Displaying items by tag: USA

Finally, after years of apathy and inaction, Washington is extending its hand to help Christians in the Middle East. US president Donald Trump recently announced that persecuted Christians will have priority when it comes to accessing refugee status. Christians and Yazidis are exposed to genocide at the hands of IS and other Islamist organisations which are moving into a vast campaign to enslave non-Muslim minorities and destroy their cultural heritage. Finally, self-interest and oil interests will take a back seat, with the UN and the USA showing solidarity with Middle East Christian refugees.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 07 April 2017 08:20

Canada / USA: climate change and fuel

At a ‘creation care fair’ at St Cuthbert’s Church in Toronto, Anglicans and community members had opportunities to ask church and secular leaders how they were responding to the challenge of climate change, with many questions about whether or not the Anglican Church of Canada will divest from fossil fuel companies. Its General Synod will be making a decision about this in 2019. While the Canadian Church and government address environmental challenges, President Trump signed an executive order to return to coal fuel. The order directs the US Environmental Protection Agency to begin re-evaluating immediately the Clean Power Plan that was published just ahead of the 2015 UN Climate Change Conference in France. The Plan was to reduce US power plant emissions dramatically over 25 years, and was a bargaining tool when negotiating the Paris climate accord.  See:

Published in Worldwide

In a recent phonce call, a number of U.S. prayer network leaders met for an encouraging time of sharing and prayer together. We praised God for what He has done through the growing unity of the U.S. prayer movement the last couple of years, leading up to the “divine turnaround” during the national election. We had an agreed sense that we need to keep going together, coordinating our efforts as much as possible to see God’s greater purpose in national transformation and even a widespread revival fulfilled.

We acknowledged that we are still in a battle mode in this war that we still need to fight together for our nation. “For waging war you need guidance and for victory many advisers” Proverbs 24:6. That is why such an ongoing roundtable of prayer network leaders is so important since no war has been won without a good and agreed on strategy by the generals who are prosecuting it. 

 A few of the concerns that were shared for prayer:

  1. As the “swamp is drained” in Washington, D.C., creatures emerge and it is going to get more vicious so we need to mobilize united prayer for the federal government in support.
  1. Key leaders on the President’s team are in their 30s and do not have enough experience. They have possibly 12-18 months of political capital as foundations, policies, and precedents are being put in place.This requires our special prayer during the first 100 days (40 days left now) and beyond.

  2. Children and youth need to be mobilized to pray. They are ready and enthusiastic to engage along with the adults in an intergenerational manner, but it is hard to get this going in the USA with the prevailing mindset of separating the generations. Children and youth and their prayers have been used to bring about great revivals and change the history of nations so we need to tap into this amazing resource!
  1. Keep focused on the upward call of God to love Him and be transformed by Him in the Church. This precedes the outward call to evangelize our fellow Americans. Restoration of the Church will lead to national restoration.
  1. The USA has escaped like a bird from a trap (Psalm 124:7). Time for us to join forces in a continental and global initiative. We need further understanding about a strategy to confront the enemy.    
  2. We feel a sense of urgency and that timing is a key issue. 2017 is a year to build the spiritual infrastructure of our nation. May 4, the National Day of Prayer, could be a landmark day for the USA with an emphasis on repentance for our national sins and exalting Jesus Christ as Lord.
  1. Ask the Lord for a new spiritual awakening for the nation, for greater unity in His Body and prayer movement, and for strategies from Heaven. Continue to pray for the President, Vice-President and their administration to be characterized by God’s wisdom and protection. Pray that the prayer army would be stirred to press in.

  2. Pray for the National Day of Prayer on May 4 and their team that is so busy for His special favor and help from above as they and their coordinators in every state arrange up to 45,000 prayer gatherings that God will use it to propel the prayer movement and a process of national transformation. Also, for the fire of revival to hit every class of people and part of the nation, burning up the darkness and bringing about a deep hunger for God in our society.

John Robb, National Prayer Assembly

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Conservative groups were stuck in bureaucratic red tape

Documents obtained by a government watchdog show that the originator of the “After School Satan Club” received speedy tax-exempt status while conservative groups were stuck in bureaucratic red tape under the Obama administration.

Treasury Department files obtained by Judicial Watch last week show Reason Alliance in Somerville, Mass., was given nonprofit status within 10 days of its application in October 2014. The group operates the Satanic Temple out of Washington state and planned an “After School Satan Club” initiative in 2016.

“While the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) makes conservative groups wait years for tax-exempt status an ‘After School Satan Club‘ launched to hinder Christian-based counterparts got its nonprofit ranking in just ten days,” Judicial Watch said in a statement released March 16. “The classification is offered to charitable, religious and educational organizations that operate as nonprofits. Under the Obama administration, IRS political appointees illegally targeted conservative groups, either making them wait up to seven years for tax-exempt status or denying their application altogether.”

