Displaying items by tag: Mission

Global Mapping International (GMI) will close on 30 June - three decades after it began as a two-year global mapping project. ‘We thought we’d get it done in two years,’ GMI president and CEO Jon Hirst said. ‘Then we realised that the nature of gathering information for the Great Commission was never-ending. That led to us becoming an independent research organisation supporting the global Church.’ Its publication Operation World and other resources have helped foreign missionaries become more effective, with custom maps, infographics, etc. Hirst said that a changing approach to mission and funding structure has forced GMI to close. The need for independent mission research hasn’t disappeared, and he hopes a new group will step forward to take it up. He said, ‘God blesses causes and people, He doesn’t bless organisations. The structures of the 20th century won’t always be able to withstand the changes of the 21st.’ Before closing, GMI will give away all its research.

Published in British Isles
Wednesday, 03 May 2017 04:50

Lausanne Mission Leaders Gathering

Global Prayer Leaders & Prayer Groups, 

Would you kindly pray and share with your key prayer leaders this Prayer Request on behalf of The Lausanne Mission Leaders Gathering. The number of those who will gather has risen to 90+ CEO/Executive Directors. They are acknowledging the need for extraordinary prayer and have asked us to partner in prayer.

Would you join to pray for their gathering that will happen in June 2017*, in just a few weeks.

Phill Butler writes, "I have the opportunity/responsibility of designing/facilitating the process by which these 90+ leaders engage with God, the challenge, with each other, and with a plan for action. It’s a process we’re well into. Many very encouraging things. BUT – We are coming into the final 7-8 weeks – the ‘homestretch’ of this thing and if anything of lasting Kingdom value occurs over these next few weeks – during and after Wittenberg – it will be because of prayer. Will you and your praying friends/network(s) take up this cause? This small team behind the scenes, will be lost without the extra prayer support. And, as always, this comes with my profound thanks for your commitment to Kingdom collaboration and the prayer that’s so essential. Your support over the years has been such a huge encouragement!"

Please pray for these 90+ mission leaders that will gather in June that they will have the unity of the Spirit and a willingness to pray and work together for the future. Pray for Phill Butler and his colleagues that will be helping to facilitate this important gathering that they will be anointed and guided by the Holy Spirit and will know how best to proceed.

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In a matter of days now, 120 prayer and mission leaders will come from around the world joined by 30-40 local and European prayer and mission people to encounter the Lord and pray for His breakthroughs in reaching the remaining Unreached Peoples of the world, the raising up of children and youth for the unique callings the Lord has for them, and going deeper in authoritative prayer that transforms our world. It will be a potentially combustible, explosive gathering as we meet in this historic place of revival where the Holy Spirit came upon the Moravian community three centuries ago, leading to the sending out of the first Protestant missionaries. Children and youth were used by God to ignite that revival of 1727 with their persistent praying and worship during the night hours. Some of them who had participated in the 1727 revival also helped to sustain the 100 plus year 24/7 prayer chain that came out of that outpouring. Hundreds of them went to the ends of the earth, taking their coffins with them and never returning home in order to follow the Lamb to the end, being fully persuaded that because of His sufferings, He is worthy of our full giving of ourselves in sacrificial love and service.

During the consultation, we will pray with some of the descendants of the Moravians and their children and hear what God is doing to raise up the Next Generation in prayer and mission through significant coordinators of Children and Youth prayer movements around the world.

We will also adopt up to 300 unengaged and underserviced Unreached People Groups for prayer leading to mission engagement as the Lord enables us.

Award-winning videographer, Michael Lienau, will be there to capture key interviews with the cutting-edge prayer and mission leaders who are present as well as important moments from the consultation. He will prepare a documentary film on the Moravians and others who have combined prayer, revival and mission to change our world for Jesus Christ. If you want to see what he has in mind, check out this link Linking Prayer and Missions to Transform our World or his website at LifeNet Media Resources.

