Displaying items by tag: Parliament

Friday, 12 January 2018 11:48

Intercessor Focus: Christianity in Westminster

Lunchtime services are held every Tuesday in a chapel at the Houses of Parliament. These are times created to give our politicians an opportunity for Christian reflection in the midst of a challenging and busy parliamentary life. We can pray for a powerful outpouring of God's Holy Spirit to envelop all who attend these meetings. May the guest speakers deliver timely, inspired encouragement in these days of political change and challenges. The next meeting, on 16 January, will have as its theme, ‘Who is welcome in the Kingdom of God?’ May many who are with or without faith hear this message and perceive God’s personal call on their lives. The theme on 23 January is ‘What is the key to intimacy with God?’ Pray for our parliamentarians to be freed up and enabled to create space to hear God’s whisper designed exclusively for them.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 08 December 2017 12:50

South Africa’s parliament shaken by prayer

A momentous prayer meeting, likely to have lasting significance, has taken place in South Africa’s parliament. The focus was reconciliation. White people asked forgiveness from blacks, who in turn confessed their sins against the white community. Many were brought to tears during an extended time of prayer and confession. MP Steve Swart confessed the government’s anti-Semitism during World War II, when Jews fleeing the Holocaust were not allowed to disembark in Cape Town. The meeting was held in the parliament’s former main chamber where many discriminatory laws were passed. As Ezra drew people back to God by reading the Law, so South Africa is experiencing restoration in spirit and in truth. People repented of apartheid, inferior education, corrupt laws, detentions, imprisonments, discrimination, tortures and violence. To comprehend the enormity of the meeting, click the ‘More’ link.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 03 November 2017 11:56

Sex scandals in parliament and Oxfam

Following the sex scandal surrounding Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, several senior government ministers have now been accused of inappropriate sexual behaviour in a dossier circulating Westminster. Then on 2 November the media reported that defence secretary Sir Michael Fallon had resigned over accusations of inappropriate behaviour. A spokesman for the Prime Minister said that any unwanted sexual behaviour is ‘completely unacceptable in any walk of life’. Meanwhile, it was revealed that Oxfam had dismissed 22 employees over sexual abuse allegations in the past year. Concern is rising about Oxfam’s management of overseas networks. Pray that all that is hidden in commerce, industry and the armed forces is revealed, and that all women are dealt with as professionals and as equals. See:

Published in British Isles

The Trade Justice Movement has welcomed the Government’s recognition, in its white paper, that our trade policy should be ‘transparent and inclusive’. However it has criticised its commitments so far as woefully inadequate, in particular the lack of any clear role for parliament in scrutinising trade deals. The white paper outlines the contents of the forthcoming trade bill, a cornerstone of the Government’s planning for Brexit. Trade deals have profound effects across domestic policy: health, environment, jobs, inequality, and climate. As a result, campaigners are calling for a democratic and transparent process for negotiating and agreeing trade deals after Brexit, with parliamentary oversight at its heart. So far 90 MPs have signed an early day motion supporting the campaign, calling for clear legislative frameworks guaranteeing the role of Parliament in trade policy.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 15 September 2017 09:48

Christians in Parliament

Rev’d Rose Hudson-Wilkin is a familiar figure around Parliament: leading daily prayers in the House of Commons Chamber, officiating at Wednesday’s Holy Communion, and providing pastoral care for Members and staff of both Houses. She is also available to discuss weddings and baptisms. Conservative MP Gary Streeter has been a Member of Parliament since 1992, and served as a minister under John Major. He specialises in international development, and is committed to supporting Christians across all parties to live out their faith in their work in Parliament. Labour MP Gavin Shuker previously served as shadow international development minister, and chairs the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on prostitution and the global sex trade. Before being elected, Gavin was employed by his local church and worked in the community. Democratic Unionist Party MP Jeffrey Donaldson, the DUP spokesman for defence and business issues, is a member of the UK delegation to the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly.

