Displaying items by tag: Outreach

Friday, 23 July 2021 10:30

Christian school holiday clubs

Many churches will be running a wide range of school holiday clubs throughout the summer months. Pray for the themed weeks to inspire children as they discover their Father in Heaven’s love and the friend that they have in Jesus. May the new songs that they learn be sung at home with their families and friends. Pray for God to give His strength and stamina to the many adults who will be guiding the children through various craft activities, sports and games, presenting interactive mime and drama, storytelling, singing and dancing, messy play and much more. May they find many opportunities to introduce their groups to Christ in each session. Pray for the clubs aimed at children who would normally receive free school meals. Pray for the evening clubs and café clubs aimed at older children to be fun and safe for all. May every Christian holiday club be used by God to open avenues between churches and communities.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 15 July 2021 23:50

Tahreen’s story

‘This lady was in deep despair when I first met her. She came to a local church foodbank seeking help to feed her four children. Thanks to God, volunteers, donations of daily needs, and gentle support, Tahreen gratefully received practical help. She also heard the gospel, and by God’s grace, she found new life in Christ!’ For further details, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in Praise Reports

New ways of engaging people with faith are being pioneered by the Church of Scotland in Ayrshire. It is sending teams of missioners out into the community to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and to build new worshipping communities. Team leader Revd Maggie McTernan said the aim is to connect with people who do not want to worship in traditional ways. ‘There's a challenge of declining attendance at our traditional churches on Sunday mornings. But that doesn't necessarily match with a decline in interest in matters of faith. There are people who have an interest and a concern about faith, but for a whole host of reasons they won't go to church on a Sunday morning. Maybe it's not what they're used to or maybe they have other commitments.’ The vision is an intergenerational church sharing activities, experiences and worship in new ways: Messy Church, prayer walks, sports-based wellbeing projects, online, digital parish and a disability project so that the church is fully inclusive.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 17 June 2021 22:04

672 children of terrorists see Jesus film

A Jesus Film team begin their day by praying, ‘Holy Spirit, where should we go today?’ One day as they walked and prayed, they heard children’s voices. Following the sound, they entered a compound of 672 children and began talking to them about Jesus. The team had no idea the risk they were taking. The police heard about them and arrested them. Before being hauled away a team member turned on a NewLifeBox in his backpack and left it behind. The police beat them and then let them go. The team returned to the compound to retrieve the backpack. To their amazement hundreds of children were quiet, sitting in groups, eyes fixed on their smartphones, watching the Jesus Film. The battery-powered NewLifeBox they left behind creates a Wi-Fi hotspot, inviting anyone looking for a hotspot, and within 150 feet, to watch a film about Jesus. The children asked them questions about what they had watched and heard, saying ‘Can you help us tell our parents about Jesus?’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 11 June 2021 09:44

Bringing the Word of God back to the UK

A 2017 survey found that very few practising Christians decided to become Christians during adulthood. The UK is becoming more secular, with churches declining and fewer believers. As a nation we are losing our Biblical foundation, and our culture is paying the heavy price of change. Many people have a false impression about what the Bible says because they have never actually read it for themselves. The survey defined 'practising Christians' as people who read or listen to the Bible at least once a week, pray at least once a week, and attend a church service at least once a month. The Pocket Testament League is full of Christians who have committed to reading the Word of God, carrying the Word with them wherever they go, and sharing the Word with others. They ask, ‘How will our friends and neighbours ever know about the transformative power of Jesus unless we share the Word of God with them?’ Like-minded Christians are invited to join them in sharing the Word and fulfilling the Great Commission.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 27 May 2021 23:22

Love in God's neighbourhood

In the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, as nations entered into the uncertainty of lockdown, we saw an outpouring of neighbourliness. Unable to venture away from our homes, we reached out, perhaps for the first time, to the people who lived around us. This was a beautiful thing. Wonderful stories emerged of people helping each other in a time of need – a poignant demonstration of why community is so vital. Churches responded to local needs by supporting the bereaved and lonely, increasing foodbank provision, and helping out in whatever ways they could. Surely this was a perfect example of what Jesus meant when he told us that the greatest commandment, in addition to loving God, was to love our neighbours.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 20 May 2021 21:31

Uzbekistan: pray for unreached Uzbeks

The Uzbeks traditionally were semi-nomadic shepherds. Today they farm or live and work in towns and cities. Most Uzbeks are Sunni Muslims but not orthodox. Many traditional beliefs have been mingled with Islamic practices. The younger generation are either atheists or non-religious. Uzbeks with access to the Gospel live in cities. Most rural villages are without Gospel witness, and Islamic fundamentalists living in the former Soviet regions have begun calling for strict application of Islamic law, as practised in Afghanistan. Now is the time to reach communities with the message of the Cross. Much intercession is needed for this to happen. Pray that the Holy Spirit will soften the hearts of Uzbek Muslims towards Christians. Ask God to grant wisdom and favor to mission agencies focusing on the Uzbeks. Ask the Lord to send additional long-term labourers to live among them and share the love of Christ with them.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 29 April 2021 21:17

Mission field message

An African proverb says, ‘If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito.’ Jesus said the kingdom of God is like a mustard seed; a very small seed produces a large plant. Most major movements and spiritual awakenings started with one person or a small group. A mission worker who had the opportunity of introducing people to Jesus, then discovered the impact they had on others when he reconnected with a man he led to Christ years ago. The man described family members and co-workers that he had shared the Gospel with who had come to the Lord; his brother had become a Middle East pastor. When we sow the seed of God’s Word it does not return void. If we sow abundantly, we reap abundantly. God is faithful and will honor the little things we say and do in His name.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 08 April 2021 21:32

Ramadan: reaching UK Muslims

On 12 April, 1.6 billion Muslims will begin thirty days of prayer and fasting for Ramadan. Tens of thousands of disciples around the world will pray for them to come to know Jesus and experience new life in him. You are invited to join ‘Beyond’ for a regional update focused on the Islamic world and hear how God is working among Muslim peoples, the challenges and strongholds they face, and how we in the UK can get involved in reaching them with the Good News. The free online multi-week trainings are called Disciple-making Movement Nuggets. Each session focuses on one component - giving a short, practical piece people can ‘try out’. If they find it helpful, they can be connected to more detailed training and coaching. See also

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 08 April 2021 21:13

European Christian Mission

ECM UK is an international, interdenominational mission agency whose ministry primarily focuses on planting churches in areas of Europe where there is little or no evangelical presence. They work in over twenty countries, planting churches, training people in leadership development and managing social care ministries. Nearly all ECM missionaries are volunteers, raising their own financial support and prayer cover. ECM also has partners in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, France, Spain, Ireland and the Netherlands, all reaching out to unreached Europeans. See

Published in Europe