Displaying items by tag: Hong Kong

We are excited to announce the North East Asia Prayer Council gathering in Hong Kong, July 22nd, with Gloria Au Yeung and her amazing team.

We would be honoured to have friends of IPC from around the world to join us and also if you could help us get the word out to invite key prayer leaders that you know from Korea, Japan, Hong Kong/China, and Mongolia.

People that attend are also encouraged to stay with us for the Oneness Gathering with David Demian and his team from China, July 24-27th.

My heart for this is to see a true spirit of John 17 unity and oneness grow between these beautiful nations and prayer movements.

Dr Jason Hubbard - Executive Coordinator

International Prayer Connect

In this season, we have seen the Lord highlighting our Chinese brothers and sisters in Christ – not only in Asia, but across the Globe, and not only for their own breakthrough, but also for the sake of the Global Body.

This July there will be another “Chinese Homecoming Gathering” in Hong Kong, where several thousand Chinese believers (from China, throughout Asia and beyond) along with other Global Family members in Christ will gather together to worship, pray and seek God’s face for the sake of seeing His Kingdom come and His will being done, on earth as it is heaven (Matthew 6:10). 

At this time, the Lord is particularly highlighting the need for the kind of ‘oneness’ within the Body that Jesus prays about in John 17:21-23.  We are responding to His longing for us to be ‘one’ as He and the Father are ‘one’ so that the world will know that He was sent by the Father.  

This is a personal invitation to all those connected with IPC, as well as all family and friends, to join your Global Family for this “Chinese Homecoming Gathering: Oneness” July 24-27, 2019 in Hong Kong.  And, whether you can or cannot join us physically, we encourage you to join us through prayer for this very significant time. 

Prayer points:

  1. As God is doing a deep, exciting thing, the enemy has been working overtime trying to irritate the Chinese Family and create hostility in their hearts against each other. Please pray that the body of Christ will transcend the political spirit and continue to declare "We are one," in the spirit, so that the secular world can see the Way, the Truth and the Light through His Body. 
  2. Pray that the Lord will protect the fruits of unity within the Chinese Body of Christ and that the church would be able to overcome the disturbances of the political spirit.
  3. Pray for safe travel of attendants from their countries to Hong Kong.  *Especially pray for favor in getting visas for those from “restricted” countries* – as they will be the majority.
  4. Pray for the financial provisions for the "Oneness" Chinese Gathering.
  5. Pray for the Hong Kong administration team and that there will be plenty of volunteers. Pray that they will all flow as a family working together in love, honor, and God's anointing. Bless the department leaders with strength, wisdom and health and also pray they will have the heart of the Father as they host and receive the nations coming.
  6. Pray for the worship family, including the prophetic dance team and the team of prophetic artists – that they will flow as one with constant sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and that they will get lost in His Presence and be totally enveloped in His love and protection.
  7. Pray for travel mercy and physical adjustment for those travelling from overseas to Hong Kong. 

Thank you for your invaluable prayer support!

Please note that this is an open Gathering and everyone is most welcome to attend!  Details can be found at https://watchmen.org/upcoming/chinese2019


More info and book here:http://www.asiagathering.hk/

Thursday, 27 June 2019 22:58

Hong Kong: Sing Hallelujah!

An estimated two million people filled Hong Kong streets in protests against the government, which had been pursuing an extradition agreement that could have sent activists, advocates and even foreign nationals to mainland China for legal proceedings. But even after the bill was pulled, the protests not only continued: they have grown, and through the ongoing protest, an unlikely song has rapidly become the unofficial anthem by tens and hundreds of thousands. The uniting song is ‘Sing Hallelujah to the Lord’. A quarter of the entire population sang the anthem. Praise the Lord, Hong Kong! Praise the Lord, indeed!

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 13 June 2019 21:16

China, Hong Kong: Catholics urge restraint

A proposed bill allowing mainland China to pursue government critics and criminals in Hong Kong and extradite them to China drew protest marches by thousands on 9-11 June, causing a debate on 12 June to be cancelled. The Catholic diocese of Hong Kong joined the social welfare sector and the largest teachers’ union in voicing concerns about the bill. Two thousand counsellors, carers, therapists, and religious groups went on strike. A strike organiser said, ‘We are forced to take a stand on this moral question of right and wrong.’ Several other Christian denominations in Hong Kong also voiced concerns. Police fired rubber bullets and tear gas at protesters, who threw bricks and projectiles back. People are worried that the civil rights and freedoms guaranteed to Hong Kong under the ‘one country two systems’ arrangement will be eroded under the new law. China often uses accusations of non-political crimes to prosecute its critics.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 21 September 2018 09:22

Typhoon Mangkhut devastation

In the Philippines, officials are taking stock of the immense damage caused by Typhoon Mangkhut. On Luzon landslides buried a church where people were sheltering, and engulfed a miners’ bunkhouse with up to fifty inside. The casualties are expected to be 100+. Pray for God to comfort the bereaved and bring healing to the sick. An estimated 5.7 million people have been affected by Mangkhut, and delivering aid supplies is a major challenge. Pray for many workers to come and help repair the infrastructure. In the town of Baggao, where YWAM have a base, houses were demolished, power lines were downed, roads were cut off by landslides, and many remain submerged. Pray for God to give strength and wisdom to those offering counsel and shelter. Rice and corn crops waiting for harvest are under floodwater. Pray for the fishermen and farmers who have lost everything. Mangkhut moved on to Hong Kong and China, tearing off roofs, blowing in doors and shattering glass windows. Pray for the evacuees now returning to devastation.

Published in Worldwide
Saturday, 01 July 2017 15:32

Pray with Hong Kong!

As our whole city of HK is celebrating the 20th anniversary of returning to China, many wonderful historical things are fall unto place at the same time! Yet, July 1 is indeed a new era for our City as our new Chief Executive is inaugurating into the 5th Special Administrative Regional Government for China. President Xi will also be coming HK this week and we are now greatly mobilising our city to pray like never before to turn the enemy's scheme of dividing Hong Kong from China into something godly.

Gloria Au Yeung

Kingdom Harvest Ministries

Please pray for the overthrow of division and any violent demonstrations being planned; that the Gospel of Christ will touch the public officials and all the different classes and occupational groups, especially the younger generation; and that Hong Kong will indeed enter into its destiny to be a great blessing to the world!

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