Displaying items by tag: church

Friday, 19 May 2017 13:05

Thy Kingdom Come - ten days of prayer

From 25 May to 4 June individuals and churches around the nation will join in a global ‘wave of prayer’ for the ten days leading up to Pentecost. There is a rich variety of activities taking place, and it is exciting to see many ways in which we can engage with God in praying for our communities and nations. Below are some of the events for which we can intercede in advance:- Ask God that many will attend city-wide praise/prayer events, and that events being held in public locations will draw many shoppers into the God-filled space. Pray for prayer breakfasts to be filled with spiritual tastes of Kingdom. Pray that the 24/7 prayer chains organised by church communities will have all slots filled, creating a mighty canopy of prayer over their communities. May those setting up prayer rooms be blessed with God-inspired fresh ideas that draw people closer to Him.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 05 May 2017 10:38

USA: pornography in the Church

In the USA, 68% of men in church regularly view porn. New research has now revealed that ‘of young Christian adults 18-24 years old, 76% actively actively seek out pornography’. These latest statistics show that the Church has a dirty secret. Chances are that on any given Sunday morning, either the person sitting to your left or to your right will be struggling with pornography. Never before has such a large portion of the Church lived in contradiction of what we believe. Jesus didn’t mince words when he said, ‘But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.’ At that point in time, adultery was punishable by death! If we don’t confront the issue of pornography, the church is going to continue dying from the inside.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 31 March 2017 11:30

Friday Focus: unity in prayer and mission

The Apostle Paul refers to himself and his brothers and sisters in Christ as ‘co-workers’ with God. If communicating the gospel of Jesus Christ is a task, the team to accomplish that task is the Church. If the team doesn’t pull together the job won’t get done. Pray for the Church across Britain, that we will work together with great effectiveness to complete the task of sharing Jesus with every man, woman and child in this land.

(Lyndall Bywater, Salvation Army)

Published in British Isles
Friday, 10 March 2017 11:29

100,000 evangelicals in new prayer initiative

Unprecedented evangelical unity across the UK will run from April to October with 100,000+ Christians taking part in '17:21'. The initiative is named after Jesus prayer in John 17:21: 'May they all be one that the world might believe'. Christian groups, conferences and festivals will read the same Bible reading, prayer of commitment, and declaration of a shared life in Christ, and play the same worship song. Malcolm Duncan, representing Spring Harvest, added, 'The 17:21 initiative calls all of us who stand under the shadow of the Cross to link arms in the great responsibility that God has given us – presenting a living Saviour to a dying world. I have been humbled and thrilled to be part of this call to the festivals, conventions and Bible weeks in the United Kingdom to declare that we are united by far more than what divides us. May God take us beyond structural and mechanistic unity and give us the boldness and courage to stand together for Christ.' The initiative comes in the year of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 03 March 2017 10:50

Ash Wednesday innovation

An Ash Wednesday ‘drive-through’ at a church in Ireland proved very popular with busy commuters. Queues of drivers waited to receive ceremonial ashes on their foreheads at St Patrick’s Church in Glenmaddy, County Galway, during the busy morning rush hour. Father Paddy Mooney said the idea of the drive-through blessing was to help people unable to attend Mass. It targeted the sick, those with difficulty walking, people going to work, or families on their way to school. A driveway for Catholics marking the start of the Lent season led right past the front door of the church. Father Mooney and others stood outside and leaned through car windows to placed an ash cross on each occupant’s forehead. Parish secretary Breda Keaveney said: ‘It was so reverent and so respectful. There was just a wonderful atmosphere.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 24 February 2017 09:12

Friday Focus: the Millennial generation

18- to 35-year-olds have been dubbed the missing generation. They have left the church building and aren't fitting into traditional structures. But the Talking Jesus research (www.talkingjesus.org) says they are very open to having conversations about Jesus.

(written by Kiera Phyo, Tearfund)

Published in British Isles
Friday, 24 February 2017 08:58

Black-majority churches growing fast

Andrew Rogers, a lecturer in practical theology at the University of Roehampton, speaking on Pentecostalism, said that the number of black majority churches in Southwark is so high that, at 240, they are nearly twice as numerous as all the other churches in the borough put together. Black churches are growing as fast as ever while white churches continue to decline. There is a greater concentration of African Christianity in south London than anywhere in the world outside Africa. Most black churches are 'Pentecostal', featuring long services with exuberant and often loud worship. Many of the pastors are first-generation migrants to Britain. Although it is acknowledged that black-majority churches have enjoyed rapid growth, it is difficult to determine precisely why. While Southwark may currently be the most intense case, there is significant growth of black churches in Leeds, Manchester and Birmingham. Sadly few BMCs are managing to reach out beyond the black community.

