Displaying items by tag: hungary

Friday, 30 November 2018 00:19

Macedonia: unlawful asylum

Nikola Gruevski, former prime minister of Macedonia, has reportedly been granted asylum by the Hungary, after fleeing his home country in what seems to be an attempt to avoid a two-year prison sentence. He has been convicted for unduly influencing public officials in the purchase of a luxury car during his tenure as prime minister. In 2016, he stepped down from his post following his implication in a wiretapping scandal that led to one of three pending trials against him. Gruevski's supporters claim that he is the victim of a political ‘witch-hunt’. By granting him asylum, the Hungarian government is ignoring international judiciary standards and agreements such as the European Convention on Extradition, which applies to both countries. See also

Published in Europe
Friday, 14 September 2018 09:01

Poland will block EU sanctions against Hungary

The European parliament voted to sanction Hungary for neglecting norms on democracy, civil rights and corruption. Since 2010, Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban has pressurised courts, media and non-government groups to prevent migrants entering Hungary. He has also led opposition to Angela Merkel and others who want Europe to take in more Muslim refugees. Poland, the biggest former communist country in the EU, will oppose any sanctions imposed by the bloc on Hungary. Its prime minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, said, ‘Every country has its sovereign right to make internal reforms it deems appropriate, and actions aimed against member states serve only to deepen divides in the EU and increase citizens’ current lack of confidence to European institutions.’ A BBC report says that Mr Orban appears increasingly isolated among European conservatives, but is being applauded by nationalist parties.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 14 June 2018 23:09

Hungary: proposal to end homelessness

MP Istvan Bajkai hopes homelessness will become a thing of the past if his proposed law is taken on by the government. Bajkai previously worked as prime minister Viktor Orban’s lawyer. He wants to amend the constitution to ban homeless people from living and sleeping in public spaces. He said sleeping rough shouldn’t be necessary as everyone without a home is guaranteed shelter. Support services, day centres, and night-time accommodation, are widely available. But according to a local NGO, there are 11,000 places available in temporary accommodation for 30,000 people sleeping rough. Critics say many shelters are unsuitable and lack security, and banning the homeless from public spaces would be impossible to enforce. The director of Shelter Foundation said that to solve homelessness, Orban’s government should support the development of cheap rentals in cities or offer financial support to those who cannot afford to live in them.

Published in Europe

This week, Viktor Orbán was elected for a third consecutive four-year term as Prime-Minister of Hungary.  In 1989, he addressed 250,000 people in Budapest calling for free elections and the withdrawal of Soviet troops. He became famous in Hungary and abroad overnight. The right-wing populist now leads Hungary towards the return of ethnic nationalism and deep-rooted corruption. He eliminated constitutional safeguards, successfully reshaped the state in his own image, and is considered to be a potential threat to the EU. He has been described  by the European Stability Initiative as the ‘most dangerous man in the European Union’. A Pew Research poll in 2016 ascertained, ‘Hungarians were the most likely to believe ‘refugees would increase terrorism in their country’. Orban pioneered what scholars describe as either ‘half democracy in decline’ or ‘soft autocracy;’ merging crony capitalism with right-wing rhetoric. He flatly rejects accusations of impropriety of the sources of his allies’ enrichment. Opposition speakers in parliament repeatedly complain that he has become not only the most powerful but also the richest millionaire in Hungary.

Published in Europe
Friday, 23 February 2018 10:34

Christianity - Europe's 'last hope'

Hungary's prime minister Viktor Orbán has called Christianity the ‘last hope’ for Europe, as the continent struggles to integrate millions of Muslim migrants who have fled their countries of origin. Orbán also accuses some Western European governments of facilitating the ‘decline of Christian culture’, and paving the way for Islam's advance. In his annual state of the nation speech he warned these nations that they will be overwhelmed with Muslim migrants and their culture will drastically change for the worse. He said that if millions of young Muslims move north, large European cities will have a Muslim majority. The prime minister is expected to win a third term when Hungarians go to the polls in April. Pray for an end to the fear of declining Christian culture, and for Muslim refugees to have divine appointments with Christians in European cities and encounter Christ.

