Displaying items by tag: Global

Friday, 05 January 2018 12:00

INSIGHT: elections to watch and pray for in 2018

For some countries this year will see post-war transitions to peace talks, elections after military coups, ballot boxes being used for the first time after many years, or voting for the renovation of a failing nation. A number of rules judge whether an election is unfair, such as staged elections, campaign financing favouring a particular interest group, media bias, and human rights violations that compromise the rights of a candidate to participate in a free and fair election. Corruption and potential violations of international standards have been stressed in this INSIGHT article, to enable informed intercession. To read about these elections and all related issues, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in Worldwide

Jesus said that nations will war against each other and there will be national disasters. He also told us not to panic or give in to our fears, for these things are destined to happen. In the midst of the shaking, and in the knowledge that God has strategies for every nation, let us pray this year especially for the following: a) the Holy Land will enter into constructive interactions that lead to God's perfect policies; b) Asians made homeless last year will meet Christians who will introduce them to Jesus; c) corrupt or inept African leaders will be replaced with men and women of integrity, able to initiate peaceful prosperity; d) Europe, and the UK’s connection with it, will progress positively during significant meetings; e) North American political posturing will be replaced by Godly wisdom; and f) the South American and Caribbean nations which experienced violence, political instability and natural disasters last year will know God’s oasis of hope and peace.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 05 January 2018 11:34

Global: attacks, bombings, and beheadings

2017 saw a dramatic rise of terror attacks by nomadic Fulani Islamic herdsmen in Nigeria, who are targeting Christians and trying to drive them out of the territory they claim. Pray for God to help Nigerian political leaders to bring religious hatred to an end, and for His protection and strengthening of Bishop Joseph Bagobiri. IS has been increasingly turning its focus toward Egypt, issuing a chilling warning that ‘a river of blood’ for Christians is coming. Pray that the Christians will be strengthened as they refuse to abandon their faith in Jesus Christ, and that the government will do more to protect them. Al-Shabaab, a Somalia-based terror group, has been attacking Christians and security forces in neighbouring Kenya for years. They are now routinely beheading anyone suspected of being Christian. After IS attacked a church in Pakistan on 17 December, the country is on heightened alert.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 05 January 2018 11:25

Global: a lost childhood in conflict zones

UNICEF has stated, ‘Children are under attack on a shocking scale in conflicts around the world. No safe places are left for children as they are targeted in their homes, schools and playgrounds.’ Last year many children came under attack in conflict zones, with blatant disregard of international laws designed to protect the most vulnerable. They were frontline targets, used as human shields, killed, maimed, and recruited to fight. Rape, forced marriage, abduction, and enslavement were standard tactics. Sometimes children abducted by extremist groups experience abuse yet again upon release when they are detained by security forces. Millions more children are suffering malnutrition, disease and trauma as access to food, water, sanitation and health are denied, damaged or destroyed in the fighting.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 15 December 2017 11:22

Global: coping with disasters

In Bali huge plumes of smoke continue to stretch 1,500m above Mount Agung as eruptions and low frequency earthquakes continue. The eruption threat remains at its highest level but it is not known when a major eruption will occur; so 70,000+ evacuees remain banished from their homes. In California wildfires have destroyed 1,000 structures to date, and six major fires still roar. Tens of thousands of people have been forced to flee their homes. Smoke continues to obscure the sun in both places. Hundreds of people were forced to leave their homes in the Solomon Islands after several rivers overflowed on 5 December. After torrential rainfall on 1 December in Albania, 5,000 households suffered flood damage and 600 families are still homeless. In all of these instances people comfort each other after losing livestock, livelihoods, homes and possessions. Many are still living in fear. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 08 December 2017 12:20

Global: do Mormons know Jesus?

Jesus is the central character in the Christmas story. But 15 million Mormons have a false understanding of Him, believing that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three gods. They believe the lie that salvation depends on their works instead of on the work of Jesus Christ; and the Heavenly Father began as a spirit child, came to earth to gain a body, and earned his way to godhood. Many good works are required for Mormons to earn the privilege of living with the Heavenly Father in the next life. One ‘good work’ is temple work for the dead - a person can be saved after they have died when temple works are completed by those still living. Mormonism teaches that man is not born in sin and cannot sin until the age of eight; and Eve’s disobedience was ‘a fall upward, a necessity for eternal progression toward godhood’.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 08 December 2017 12:16

Global: freedom of thought regressing

Asia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian woman who has been on death row for blasphemy since 2010, has been nominated for this year’s Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought. The 2017 report by the International Humanist and Ethical Union, presented on 5 December, should be alarming to all who care about freedom of thought and expression, as it shows ‘a pattern of regression on a global scale’. It shows that 85 countries have at least one law or symptom of ‘severe discrimination’ against those who think or believe differently; the free thinkers. Thirty countries are guilty of ‘grave violations’ such as prescribing the death penalty for apostasy, or ‘religious instruction in a significant number of schools, of a coercive fundamentalist or extremist variety’. See also the next article, about Canada’s religious freedom in schools.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 08 December 2017 11:52

Global: the power of leaders’ words

There is huge power in the words we speak. The ambitious crown prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia called Iran's supreme leader ‘the Hitler of the Middle East.’ An Iranian foreign ministry spokesman accused the ‘adventurist’ prince of ‘immature, inconsiderate, and baseless remarks and behaviour.’ Rivals for control of the Middle East, Shi'ite Iran and Sunni Saudi Arabia are presently engaged in proxy wars in Yemen, Iraq, and Syria. Kim Jong-Un’s ballistic bluster and President Trump’s ‘fire and fury’ has created more tension in Asia, while Pope Francis was cautioned not to utter the word ‘Rohingya’ in Myanmar. We are asked to pray for the world's leaders to understand fully the power that their words have to hurt or to build up, to cause conflict or to ease tension. May they heed the advice of many seasoned and wise counsellors.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 01 December 2017 09:38

Global: Jehovah’s Witnesses

There are seven million Jehovah’s Witnesses in North America and Europe. They believe that Jesus is an inferior being, the Holy Spirit is simply a force of Jehovah, and that Jesus was resurrected in spirit, not in body. They trace their origin to Charles Taze Russell who believed that Christ’s second coming occurred in 1874. He spread his ‘New World Translation’ of the Bible and the Watch Tower magazine. Russell’s groups took the name Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1931 to reflect their proselytizing focus. Though Witnesses identify themselves as a part of Christianity, many Christians consider them a cult, associated with occasional inconvenient knocks on the door or groups on street corners offering literature. But they are God’s beloved, beautiful creations who are in need of the truth of Jesus Christ.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 17 November 2017 11:07

First Christian animation in 20 years

Sony’s new animation picture, The Star, was released on 17 November. The film’s director said they are preparing for the movie to be this generation’s Christmas classic. It is the first faith-based animation film to hit cinemas since Prince of Egypt in 1998. The director added, ‘We’re living in divisive and stressful times, and we read about violence continually. The power of this story is - many people from different walks of life. The “three kings” are upper-class foreigners, and the local shepherds are the bottom of the working class, making note that Jesus brought people from all walks of life together. The Star is “the greatest story never told”’.

Published in Praise Reports