Would you please pray with us for this crucial time for the prayer and mission movements that we will be successful in achieving a real convergence between them for the benefit of both movements towards the accomplishment of His Great Commission? Here are some updated prayer concerns for the coming 12 days.

12 Days of Prayer for Transformational Revival and Mission Breakthrough

May 1-May 12, 2017

Seeking God together for the International Prayer Leaders’ Consultation in Herrnhut, Germany, May 8-12, 2017

We want to invite you to partner with us in 12 days of prayer, May 1- May 12, to pray for the upcoming gathering, “The International Prayer and Mission Leaders Consultation: Uniting in Prayer for Transformational Revival and Mission Breakthrough.” It will be held in the historic village Herrnhut, Germany, site of the Moravian prayer revival that sent out the first Protestant missionaries to reach the unreached with the Gospel! 120 international prayer and mission leaders plus about 30 local mission and prayer ministry people are convening in this tiny Germany village to cry out to the Lord as the Moravians did before them: May the Lamb who was slain receive due reward of his sufferings!” Along with cutting-edge mission leaders, participants will pray and strategize that the unreached peoples of our day be reached as the prayer movement focuses more intentionally on the fulfillment of Christ’s Great Commission, still so much on His heart!

Prayer, revival and mission have always gone together since the book of Acts. It’s our desire to see a massive, prayer-based revival erupt throughout the nations of the earth! During these 21 days of prayer we are asking for another historic move of the Holy Spirit to sweep across the nations and awaken a whole new generation to wholehearted love and surrender to Jesus in His mission to those who have never heard of His love and truth!

“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea" (Hab. 2:14).

During this gathering, we want to more closely and effectively connect the prayer and mission movements for the final push to the accomplishment of Matthew 24:14, that everyone may hear and respond to the glorious gospel of the kingdom in these last days!

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matt. 24:14).

During the run-up to the Consultation and continuing through it, please be praying with us for these specific outcomes:

  • For traveling mercies as well as physical and spiritual protection over every participant as he or she prepares to journey to Herrnhut. Some are experiencing attacks on their health now.
  • That those prayer and mission leaders coming would deeply connect with the Lord and one another, experiencing the reviving work of the Holy Spirit in this historic place of prayer, revival and mission.
  • For a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit for the glory of Jesus Christ! Acts 1:8, 2:17-2:21 that will start at Herrnhut again and flow out to the nations!
  • That the participants will prayerfully discern together how the international prayer and mission movements can be better integrated for their mutual benefit and for the sake of those still unreached with His Gospel (Matt. 24:14).
  • For God’s empowering of the Next Generation youth and children’s prayer movements, both during and following this gathering, and that every nation will have a thriving Next Gen prayer movement in the coming 10 years.
  • For canopies of united, strategic and sustainable prayer to be raised up in every nation and city across the earth.
  • For a Great Awakening and New Reformation to erupt in Germany and across Europe.
  • For a ‘Spirit of Unity’ during the gathering, that we would come together ‘in one accord’ loving and supporting one another in the diverse missions He has called us to as members of His Body (John 17 and Psalm 133).
  • For a mighty anointing of the Holy Spirit to rest upon each one presenting and leading us in prayer and for His prophetic insight to flow among us!
  • That we will develop valuable, ongoing relationships and friendships that advance His Kingdom.
  • For key moments and inspiring stories to be captured via video and distributed effectively to the prayer, revival and mission movements around the world.
  • For favor with authorities, the granting of visas, and safe, peaceful travel arrangements for all those coming to Herrnhut.
  • For protection from the evil one and all the forces of darkness (Psalm 91).
  • For the Lord of the Harvest to thrust forth missionaries to the ends of the earth and that every unreached people group will have a viable movement of Christ followers within the coming decade (Matt. 9:37-38).

Thanks so much for partnering with us in prayer for this historic gathering. In His hands, your prayers will make all the difference!

For the Supremacy of Christ in all things,

Jason Hubbard and John Robb

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Here is the latest version of the chart focusing prayer for laborers on the areas with the most unreached people groups and least help from workers. It looks much better than it actually is, because 90% of mission workers do not go out to work among unreached groups, but help Christians in those areas (regardless of whether we are talking about Africa, Europe or Asia).

