Displaying items by tag: elections

Thursday, 24 May 2018 23:25

Sweden: migration and approaching elections

Far-right Sweden Democrats (SD) have seen growing support in polls as campaign discourse focuses on refugees and migrants. With national elections due in September, migration policy is shaping up to be a core campaign issue for parties across the political spectrum. Linda Snecker, for the Left Party, believes the increasing focus on migration is changing the political landscape. While 27,000 people applied for asylum in 2017, immigration minister Helene Fritzon said the country should only grant asylum each year to 14,000 -15,000 applicants. SD claim their party does not oppose immigration, but argue that it ‘must be kept at such a level that it does not pose a threat to national identity or the welfare and security of Sweden’. Many SD members share, spread and sympathise with news and propaganda sites connected to white nationalism.

Published in Europe

Moqtada al Sadr, the Muslim Shiite cleric, and his Marching Towards Reform alliance with Iraq's communists look to be in first position coming out of the national polls.The elections rejected the Iraqi elite that has run the country since the ousting of Saddam Hussein in 2003. Running a campaign highly critical of both the USA and Iran, the controversial cleric and militia leader has struck a chord with millions of poor Shia voters. Only 44 percent of voters turned out, the lowest in the four elections since the removal of Saddam. During the next two weeks, the various parties will jockey for position as they seek to form a governing coalition.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 27 April 2018 00:25

Tunisia: potential for change

There are many Christian ministries in Tunisia but only one officially recognised Christian body, a training ministry called the Augustine Association, which managed to get registration during the upheaval of the Arab Spring. Christians mostly gather for worship in homes, but some are too fearful of persecution to attend such meetings. After many postponements, municipal elections will be held on 6 May. Tunisian Christians ask for God’s hand to be over these elections so that their country will once again become a blessing for the whole region, as it was in the days of the early Church. The media reported that over 75% of the registered candidates are under the age of 45, with over 50% under 35. The high number of young fresh politicians running for election for the first time came as a shock to the political parties and blocs, and indicates potential changes in the coming years. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 27 April 2018 00:16

Venezuela: poverty, politics, and protests

71% of Venezuelans identify themselves as Catholic, and the Church runs numerous charities plus 170 schools for poor children. The country faces 50% hyperinflation, food shortages, black market influences on prices, and failing health systems, with medicine and equipment increasingly not available. Widespread crime is forcing churches to remain locked. There will be a snap election on 20 May, and in the streets there are ongoing protests against a coalition regime they do not trust. Tensions have grown between President Maduro and local bishops. The president has asked them to leave politics out of the pulpit, calling political comments ‘disrespectful’. Not a single thing can be done easily in Venezuela: paying bills, buying food, commuting, visiting loved ones, finding decent-quality women’s hygiene products. In times of crisis like these, religion plays a comforting role for many. See also

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 26 April 2018 23:45

Iraq and Afghanistan: elections

Iraqi religious figures and institutions are debating the 12 May elections in public. Some call for boycotting them, some recommend voting for new candidates. The Shi’ite religious establishment, believing the previous ‘corrupt people’ robbed the nation, insists that politicians who failed to live up to executive or legislative responsibility must not be re-elected: ‘People must not vote for them again, even if they are members of their clan or sect’. Iraqi people groups have strong tribal loyalty in constituencies. Many see voting as ineffective. In Afghanistan long-delayed elections should be possible on 20 October 2018 despite major security and logistic challenges. Lack of security allowed a suicide bomber to kill 57 and injure 119 at a voter registration centre in Kabul, where civilians had gathered to receive identification cards that would enable them to vote. Pray for God’s protection over all registration centres, and the police officers guarding them in the runup to the elections. See

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 19 April 2018 20:43

Iraq: legislative elections due 12 May

With the defeat of IS and Kurdish independence ambitions thwarted, many see a positive mood in Iraq. Yet major obstacles of corruption, sectarianism, and nepotism limit Iraq’s capacity to recover from war and destruction. As soon as campaigning began on 14 April for parliamentary elections, people pulled down pictures of fighters killed in combat and replaced the images with their own posters, causing major controversy. The following day a car bomb targeted an election candidate in Kirkuk, killing one and wounding eleven. Iraq elections have typically been accompanied by violence since the removal of Saddam Hussein. 7,000 candidates have registered to stand for 329 parliamentary seats, in the fourth election since 2003. Iraq is the 12th most corrupt country in the world. On 15 April the US defence secretary accused Iran of funnelling money into Iraq to sway election outcomes, calling it part of a broader pattern of destabilising Iranian actions across the Middle East. See also

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 06 April 2018 11:26

Local elections on 3 May

The deadline for registering to vote in this year’s local elections is 17 April, and many young people who could not vote in the last election are now eligible to do so. There are young adults in our churches, families and towns who do not yet understand the times we are living in. They do not realise the potential for change that can be achieved through understanding local issues, or how their votes can influence the lives of many.

