Displaying items by tag: Religion

Thursday, 10 October 2019 22:12

Benin: prayer needs

Benin is best known for its peaceful democracy, one of the most stable in Africa. However, corruption remains a significant issue. The country, once hosting main ports crucial in the slave trade, still negotiates shady deals. Poverty increases each year. This year deadly protests broke out after opposition parties were banned from participating in elections. The nation’s annual Voodoo Day brings thousands of participants to the country’s celebration. Voodoo, a religion approved by the government, has more than 60% devotees and contributes to significant spiritual bondages over the nation, its people and the Church. The country allows freedom to practise and propagate any religion. Pray for humility and repentance to grip the government (2 Chronicles 34:27). Because Benin has such strong connections with voodoo, it is difficult for people involved to leave it and follow Jesus. It is also difficult for Christians to grow in their faith without dealing with the spiritual bondages of voodoo. Ask God to minister deliverance and freedom (2 Corinthians 2:11).

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 04 October 2019 09:49

Halloween and sharing the hope of Jesus

Halloween is a great time to share the hope of Jesus with all those who come knocking at your door. Each ‘bag of hope’ from UCB and World Vision contains a full-colour, Bible-based booklet and activity sheet. Picture the scene. It is 31 October, the night is drawing in, and the doorbell rings. The Christians in the house know it will probably be trick-or-treaters, so they have two choices. They can pretend not to be in (dim the lights, quick!) or they could greet callers with a big smile and a brand new bag of hope. The bags are free and suitable for children aged 5 to 10. Praise God for the Christian input on that day with church light parties, and resources like the bags of hope.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 04 October 2019 09:47

Hope for the countryside

‘If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?’ (Psalm 11:3) Beneath the turmoil and conflict in nation and church is a crumbling of the biblical foundations that have supported both through many centuries. As we teeter on the edge of an abyss, pray that believers will be able to see beyond the news and understand the time from the Lord’s perspective. Pray that He will call out a faithful remnant characterised by radical discipleship, loving fellowship, and humble service. Pray for rural believers to understand their calling to light beacons of prayer and make places of sanctuary. Britain’s green and pleasant land has a dark side which is getting darker. While overall crime rates are falling, drug crime is increasing in small towns and villages. According to NFU Mutual, rural crime hit a seven-year high in 2018, with farmers bearing the brunt. Pray to the Father to deliver us from evil, and for His peace to reign in the countryside.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 04 October 2019 09:29

Scrapping council meeting prayers

In an attempt to be more 'inclusive', North Somerset Council voted last week to abolish its Christian prayers before council meetings, also rejecting a proposal to replace them with a period of ‘reflection’. Christian Legal Centre's Michael Phillips commented ahead of the vote, ‘If we remove every last vestige of Christianity, we are really left with nothing. When we turn our backs on what is good, we are left in a complete and utter mess.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 04 October 2019 09:21

Germany: prayer walk

A prayer walk along the former east-west border is being undertaken by German intercessors, from 3 October to 9 November, with the slogan ‘From a lifeless divide to a new lifeline’. The walk will take place along two routes, one from the north and one from the south, to a central meeting point. Its aim is to thank God for freedom and unity, and to pray for further reconciliation and understanding between former East and West Germany.

Published in Europe
Friday, 04 October 2019 09:17

Sudan: prayer needs

Sudan’s dominant religion is Islam, and it ranks 6th in the persecution table. Almost 50% of the population live below the poverty line. President al-Bashir was forced to step down after thirty years in power marked by oppression, genocide, and human rights abuses. The military now rule the country, and sharia law throughout the country allows stoning and amputations as punishments. Bashir’s military was responsible for bombing Christian civilians in the Nuba mountains. Christians are often subject to brutal treatment from the surrounding culture and from authorities; conversion from Islam to Christianity is punishable by death. Church buildings are regularly attacked and burned. The Christian community in Sudan is waiting and watching the uncertain future under military law. Pray for God to work in the hearts of Sudanese leaders, convicting them to seek justice and peace through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 26 September 2019 23:15

Hope Youth

Hope Youth (formally Hope Revolution), the youth arm of Hope Together, seeks to engage young people from across the church in mission and evangelism. Hope Youth has numerous partners including but not limited to the Church of England, Alpha, Limitless, Youth for Christ, Scripture Union, Message Trust and the Pais Movement. Collectively this group has facilitated the creation of various initiatives and resources including Mission Academy, Mission Academy Live, and Amplify, part of Advance 2020, an evangelistic movement to promote and stir up the gift of the evangelist building towards a cross-country outreach in 2020. Alongside this they are praying and planning together for what an intentional, strategic, and spirit-filled year of mission will look like in the UK in 2020, taking the gospel to the nation on an unprecedented scale. See

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 26 September 2019 22:25

New Methodist evangelism resources

The Methodist Church has launched a series of practical resources in a bid to equip churches more effectively for evangelistic ministry. They will focus on four key areas - a new website of online resources and information, starter grants for new outreach projects, a mission-planning guide to encourage church planting and a Church-wide strategy for growth. Trey Hall, the Methodist Church's Director of Evangelism and Growth, said, ‘We heard the call to reclaim evangelism as a core dimension of our mission and identity as a Church. These resources are a direct response to the needs and hopes of the many who have engaged with us over the past year.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 20 September 2019 10:47

Prayer for families and addicts

The following is a prayer from Transformations Ireland: ‘Our Father in heaven, may Your name be honoured in families. May Your kingdom come into homes, meeting needs and revealing Your blessings. Father, please heal relationships and build Your kingdom, manifesting Your glory in homes and across the land. Father, we are thankful for Your mercy and Your abounding love. In the Name of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, we come on behalf of families and communities bound by many strongholds and strategies of the Evil One; we confess and repent of partaking in sins associated with addictions. We ask that, by the blood of the cross and the power of Your Holy Spirit, You will have mercy and set men and women free from all addictions so that they may follow You in fullness of life. As Your church, give us courage and strength as we now take our stand against them.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 20 September 2019 10:40

‘Wall of Answered Prayer’ update

In April 2016 Prayer Alert intercessors prayed that a vision to build a wall of one million bricks, each brick representing an answered prayer, would become a reality. The land has now been secured: the wall will be positioned by a busy motorway, with 50,000+ people driving past every day. What a wonderful testimony that Jesus is alive and has answered a million prayers! Hundreds of people are becoming involved each month. God has been providing generously. Please pray that the organisers continue to receive wonderful testimonies that will encourage and remind others of God's goodness and raise the money needed to finalise the planning phase. See also

Published in British Isles