Many church mission committees unwittingly compound this problem by insisting that their workers only work where they can partner with local churches overseas!! This practice consistently leaves the least engaged without help. I hope that the problem of laborers can be highlighted at the Herrnhut meeting.

Rebecca Lewis


Let’s pray the Lord of the Harvest to multiply and send forth adequate workers into this massive harvest in Asia so that movements of disciples who can share the Gospel within their own people groups will arise. May His salvation touch every people group on earth within the coming decade as we adopt these unreached peoples in prayer. The completion of the unfinished task of bearing witness to all the peoples of the earth is a key precursor to the return of Jesus Christ. For more good information about how to pray for unreached peoples and adopt them for the mission of your church or prayer group, please check out this website: https://joshuaproject.net 

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April 3-May 12, 2017

Seeking God together for the International Prayer Leaders’ Consultation in Herrnhut, Germany, May 8-12, 2017

We want to invite you to partner with us in 40 days of prayer, April 3-May 12, to pray for the upcoming gathering, “The International Prayer Leaders Consultation: Uniting in Prayer for Transformational Revival and Mission Breakthrough.” It will be held in the historic village Herrnhut, Germany, site of the Moravian prayer revival that sent out the first Protestant missionaries to reach the unreached with the Gospel! 120 international prayer and mission leaders are convening in this tiny Germany village to cry out to the Lord as the Moravians did before them: May the Lamb who was slain receive due reward of his sufferings!” Along with cutting-edge mission leaders, participants will pray and strategize that the unreached peoples of our day be reached as the prayer movement focuses more intentionally on the fulfillment of Christ’s Great Commission, still so much on His heart!

Prayer, revival and mission have always gone together since the book of Acts. It’s our desire to see a massive, prayer-based revival erupt throughout the nations of the earth! During these 40 days of prayer we are asking for another historic move of the Holy Spirit to sweep across the nations and awaken a whole new generation to wholehearted love and surrender to Jesus in His mission to those who have never heard of His love and truth!

“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea" (Hab. 2:14).

During this gathering, we want to more closely and effectively connect the prayer and mission movements for the final push to the accomplishment of Matthew 24:14, that everyone may hear and respond to the glorious gospel of the kingdom in these last days!

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matt. 24:14).

During the run-up to the Consultation and continuing through it, please be praying with us for these specific outcomes:

  • That those prayer and mission leaders coming would deeply connect with the Lord and one another, experiencing the reviving work of the Holy Spirit in this historic place of prayer, revival and mission.

  • For a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit for the glory of Jesus Christ! Acts 1:8, 2:17-2:21 that will start at Herrnhut again and flow out to the nations!
  • That the participants will prayerfully discern together how the international prayer and mission movements can be better integrated for their mutual benefit and for the sake of those still unreached with His Gospel (Matt. 24:14).

  • For God’s empowering of the Next Generation youth and children’s prayer movements, both during and following this gathering, and that every nation will have a thriving Next Gen prayer movement in the coming 10 years.
  • For canopies of united, strategic and sustainable prayer to be raised up in every nation and city across the earth.
  • For a Great Awakening and New Reformation to erupt in Germany and across Europe.

  • For a ‘Spirit of Unity’ during the gathering, that we would come together ‘in one accord’ loving and supporting one another in the diverse missions He has called us to as members of His Body (John 17 and Psalm 133).
  • For a mighty anointing of the Holy Spirit to rest upon each one presenting and leading us in prayer and for His prophetic insight to flow among us!
  • That we will develop valuable, ongoing relationships and friendships that advance His Kingdom.
  • For key moments and inspiring stories to be captured via video and distributed effectively to the prayer, revival and mission movements around the world.
  • For favor with authorities, the granting of visas, and safe, peaceful travel arrangements for all those coming to Herrnhut.
  • For protection from the evil one and all the forces of darkness (Psalm 91).
  • For the Lord of the Harvest to thrust forth missionaries to the ends of the earth and that every unreached people group will have a viable movement of Christ followers within the coming decade (Matt. 9:37-38).

