‘outright ban’ on the export of vaccines. But Dominic Raab said this allegation is ‘completely false’.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 04 March 2021 20:10

Global: Bible societies on the brink of closure

From Belarus and Portugal to Sri Lanka and Suriname, Bible Societies are facing financial collapse in countries hardest-hit by the pandemic. Two thirds of Bible Societies around the world now face significant survival challenges: 20% risk immediate closure. However, we can thank God for $4.1 million given to them by a global Solidarity Fund, to provide finances for staff salaries, Bible translations, and continued work on essential outreach projects.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 25 February 2021 20:56

Global: what is home when home has gone?


Home is a place where everyone can flourish: somewhere we can belong, feel safe, and grow. Millions of people, forced to flee their homes because of years of conflict, are having to raise their families in cramped conditions in refugee camps, lacking the basic essentials. Life is a struggle to survive. Pray for people like Tamam who used to live a quiet and comfortable life in Northern Syria, with her loving husband and children. Then IS occupied the area; no electricity or running water, crops and animals died. Her husband was killed, and they joined around 1 million Syrians living in makeshift settlements in the middle of a slum in Lebanon. Pray for the mission agencies bringing relief in dangerous situations, and for the network of churches attempting to support displaced people.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 11 February 2021 20:22

10/40 Window: reclaiming enslaved minds

In South Asia, a fourteen-year-old boy lost consciousness and was rushed to the hospital after a massive hemorrhage in his brain. The cause? He was spending too much time on a violent online game. Sadly, his case is not an isolated incident. With the pandemic restricting access to the outdoors, the youth in our 10/40 Window countries are lured on to the internet. Window International Network has launched a massive social media prayer campaign to intercede for our 10/40 youth. Pray for an end to online gaming, violent games and pornography. Pray for the success of the planned mini presentations to educate youth to use their time online mainly for educative and creative purposes.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 11 February 2021 19:57

Global: trafficking

Pray for the IJM Kenya team opening an office in Mombasa in March to address child sex trafficking along the coast. This is a key time for building partnerships and relationships with local government, police, prosecutors, judges and community members. Pray that this would be the start of greater protection for children and more accountability for Kenya’s perpetrators. Pray for the arrest of a suspected perpetrator of online sexual exploitation in the Philippines, who has been evading custody for some time. Pray she is arrested soon, for a just trial, and that this accountability would prevent her from abusing children in the future. Pray also for the upcoming Make #SlaveFree Normal Campaign, that it would highlight the issue of slavery in supply chains and inspire people in their consumer habits. Pray that more people would join to Make #SlaveFree Normal and sign up to receive the video series that raises awareness of trafficking and slavery.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 04 February 2021 21:19

Vaccine nationalism

A battle between the EU and UK reveals the ugly truth about vaccine nationalism that is appearing across the globe. The UN General Assembly showed unity as global deaths approached a million last year. They said, ‘When a vaccine is developed, the world's most vulnerable should be first in line.’ The vaccines are here and solidarity between the nations has disappeared entirely. The EU has secured enough doses to cover its population three times. Canada has purchased enough to cover a population four times its size. The UK has agreements with vaccine suppliers, and did not expect the EU to disrupt the fulfillment of these contracts. However, the EU almost invoked a Brexit deal clause to prevent the UK from receiving vaccines from Europe. While stocks are limited governments will put their own populations first. Pray for pharmaceutical companies to share their ‘know how’ with poor countries to enable them to produce their own vaccinations.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 04 February 2021 21:00

Global weather challenges

In the USA a powerful storm sent waves crashing into sea walls and caused flooding in coastal communities from New Jersey to Maine. In Australia bushfires have forced thousands to flee Covid-19 lockdowns in an ‘unprecedented situation'. By 3 February the fire had destroyed 71 homes and injured six firefighters. In addition to the dangerous blazes, tropical storms churning off the coast could help to contain fires. Also widespread record-breaking snow pummelled northeast America, shattering centuries-old records, and is expected to spawn another whopper next week. Pray for God to watch over all who have lost their homes and businesses to the Australian fires. May they be able to achieve social distancing in relief shelters. Pray for God to give peace to people experiencing travel disruption, particularly those in stranded vehicles. Pray for aid and help to reach isolated rural communities, particularly those with power cuts.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 28 January 2021 20:32

Canada / global: availability of vaccine

The Archbishop of Canterbury has criticised Canada for massively over-ordering supplies of the coronavirus vaccine, hindering the rollout of jabs to the world’s poorest nations. He said the North American country had in the pipeline more than five times what it needed for the size of its population. The archbishop highlighted surplus stocks as one of the main obstacles to a global vaccination campaign, along with misinformation and logistical challenges. His comments came after the head of the United Nations urged the world to act with far greater solidarity to ensure vaccines are available and affordable in all countries. Meanwhile, Oxfam claims that ‘the increase in wealth of the world’s top ten billionaires during the pandemic is more than enough both to pay for a Covid-19 vaccine for everyone on the planet and to reverse the rise in poverty caused by coronavirus’. See

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 21 January 2021 20:55

Global: Christians murdered for faith up by 60%

Open Doors reports Christian persecution at a record high globally. The number of Christians murdered for their faith rose 60% in 2020. 340 million Christians suffer high levels of persecution through Islamic or communist oppression or Hindu nationalism. Even the pandemic has been used as an excuse by extremists and governments as a justification in several places. Indian local governments use pressure on Christians to withhold food and medical care. Over 115,000 incidents have been documented. In Nigeria Boko Haram attack Christian villages and take food and medical supplies. Pray for an end to the extra persecution because of Covid. New data show that China is using Facebook, Zoom, and Apple to threaten and censor Christians. There are 100 million Christians in China; the regime is using technology to watch their every move. When they go into church they are subject to facial recognition; their online searches are examined, and massive surveillance systems are monitoring religious practice.

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