Published in British Isles
Wednesday, 28 March 2018 13:30

Pray for Iraq and its Elections

Our nation has come out of the dark tunnel of ISIS with a heavy burden of mass corruption and many political parties.

The nation is heading for an election mid of May, we need a Divine intervention to choose the right person that will bring the ship to the right shore.

PM EL-Ebady has proven to be a godly person who is clean and sincere to the nation. I have called many to agree with us to pray that he will win the seat for PM for a second term.

Thus, kindly agree with us for this.

Unemployment is very high; education and health services are the lowest in 50 yrs. I am very optimistic that should Mr. El- ebady win, then many positives then take place.

Blessings and thanks,

A Prayer Leader friend in Baghdad

Tagged under
Wednesday, 28 March 2018 13:26

USA Mid-term Elections and the Need to Pray

By the year 2020, 40% of the electorate will be Millennial. According to recent surveys almost 70% of Millennials said they would vote for a socialist. The good(?) news is that they couldn’t accurately define what socialism is. Lots of room for education. So little time. Unless the Lord intervenes, losing this country may not wait until the ‘next’ generation. They are here. And given the special elections we are losing around the country, it looks like they have already kicked in. It is critically important to pray against the work of the enemy to deceive America’s youth – especially women.

Women outvote men in America by a lot. They tend to vote significantly to the left of men - especially younger women. That’s what the ‘War on Women’ was all about - appealing to under-informed women. Again, it is critically important to pray against deception.

Democrats need to win 23 seats to take control of the House. In the past 20 mid-term elections (40 years) the party in control of the White House has lost an average of 24 seats, with the exception of Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs, and George W after 911 when the party in power in the White House actually gained seats.

Here is the prayer challenge: 24 Republican members are running for re-election in districts that Hillary won. This is going to take as big a prayer push as the 2016 elections did. If we lose the House or the Senate, the freedom agenda will be blocked and impeachment proceedings will commence immediately.

BOTS have been launched to deceive corporations into thinking that there are 10’s of thousands of people swarming for change. Case in point: with the recent school shooting, BOTS have swarmed corporations that affiliate with the NRA. Citigroup and MetLife just discontinued their relationship with the NRA due to ‘public pressure’ not understanding that the pressure is the result of a few very adept social media manipulators. Also, the MSM has published lists of businesses who are affiliated with the NRA.

Can’t emphasize enough how important to pray against the work of the “Liar and Father of Lies”…. especially in media (social and otherwise). More than almost anything, we need to pray that God will awaken the electorate to the truth, and destroy the enemy’s attempts to deceive. Jesus referred to the “Prince of the Power of the Air”. The airwaves have been dominated by deception for decades.

We need to break the strongholds of deception over media, education, entertainment and the church. Yes, the church. Soros has invested heavily in seminaries in an effort to put a leftist spin on scripture. It was a brilliant strategy. The church is confused, dis-unified and unaware. The Catholic Church, for instance, is basically split right down the middle. If we can turn the church back to truth, we can turn the country.

(A concerned prayer leader)

Let’s do join in prayer that deception will be overthrown in the upcoming mid-term elections (November) and that people with Socialist and Leftist views will be hindered from being elected. Pray that the “swamp” of Washington DC will be cleansed from those who have selfish and wicked motives and that those the Lord has chosen will be put into power to lead the USA forward and in order to become a blessing to the rest of the world.

Clashes between anti-fascist and far-right activists have increased ahead of a general election on 4 March. Recently, police in Milan used batons as left-wing demonstrators tried to break through a police cordon. The Anti-immigration League party leader, Matteo Salvini, told supporters that defence of the country was a ‘sacred duty’. There have been protests in Milan, Rome and Palermo as campaigning enters its final week. The right-wing Forza Italia party, backed by 81-year-old Silvio Berlusconi, could be in the lead. The anti-establishment Five Star Movement opposes Berlusconi, as does the far-right League and the Brothers of Italy parties. Former prime minister Matteo Renzi joined a National Partisans organisation with the slogan ‘Fascism Never Again’.

Published in Europe
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