Thanks so much for partnering with us in prayer for this historic gathering. In His hands, your prayers will make all the difference!

For the Supremacy of Christ in all things,

Jason Hubbard, Director, Light of the World Prayer Center

John Robb, IPC Chairman

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During a visit to Germany and preparations for the Berlin Prayer Initiative in 1997, I had an unusual visionary experience during the night in which I saw pin pricks of light approaching amidst great darkness. As they got closer, I could see that they were warriors with burning swords that began to cut through the dark canopy overhead. I then heard the words, “These are the intercessors” and afterwards “New Reformation.” A few days later, I received a communication from a mission leader that had also visited Europe, in which he was calling Christians in Europe to pray and work for a “New Reformation”! As you must know, 2017 is the 500th anniversary of the Reformation and there are a number of celebrations and observances being planned there and elsewhere. Why don’t we pray for a New Reformation, not just for Europe but for our whole world?

Two years ago, a German prayer leader friend and I visited Herrnhut, the small village in SE Germany where Count Zinzendorf and the Moravians began a prayer chain in the 18th century that went on for over 100 years and sent out about 300 missionaries. They were the first Protestants to go to the ends of the earth with the Gospel for the unreached. Herrnhut means “The Lord’s Watch”, an identity that was dusted off and revived a few years ago when some local believers there started up a 24/7 prayer chain once again!

During our visit, we joined the local church for their Sunday service and as we worshipped, I noticed lovely young children dancing so freely and un-self consciously in the presence of the Lord directly in front of us. Putting aside his own sermon, the pastor asked my colleague and me to share and pray fatherly blessings over the whole congregation. I felt moved to pray that from this fabled place a new and great revival would flow out to Germany, Europe and beyond. 

A couple of the Moravian descendants later took us to the local cemetery where we stood amongst the 6000 graves of Count Zinzendorf and the godly saints who prayed in "the Lord's watch" from 1727 for 100 years. I was deeply moved to hear about the children of that day who went out in the fields in the night and cried out to the Lord. Adults in neighboring homes tried to get them to shut up; however, they were irrepressible and kept on praying! These same Moravian children who cried out to God in the fields at night later went out as the first Protestant missionaries, many of them never coming back to their homeland but laying their lives down for the Lord among the unreached peoples. Others returned and are buried here. The women who were guiding us around showed us those graves and those of Zinzendorf and his family.

I felt the Lord stirring me that this ground still has powerful, earned spiritual authority, so that like the ancient prophets did, they could pray, speaking out things that the Spirit puts in their mouths for the revival and transformation of nations and it will happen. Adding to this conviction, I was told that in 1989 a prayer gathering in Herrnhut with hundreds of German intercessors had proclaimed with faith and authority the end of the Berlin Wall. It obediently came down soon after they were praying this! Indeed, as one theologian affirmed, history belongs to the intercessors, who believe the future into being! 

Germany has been an engine of periodic revival in its history, not only as the home of the Reformation in the 16th century but also the great Pietist revival that swept through the country in the 17th century. Count Zinzendorf was the product of Pietism, an awakening focusing on prayer and Bible study in home gatherings that brought many dead Lutheran churches to life. Prepared as he was by one revival, Zinzendorf welcomed the persecuted Moravians to his estate and became the vehicle for another one that impacted the rest of the world so deeply from such a small rural village. Wow!

Could it be that in our day the Lord is getting ready to unleash another awesome revival through united prayer that will impact the world in social transformation and mission breakthrough like the one that flowed out of 18th century Herrnhut? New united prayer movements have arisen in recent years within Europe and globally, and I believe we are all asking God to do that very thing. The role of the children and youth will of course once again be crucial; therefore we need to support and empower them in every way we can so they can take their places in both the prayer and mission movements in every nation on earth.