Published in Europe
Friday, 16 February 2018 09:44

Hungary: NGOs helping immigrants could be banned

Viktor Orbán’s government has outlined plans for a new law giving it powers to ban any NGOs that ‘sponsor, organise or support a third-country national’s entry into or stay in Hungary via a safe third country in order to ensure international protection’. Mr Orban has campaigned heavily on the issue of immigration to Hungary. He says that the law will prevent the giving up of ‘national independence’ and hinder politicians who he claims want to ‘transform Hungary into an immigrant country’. His party is expected to win a huge victory in the 8 April election. NGOs would need a permit to operate, and even then could be prevented from working on ‘national security’ grounds. NGOs with approval would pay a special 25% tax on any international funding aimed at helping migrants and refugees. Some could be labelled activists and be issued with restraining orders to prevent them from going near Hungary’s borders.

Published in Europe
Wednesday, 01 November 2017 05:34

Hungary: Fears of Soros Influence

"Hungary MP IstvánHollik has come out and stated fears that “George Soros would use his organisation, now the second largest political activist charity in the world, to influence Hungary’s 2018 general election” and “remove Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’sFidesz party from power, tear down the border fence, and implement the “Soros Plan” to flood Europe with one million third-world migrants annually”

Viktor Orban has adamantly resisted the immigration policy of his European neighbors, despite threats of legal action by the EU over quotas. Like Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia have also resisted the mass intake of migrants. These countries have not experienced the same jihad attacks, threats of attacks and mass sexual assaults that other European countries with wide open immigration policies have suffered. But that could possibly change with Soros’ interference:

Soros has a history of interfering in the democratic process of sovereign nations including spending $6 billion to destroy populism in Europe, as well as being accused of interfering in internal politics in Macedonia and Albania.

Should the tide end up shifting in Hungary, forcing it to accept mass migration (unvetted), its fate will resemble that of other European countries. According to a report released earlier in the week, in Britain alone, there are 23,000 jihadists reportedly at large, not 3,000 as previously reported. M15 Director General Andrew Parks warned that the “threat is multi-dimensional, evolving rapidly, and operating at a scale and pace we’ve not seen before …we’ve seen a dramatic upshift in the threat this year. It’s at the highest tempo I’ve seen in my 34-year career.” Parks also warned of a “similar picture across Europe and beyond where we have seen a steady drumbeat of attacks.”

IstvánHollik warns that “seeing what the Soros-funded organisations do, it is not an exaggeration to say that Soros organisations and the Soros plan itself are dangerous.”

“Hungary Fears ‘Soros Influence’ in Election After Open Borders Activist Injects $18bn into Foundation”, by Victoria Friedman, Breitbart, October 20 2017:

George Soros will use his organisation, now the second largest political activist charity in the world, to “influence” Hungary’s 2018 general election, a Hungarian member of parliament has claimed.

IstvánHollik MP fears that Soros would use his Open Society Foundations (OSF) to remove Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’sFidesz party from power, tear down the border fence, and implement the “Soros Plan” to flood Europe with one million third-world migrants annually, reports the Hungarian Times.

The politician, whose Christian Democratic People’s Party (KDNP) is in coalition with the conservative Fidesz, also said that the OSF-backed refugee human rights group Hungarian Helsinki Committee’s legal challenge to the government’s national consultation on the Soros Plan could be “the first step in the campaign”.

Hollik pointed out that Soros’s foundation, which recently received a cash injection after the Hungarian-American speculator transferred $18 billion into the NGO, has been a “generous and intensive” source of money for those “Soros organisations and politicians” who “regularly intervene in Hungarian public life and who try to put pressure on the Hungarian cabinet”, alleges Hollik.

He also accused figures within the European Union of “reporting” on Hungary to the Soros group, saying: “There are politicians in Brussels in their [OSF’s] pockets, through whom [the Soros organisation] is making threats.”
Hungary is under pressure from the EU over the country’s refusal to accept redistributed refugees, its higher education law, and legislation demanding transparency from foreign-funded organisations – the latter two directly affecting Soros interests.

He added that these organisations have been active since the beginning of the migrant crisis and after Orbán prevented further mass flows through his country and into the rest of Europe by building border fences, training more border guards, and detaining migrantswhilst their asylum claims are processed.

 “Seeing what the Soros-funded organisations do, it is not an exaggeration to say that Soros organisations and the Soros plan itself are dangerous,” the Christian Democrat added.

Soros has a history of interfering in the democratic process of sovereign nations including spending $6 billion to destroy populism in Europe, as well as being accused of interfering in internal politics in Macedonia and Albania.

In the United States, Soros attempted to influence local district-attorney elections in 2016 (and again in 2017)……

More at: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2017/10/hungary-fears-soros-influence-could-force-out-orban-open-doors-to-muslim-migrants

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