The watchdog said that Reason Alliance’s application turned up after Freedom of Information Act Requests related to the IRS’s approval process.

“The fact that a satanic cult got [its application] granted in a week when it took conservative groups seven years to get approved should be pretty illustrative of a deeper problem here,” Brian Morgenstern, vice president of the Manhattan Republican Party, told Fox News on Monday.

Reason Alliance, which was started by directors Malcolm Jarry and Douglas Mesner, says that its mission is to “encourage reason and empathy, reject tyrannical authority, promote justice, and advocate pragmatic common sense.”

The group’s idea for “After School Satan Club” was billed as an alternative to an evangelical Christian group’s after-school program known as the Good News Club.

“If Good News Clubs would operate in churches rather than public schools, that need would disappear. But our point is that if you let one religion into the public schools, you have to let others, otherwise, it’s an establishment of religion,” the group told The Washington Post on July 30, 2016. “We’ve moved well beyond being a simple political ploy and into being a very sincere movement that seeks to separate religion from superstition.”


Witches seek to attack President Trump
WASHINGTON – Among the angry liberals who refuse to accept the 2016 presidential election results that put Donald Trump in the Oval Office are witches who will be gathering at midnight on Sunday to cast spells.


They already tried last month to conjure up magic to remove him from office.

Witches, exorcists and occultists say they again will cast a “binding spell” designed to “bind Donald Trump and all who abet him.”

Anti-Trump occultists performed the “mass spell” against the president last month under the hashtag #BindTrump. Witches nationwide shared photos and videos on Twitter of them placing their hex on Trump.

They say they will repeat the ritual on March 26 and on every crescent moon “until Donald Trump is removed from office,” according to the group’s Facebook page.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2017/03/witches-to-cast-spell-on-trump-again/#UHVJeIpdm4AccFkv.99

Pray with His authority for the overthrow and closing down of all such “After School Satan Clubs” and of every occult incantation and curse directed against President Trump and his administration. Let the evil one be bound in the USA in all he continues to do to destabilize the new government and let those involved in the satanic realm be set free to love and serve Jesus Christ!

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A letter sent Tuesday asked for a probe into how U.S. funds are being used by agencies such as the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to back left-wing political groups in other countries. 

Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, one of the co-signers, even said foreign officials and political leaders have come to him with "reports of U.S. activity in their respective countries."

He said in a statement: "This includes reports of diplomats playing political favorites, USAID funds supporting extreme and sometimes violent political activists, and the US Government working to marginalize the moderates and conservatives in leadership roles. ... This sort of political favoritism from our missions around the world is unacceptable.”

The letter to Tillerson also was signed by Sens. James Inhofe, R-Okla.; Thom Tillis, R-N.C.; David Perdue, R-Ga.; Ted Cruz, R-Texas; and Bill Cassidy, R-La. It followed a letter in February from GOP lawmakers asking about whether U.S. tax dollars have been used in recent years to fund Soros-backed projects in the small, conservative-led country of Macedonia.

In particular, USAID funding to Soro’s Open Society Foundations in Macedonia sparked concern that the U.S. Embassy has been taking sides in the country’s fiery political fights. The group's stated goal is “to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments are accountable to their citizens” but critics claim it's a front for Soros’ political maneuverings.

The USAID website shows that between 2012 and 2016, USAID gave almost $5 million in taxpayer cash to FOSM for “The Civil Society Project,” which “aims to empower Macedonian citizens to hold government accountable.” USAID’s website links to www.soros.org.mk, and says the project trained hundreds of young Macedonians “in youth activism and the use of new media instruments.”

The State Department told lawmakers that in addition to that project, USAID has recently funded a new Civic Engagement Project which partners with four organizations, including FOSM. The cost is believed to be around $9.5 million.

A citizen’s initiative called “Stop Operation Soros” has also published a white paper alleging U.S. money has been funding violent riots in the streets, as well as a Macedonian version of Saul Alinsky’s far-left handbook “Rules for Radicals.”

After being dissatisfied with responses to letters sent to the U.S. ambassador, the senators wrote to Tillerson, noting not only the situation in Macedonia, but also what they describe as “a pattern of alarming activity in this volatile region” -- pointing in particular to the nearby country of Albania.


“Respected leaders from Albania have made similar claims of U.S. diplomats and Soros-backed organizations pushing for certain political outcomes in their country,” the letter said, citing a FOSM-backed push for Albanian judicial reform, which opponents say are aimed to give the socialist government full control over the country’s judiciary.

“The destabilizing effects of such actions in a NATO country are clear and the threat for further escalation eminent as Albania anticipates parliamentary elections later this year,” the letter said.

The senators went on to say that they are also concerned about reports coming in from countries in Africa and Latin America. 

“We respectfully ask that you use your authority to investigate all funds associated with promoting democracy and governance and review the programs, accounts, and multiplicity of U.S. entities involved in such activities,” the letter said.