Towards the end of seeing such transformational revival and mission breakthrough in the nations, we in the IPC along with other prayer and mission leaders (about 120) will meet in Herrnhut, May 8-12, to pray, deliberate and strategize together. Would you please join with us over the coming weeks and during those crucial days we will be together in that historic place of prayer, revival and mission. Would you please pray that our world will be blessed once again with a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit that affects Germany, Europe, and beyond?

The Lord stands ready to transform not just individuals but also nations, regions, indeed our whole world, when His people pray with faith and expectation that He will answer. “According to your faith, it will be to you”, He said.

John Robb

IPC Chairman

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Dear Prayer or Mission Leader,

We have almost reached our full registration for the Herrnhut consultation in May. There are some places still left for those who lead prayer networks or mission endeavors. You are invited to a special time of convergence as key ministry leaders gather from around the world! We want to more closely and effectively connect the prayer and mission movements for the final push to the accomplishment of Matthew 24:14, that everyone may hear and “that the Lamb may receive the due reward for His suffering.” (Moravians’ prayer and mission motto). 

The International Prayer Council is a team of 25 leaders of major regional and international prayer initiatives and movements, who together lead the “network of networks” known as International Prayer Connect. We have decided to invite those who lead prayer networks and ministries at the national, regional or international level to come together along with key mission leaders for a unique time in the presence of the Lord. We will unite in prayer, learn from one another, and plan strategies for closer cooperation in the international prayer and mission movements. The Light of the World Prayer Center in Bellingham, Washington, led by Jason Hubbard has close ties with the Jesus Haus in Herrnhut and has graciously agreed to help us organize this gathering. Ms. Jamie Frey, one of his colleagues will be assisting us with the administration and registration process.

This will be the first time we have met in this way since the launch of the IPC. This “network of prayer networks” around the world was conceived just after 9/11 in 2001 near “Ground Zero” and formally launched by international prayer leadership in 2002 in Cape Town, South Africa. That gathering of almost 300 prayer network and ministry leaders was called “Globalizing Prayer, Transforming our World”. It was an inspiring, magnificent time of connecting with one another in His presence, establishing relationships and regional networks that continue to be used by God to bring transformation to our world. This is the link to the video if you have not seen it. IPC Prayer Globalizing Prayer Transforming Our World https://youtu.be/5ZYVFLML1sU

May 8-12, 2017, we will re-gather, this time at Herrnhut, the Moravian center for prayer and mission in southeast Germany. It was the site of the 1727 revival that ignited a 24/7 prayer chain which was used of God to send out the first Protestant missionaries to the unreached peoples around the world. Prayer and mission were joined together intimately and powerfully!

  1. For this reason, we plan to include some cutting-edge mission leaders who can share the status of mission to the unreached peoples of our day along with up to date information and research so that we can move towards a closer, more integrated linking of the prayer and mission movements. That is a crucial step to bringing back the King. Jesus said that He would not return until all the nations (ethne = ethnic groups) have had the gospel of the Kingdom proclaimed as a witness to them (Matthew 24:14). It is therefore critical that these movements connect more deeply and purposefully.
  1. A related emphasis will be on strategic-level prayer for the overthrow of strongholds that hinder people from seeing the light of the glory of Christ, barriers both to the spread of the Gospel and social and political transformation in favor of His Kingdom values.
  1. We will also give a major focus to the Next Generation, the raising up of youth and children through prayer for their unique missions in life and featuring those initiatives that specialize in this kind of ministry.
  1. There will be times of waiting on the Lord together with a prophetic sensitivity to what He is saying to the prayer movement of our day and how we can move forward together into that desired future He has for us as co-workers in Christ. We will learn about various models of prayer ministry that He is blessing around the world and will have time to develop strategic plans together as He leads, much as we did at the launch of the IPC.

 If you lead a prayer or mission network at the national, regional or international level, please do pray about coming to Herrnhut, May 8-12, and register immediately so you will get a place. We will fly into Prague, the Czech Republic, and have buses arranged to take us to southeast Germany where Herrnhut is located.