Published in British Isles
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Friday, 01 September 2017 11:04

Answered prayers: holiday hunger bill

In July, Prayer Alert readers prayed for an end to children going hungry in school holidays - see . On 31 August the media reported that a plan to stop holiday hunger for children has been welcomed by over a hundred MPs. The School Holidays (Meals and Activities) Bill was backed by MPs John Woodcock and Tim Farron and presented to parliament. The Bishops of Durham and Liverpool also supported the bill, which would require local authorities to ensure that free meals and fun activities are provided for youngsters who would otherwise go without during the holidays. Mr Woodcock said that foodbanks have grown in recent years and hunger is a real issue in parts of our communities, often due to government cuts and benefits sanctions.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 21 April 2017 02:28

God’s plans for a time of political change

The day after Theresa May called a snap election, a declaration was posted on the website passionforthenation.uk. The following prayer is based on that declaration: ‘We decree that in every constituency, God’s purpose and God’s plans will be fulfilled. We come into agreement with God’s Word in Daniel 2: 21: “He (God) changes the times and the seasons, He removes kings and raises up kings, He gives wisdom to the wise, and knowledge to those who have understanding.” We pray in Jesus’s name and declare that in the new Parliament, those and only those appointed by God will lead this nation. May they sound a distinct call, demonstrating vision, skill, and godly wisdom and understanding that others will follow. Proverbs 24:6 says, “You need guidance to wage war, and victory is won through many advisers”.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 21 April 2017 02:26

Politicians hit the campaign trail

Britain’s national newspapers are full of opinions, reports and analysis. The Daily Mail has an air of menace, the Sun and Telegraph proclaim Tory triumph, the Times and Guardian see bids for political strength. Some fear another general election will create instability in the country. Many voters already have ‘election fatigue’. Sources say Theresa May's manifesto will draw on inspiration from Thatcher's in 1979 - it will be short and 'tell a story'; Jeremy Corbyn said he will not play by the election rules, Nigel Farage is considering another bid to become an MP, and 750,000 people who turned 18 since the last election are now able to vote. Much prayer is needed for all who are canvassing to be men and women of wisdom and truth, for the voting public to hear the voices of wisdom above the clamour of half-truths and for the outcome on 8 June to be in line with God’s will for a United Kingdom.

Published in British Isles

MSPs snubbed calls to terminate their debate on independence after the terrorist attack at Westminster. At 3.30pm Conservative MSP Murdo Fraser asked for the debate to be suspended, prompting groans from the SNP benches. His request was turned down by deputy presiding officer Linda Fabiani, who said MSPs must carry on with ‘business as usual’. An hour and 20 minutes after news of the attack emerged, presiding officer Ken Macintosh finally announced a close to the debate ‘because the events were affecting the contribution of members’ (MSPs were watching Westminster events unfold on their devices). When this happened, environment secretary Roseanna Cunningham said it was a ‘disgrace’ that Scottish business was being suspended, allegedly adding, ‘This is because you didn’t want to talk about independence.’ For a moment it looked as if something quite serious was going to kick off between the two opposing positions on the vote, but fortunately it didn’t.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 24 March 2017 09:04

Pro-life campaign v abortion bill

Across the UK the Christian pro-life campaign, 40 Days for Life, is gaining momentum showing communities the consequences of abortion. Meanwhile Parliament is calling for the decriminalisation of abortion, without specifying any restrictions - allowing abortion up to birth, on demand, for any reason, without two doctors’ signatures. This bill should have its second reading on Friday, but the recent terrorist event, and parliamentary overload, may change this. Recently Prayer Alert readers were invited to pray about this Bill when it entered as a 10-minute rule abortion bill at its first hearing. Tragically it slipped through because it was timed to happen after the Brexit vote, when many MPs had left the house. If this bill goes through it could be passed into law. Few Bills introduced via the 10-minute rule become law, (Abortion Act 1967 was an exception). If enough people email their MPs and Theresa May (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) objecting to this bill, it will not progress beyond its second reading.

Published in British Isles
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