Displaying items by tag: Religion

Thursday, 21 December 2017 14:16

Egypt: 2018 election

Ever since former prime minister Ahmed Shafiq said he would run in the 2018 presidential election, many are speculating about his ability to win. Egypt’s religious institutions influence presidential candidates, and journalists supporting President al-Sisi have focused on the ties that Shafiq has with the Salafist Dawa Party and its political arm. The Salafi movement is ultra-conservative Sunni Islam. If Shafiq mobilises the only remaining influential religious blocs of Salafist Dawa and the Copts, his candidacy in the upcoming election might produce a repeat of 2012, when two strong candidates, Shafiq and Morsi, competed against each other. In those elections the Copts supported Shafiq out of fear that Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood would win. It is difficult for the largest Coptic bloc not to vote for al-Sisi, who they believe has protected them by overthrowing the Muslim Brotherhood.

Published in Worldwide

Justin Welby called for a Christmas truce in the increasingly bitter Brexit row. He called for a ‘ceasefire’ on insults and personalised attacks as the process of leaving the EU continues. His intervention came after Dominic Grieve was accused of ‘treachery’ after the Government was defeated in a Brexit legislation vote. Conservative rebels have been subjected to intense criticism from newspapers as the EU Withdrawal Bill goes through the Commons. He said, ‘In Christmas 1914 there was a ceasefire. It would be very good to have a ceasefire from insult and the use of pejorative terms about people at this time. As a country, we have a future ahead of us, we have made a clear decision about Brexit. How we do it is a question for robust political argument, but personalised attacks have to be avoided.’ See also next article, ‘Spiritual Brexit battle’.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 15 December 2017 11:55

Spiritual Brexit battle

Theresa May, David Davis, and the negotiating team showed tenacity and skill to achieve breakthrough in the Brexit negotiations, despite derogatory comments by political opponents and anti-Brexiteers. This significant step recognised that Britain will leave the EU in 15 months’ time, with or without a trade agreement. Then on 13 December an amendment was thrown out, meaning an even more compressed timescale to pass secondary legislations to implement Brexit. The next day Shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer demanded assurance that government will not overturn that decision. The battle goes on. But the God of Creation holds the nations in his hands. The Brexit battle is primarily a spiritual battle, and evidence of this has been seen as powerful personalities and media conspire to undermine this agreement. See also

Published in British Isles
Friday, 15 December 2017 11:51

Bishops in the House of Lords

Twenty-six C of E bishops have reserved seats in the House of Lords, with the right to debate and vote on changes to the law. Recently the Archbishop of Canterbury led a debate on education, in which three other bishops spoke about values, schools, early years, further education, and skills. Bishops also spoke in debates on the autumn budget, and in response to Government statements on Zimbabwe, the social mobility commission, and terrorism. They asked questions about social housing in rural areas, and rough sleeping. In the House of Commons the second church estates commissioner answered questions from MPs on her bill to enable mothers to have equal status on marriage certificates, and on religious minorities in Egypt. Our bishops’ words have an influence on Westminster, so pray for God's Spirit to fill each one of them and spill out in all that they say and do.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 15 December 2017 11:49

The Church and royalty

According to the National Secular Society, Prince Charles’s accession to the throne could trigger a national debate about the relationship between the Church of England and the state, providing an ‘opportune moment’ to make the case for disestablishment. Debate about whether an established, privileged ‘state church’ is appropriate in an increasingly multi-faith and secular society is seen by many as off-limits while the Queen remains monarch. But the society’s report says Charles’s coronation is likely to throw up pressing questions about the institutional links between church, monarchy and parliament, claiming that the disestablishment of the church is now necessary and inevitable. Only two countries in the world, Britain and Iran, have religious leaders in their legislatures by right. Pray for the continuation of a monarchy crowned and anointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury at Westminster Abbey.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 15 December 2017 11:45

The Church and mental health

More people are reporting consistent unhappiness, with women more likely to do so, an NHS survey has found. The Royal College of Psychiatrists said women are more likely to bear the brunt of domestic and caring responsibilities. Almost a quarter of 45- to 54-year-olds are mentally ill, but numbers drop as women get older. 16% have severe problems past 65, and 14% at 85. Christians are recognising the need to reach those with mental health diagnoses, but often those in the church with these diagnoses suffer in silence. Having heard that the joy of the Lord is their strength or that they need only pray more to be healed or that happiness will accompany the faithful, many who suffer from mental illness keep their diagnosis a secret. Pray for all those in need of counselling and pastoral care, and for Christian counselling services to be known about more widely. See also

Published in British Isles
Friday, 15 December 2017 11:11

Iran: Boris Johnson's visit

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe’s court case, at which she was expected to have her jail sentence extended, was postponed following the Foreign Secretary’s visit to Iran. Boris Johnson has said he held ‘worthwhile’ meetings in Tehran over the case of the jailed British-Iranian woman, but warned that he did not wish ‘to raise false hopes’ for her release. He believed his messages had been understood by senior Iranian figures, but admitted it was too early to be confident of the outcome, casting doubt on her family’s hopes that she might be released in time for Christmas.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 08 December 2017 12:41

Christmas outreach

As Christmas approaches, churches will be presenting carol services and other seasonal activities where the gospel is preached. Pray for God to anoint His people with powerful evangelism, and for the Holy Spirit to speak through the Church as she faithfully witnesses to the true gospel message. The Evangelical Alliance recently won an award for their website at the Premier Digital Awards. At this site churches can order from over 200 different outreach materials and ideas to inspire, equip and support the Church to make Jesus known. Pray for many thousands of unsaved people to realise this year that Jesus was born to give them a full life that never ends. Christmas can be a very lonely time, a time without hope. The Salvation Army has begun its 2017 Christmas appeal to raise awareness and finance for their work amongst the poor, vulnerable, and homeless. See:

Published in British Isles
Friday, 08 December 2017 12:34

Pray for Scotland

Numbers are falling in the Church in Scotland, church buildings are closing, and in a recent survey 51% said that they have no religion. However, there is a ‘stirring’ going on under the surface. The Church has often been called the ‘sleeping giant’. We may be experiencing a reduction in numbers but, as the story of Gideon’s army tells us, numbers are not everything when it comes to accomplishing the plans and purposes of God for a people and a nation. The sleeping giant is starting to awake from its slumber! There have been many local outreaches, summer missions, etc, which, together with the excellent Alpha courses, have borne fruit with folk coming to Christ. With Ffald y Brenin, we can pray, ‘O High King of heaven, have mercy on our land. Revive Your church. Send the Holy Spirit for the sake of the lost, the least and the broken. May Your Kingdom come to our nation. In Jesus’ mighty Name. Amen.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 08 December 2017 12:31

Churches and a new mental health report

The Christian mental health organisation Livability called for churches to be more honest about life's difficulties. A survey found that half of UK adults (26 million people) would feel uncomfortable or unsure about telling others if they experienced a mental health problem. The director of Livability said, ‘It's about creating communities where we talk about our well-being. There's a real need for us to start normalising the level of conversation that we have in our churches. There's a negative impact when we don't talk about these things.’ He encouraged churches to move away from criticism and adopt a culture of honesty, with leaders talking about their own emotional and mental well-being. The survey found that people aged between 16 and 24 are most likely to experience mental health issues. To be called a ‘snowflake’, implying that you are easily offended or hurt, is damaging to mental health.

Published in British Isles