Good and comfortable accommodations are available and have been booked, but there is just room for 120 participants in this picturesque German town. Please, therefore, do not procrastinate about registering or your space will be taken by someone else. The total cost for transport from and back to Prague, accommodation (twin-sharing) and food will be $265 per person.

For more information: www.prayerandmission.com

To register:  www.prayerandmission.com/registration

Registration will close on March 10

Contact/Questions: Ms. Jamie Frey at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We look forward to a life, ministry, and history-changing encounter with the Lord and one another and hope you can be with us in Herrnhut.                              

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Wednesday, 01 February 2017 17:33

The Story of The Turning

The World Prayer Centre has been journeying with The Turning since summer 2016. We provided prayer cover as this all began to develop and Jane Holloway is part of The Turning National Leadership team. We see this as a part of all that God has asking His church to get ready for in this time of unprecedented shaking – an unprecedented harvest. 

Here is an update from Yinka Oyekan, leader of The Gate in Reading: ‘On the 29th of May 2016 we began what we thought would be a one-week mission at our Baptist Church ‘The Gate’ which would possibly stretch into two weeks. In the end because of the results we were witnessing on the streets we stretched out the mission for a total of four weeks. In that time, we saw over 1850 people prayed for on the streets of Reading with many first-time commitments and rededications to Christ. Quite apart from the large numbers of responses to the gospel the sheer number of people willing to let us pray for them on the streets took us by surprise.

Seven months on from The Turning outpouring that shook our church in Reading, we have been excited to see in practice that this grace can and has been released in other cities. We have gained much insight through conducting five months of mission which has culminated in seeing over 4150 people in England and at last count over 865 in Lille in France respond in prayer to an invitation to accept Christ.

In the UK leadership teams covering over 230 towns and cities have asked us to bring The Turning to their town or city. In England, we are calling the implementation of this campaign to bring The Turning to these places ‘The Big Bang’, a campaign that will be inviting cities and towns to receive the best training we can give them prior to launching a Turning Team in their city or town. We will also be launching a similar event in several other countries in Europe where we have invitations to bring The Turning’.  December 2016

For more information http://theturning.eu

As this continues to develop we would invite you to pray with us for:

  • Protection for Yinka, his family and all the leadership team for The Turning and at The Gate church
  • Wisdom and continued grace to flow as they travel across the UK and beyond
  • God’s presence to be experienced at every training session
  • God’s kingdom to come and His will be done as churches get ready for this harvest
  • For an awakening across the body of Christ to respond to the Father’s invitation
  • For workers to go out into the harvest fields

Jane Holloway….

Published in WPC News
Friday, 20 January 2017 09:17

Friday Focus - HOPE 2018

‘I have given them the glory that You gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and You in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that You sent me and have them even as You have loved me.’ (John 17:22-23) HOPE unites the church across denominations, race, culture and customs. An unprecedented number of churches are committed to mission in 2018. The dream is to grow the church by 10 per cent. Thank God for churches working together. Pray that Christians will show God’s reconciling love and peace. Consider meeting to pray with other churches in your area.

(written by Rev’d Yemi Adedeji, Redeemed Christian Church of God)

Published in British Isles
Saturday, 07 January 2017 03:12

Epiphany: Jesus for all

This is week 1 of the Friday Focus 2017 initiative that provides the opportunity for us to pray where we are, and unite across our nations, supporting all ongoing mission and preparing the way for future mission. HOPE’s aim (along with the World Prayer Centre) is to see the entire church mobilised during 2018 to make Jesus known. John 3:16: 'For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.' Because of Jesus we can have the free gift of eternal life with him. Give thanks for Jesus’ death and resurrection. Pray that churches will work together using both words and actions to make Jesus known. Consider how churches in your area can work together to plan a rhythm of mission through 2018, especially at Easter, Harvest and Christmas. (Written by Roy Crowne, HOPE’s Executive Director)

Published in British Isles
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