Published in British Isles
Tagged under
Friday, 17 February 2017 09:22

Pledge to pray - ‘Thy Kingdom come’

‘Thy Kingdom Come’ is a global prayer movement, which invites Christians around the world to pray between Ascension and Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus Christ. What started out as an invitation from the Archbishops’ of Canterbury and York in 2016 to the Church of England has grown into an international and ecumenical call to prayer. The hope is that: 1) people will commit to pray with God’s worldwide family - as a church, individually or as a family; 2) churches will hold prayer events, such as 24-7 prayer, prayer stations and prayer walks, across the UK and in other parts of the world; 3) people will be empowered through prayer by the Holy Spirit, finding new confidence to be witnesses for Jesus Christ. See Justin Welby’s video invitation on

Published in British Isles
Friday, 03 February 2017 09:15

C of E report on same-sex marriage

A new report by the House of Bishops has said that the Church of England should adopt a ‘fresh tone and culture of welcome and support’ for gay people, but that there was little support for changing the Church's teaching that marriage was between one man and one woman. The report said the Church needed to repent of homophobic attitudes. It also said all potential clergy - straight and gay - will be asked about their sexual conduct and lifestyle., The Bishop of Norwich, Graham Jones, felt that present arrangements for asking ordinands and clergy about their relationships and lifestyle are not really working very well. He said, ‘All clergy are asked at their ordination whether they will fashion their lives after the way of Christ. We believe we should revisit how this is explored beforehand, so the same questions are addressed to everyone without distinction.’ But Andrew Foreshaw-Cain, a parish priest in north London who is in a same-sex marriage, told the BBC that the report was ‘a failure of leadership’. He added: ‘The LGBT community is going to be extremely hurt by this. We were asked to trust our leaders. Many of us made ourselves vulnerable during the shared conversations, and none of that has been heard. The bishops have gone ahead and talked as if we didn't take part in it and as if we are not there.’

Published in Europe
Wednesday, 01 February 2017 17:33

The Story of The Turning

The World Prayer Centre has been journeying with The Turning since summer 2016. We provided prayer cover as this all began to develop and Jane Holloway is part of The Turning National Leadership team. We see this as a part of all that God has asking His church to get ready for in this time of unprecedented shaking – an unprecedented harvest. 

Here is an update from Yinka Oyekan, leader of The Gate in Reading: ‘On the 29th of May 2016 we began what we thought would be a one-week mission at our Baptist Church ‘The Gate’ which would possibly stretch into two weeks. In the end because of the results we were witnessing on the streets we stretched out the mission for a total of four weeks. In that time, we saw over 1850 people prayed for on the streets of Reading with many first-time commitments and rededications to Christ. Quite apart from the large numbers of responses to the gospel the sheer number of people willing to let us pray for them on the streets took us by surprise.

Seven months on from The Turning outpouring that shook our church in Reading, we have been excited to see in practice that this grace can and has been released in other cities. We have gained much insight through conducting five months of mission which has culminated in seeing over 4150 people in England and at last count over 865 in Lille in France respond in prayer to an invitation to accept Christ.

In the UK leadership teams covering over 230 towns and cities have asked us to bring The Turning to their town or city. In England, we are calling the implementation of this campaign to bring The Turning to these places ‘The Big Bang’, a campaign that will be inviting cities and towns to receive the best training we can give them prior to launching a Turning Team in their city or town. We will also be launching a similar event in several other countries in Europe where we have invitations to bring The Turning’.  December 2016

For more information http://theturning.eu

As this continues to develop we would invite you to pray with us for:

  • Protection for Yinka, his family and all the leadership team for The Turning and at The Gate church
  • Wisdom and continued grace to flow as they travel across the UK and beyond
  • God’s presence to be experienced at every training session
  • God’s kingdom to come and His will be done as churches get ready for this harvest
  • For an awakening across the body of Christ to respond to the Father’s invitation
  • For workers to go out into the harvest fields

Jane Holloway….

Published in WPC News