Conservative Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban last month expressed concern about Soros meddling in his country’s political fights, and warned about Soros’ “trans-border empire.” Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó told Fox News last month that they hoped that with a change in administration in Washington, the Soros-led push against their government would decrease.

“I think it is no secret and everyone knows about the very close relationship between the Democrats and George Soros and his foundations. It is obvious that if Hillary Clinton had won then this pressure on us would be much stronger. With Donald Trump winning we have the hope that this pressure will be decreased on us,” he said.

Widely cited as an example of Soros’ influence during the Obama administration was a 2011 email (published by WikiLeaks) in which Soros urged Hillary Clinton to take action in Albania over recent demonstrations in the capital of Tirana.

Soros asked Clinton to “bring the full weight of the international community to bear on Prime Minister Berisha and opposition leader Edi Rama to forestall further public demonstrations and to tone down public pronouncements” and appoint a senior European official as mediator.

Within a few days, an envoy was dispatched.

Adam Shaw is a Politics Reporter and occasional Opinion writer for FoxNews.com. He can be reached here or on Twitter: @AdamShawNY

Let us continue to pray that George Soros and the organizations he sponsored with his vast wealth will not to be able to carry on with their agenda of destabilizing nations. Pray that his wicked, megalomaniacal schemes will be uncovered and foiled.

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Friday, 24 March 2017 08:36

G20: key concerns

At a G20 meeting this week, financial leaders from the world's biggest economies failed to agree on trade, highlighting a global shift towards protectionism (for ten years, the finance ministers and central bankers of the world's top twenty economies have rejected protectionism and endorsed free trade). Failure to agree on a commitment to keep global trade free and open will have negative consequences. Watered-down free trade commitments reflect the mood of anti-globalisation that Donald Trump endorses. Another Trump ‘win’ is that the G20 dropped a reference, used last year, to its readiness to finance climate change, as agreed in Paris in 2015, because of opposition from the United States and Saudi Arabia. Trump has called global warming a ‘hoax’ concocted by China to hurt US industry, and has vowed to scrap the Paris climate accord aimed at curbing greenhouse gas emissions. Pray for his administration to reconsider its proposed 31% cut to the Environmental Protection Agency's budget. See also

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 24 March 2017 08:33

First-ever family-friendly talk show?

At a time when Google, Facebook and Twitter newsfeeds are crowded with negativity, Frankly Faraci is an inspirational new Dove Channel show that can be found across the web on tablets, TVs, smart phones, and laptops. It premiered on 21 March, and promises to uplift and entertain audiences of all ages. They want to encourage viewers that good does still exist - and remind them that God can use anyone who is willing to be part of His plan. There is a perception that Christians are judgmental, angry, holier than thou, and finger-wagging, but non-Christian viewers will see that Christians are amazing and fun and cool and the kind of people that they would want to hang out with. The show has an unhidden agenda, to push back against all the negativity. It is hoped that families will tune in and children learn that the sky's the limit, as the programme gives them great role models to look up to. That's really the heart of what they want to do.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 17 March 2017 09:14

USA: bakers refuse to make gay wedding cake

A Christian couple in Oregon were fined $135,000 (£109,000) for refusing to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple. Aaron and Melissa Klein, who own a local bakery called Sweet Cakes in Oregon, maintain that they did not refuse to serve the gay customers; they only refused to participate in making a cake for their wedding. They have decided to appeal against the ruling, with First Liberty Institute attorney Hiram Sasser representing them. They said, ‘We have no litmus test for customers. We serve everybody no matter who they are, from every walk of life. That’s part of being open to the public. These two women were in fact return customers.’ The couple cannot discuss the case due to a gag order.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 10 March 2017 10:45

USA losing its identity?

A national poll has found that while there is deep disagreement between Republicans and Democrats over whether Christianity is central to American identity, a majority of the population (seven out of ten) agrees that the country is losing its identity as a whole. Democrats, independents and Republicans agree that there is confusion as to what American identity actually is. Only one in ten Americans has a biblical worldview, and overall Christian religious beliefs were ranked near the bottom in terms of what is critical to the national identity, with only 40% saying a culture grounded in Christian religious beliefs is extremely important.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 03 March 2017 09:53

USA: implementing Trump’s executive orders

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued two memos spelling out how they will implement the executive orders on immigration that President Trump signed in his first week in office. The specifics and the scope stunned even seasoned immigrant and refugee advocates. The memos call for hiring fifteen thousand new immigration and border patrol agents, renewing efforts for state and local police to implement immigration enforcement duties, and expanding a procedure known as expedited removal. There could be mass heartless deportations. Another change would end long-standing protections for individuals in or near sensitive locations like hospitals, schools and places of worship. Some churches and even some cities have joined the Sanctuary Movement, and refuse to use their own resources to aid federal authorities in deportation cases.

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