Displaying items by tag: prayer

Wednesday, 04 January 2017 14:52

Get ready for action!

Get ready for action! 2017 is a year of great spiritual change. It is a year of presence, promise and prayer. It is a year when God is mobilising His Church. We will see extraordinary blessings but also extraordinary challenges.

We are encouraging every Christian to pray for God’s presence where they live, where they work or study, in their family and in their community. For some this will mean taking possession of the land - prayer walking the boundaries of your community, praying for the King of Kings to stand in your local churches, and praying for His peace and presence in local schools and homes. We are going into a fight and there will be times when we need the shield of faith to guard against attacks through sickness, tiredness and discouragement. The Lord will strengthen our use of the sword of the spirit – going deeper into God’s Word and using it to give us authority as we pray.

2017 is a year of promise. 2017 is the 500th anniversary of the reformation, that shook the world and reshaped history. It is 70 years since Smith Wigglesworth’s prophecy - "When the Word and the Spirit come together, there will be the biggest movement of the Holy Spirit that the nation, and indeed the world, has ever seen. There will begin a missionary move to the ends of the earth.” It is 50 years since Jean Darnell’s prophecy. She spoke of a renewal of life in the church which would spread outside resulting in a public awakening. This awakening would move into every level of the nation’s life; on the campuses, universities, colleges, schools etc., into the media and in the government. There would be so many conversions that it would actually change the character of the nation of Britain and determine the future move of God in Europe. Malcolm Duncan spoke in 2016 about a powerful move of God bringing substantial change to the church, and nation and reaching into Europe.

Our focus is simple. We want to pray for these prophecies to be fulfilled and for God’s awakening to flood our nation. We recommend people have copies of these prophecies to hand (download a copy) and pray into them regularly. Our prayer is the prayer of the Welsh revival,“More Lord” and then “Even More”.

Our third focus is prayer. We are praying for renewed prayer foundations. ‘Lord, anoint us for your purpose. We pray for a depth of collaboration, praying with others with power and authority. We pray for greater vision and expectation. Lord, stretch our faith’. This is a preparation time for the church. Recent prophetic words talk about the church being frozen, of a need to re-discover the wonderful dynamic power of the gospel, and pray for a revival that fills us with compassion and a deep passion for the lost. We pray for a mighty mobilisation of prayer.

We are praying for more victories. For many of us expectations have been lowered and prayer diminished. It is time for victories. We want to pray with renewed conviction for the prodigals to come home, for our family and friends to come to Christ, for healings, for the blind to see, the deaf hear and the lame walk.

Just as deep will be victories in our own lives - an end to insecurity and an opening up to God’s deep love for each of us and out of us to others. Let the church see our extraordinary God glorified in 2017.

We look forward to going forward on this journey with you. It is a time for more. It will not be easy – it will be a time of shaking, and increasingly God is asking His people to stand on the front line. For us in WPC, we will start the year focusing on presence, promise and prayer. We encourage you to stand with us as we enter this momentous year.

Published in WPC News

An HOLY CONVOCATION to Welcome THE KING of GLORY into our Nation and BEYOND…  

Dear ones, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call facilitators, and all our brothers and sisters in Christ who will joyfully Welcome THE KING of GLORY into our nation! 

The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call team has been focused for the past 30 days on transitioning from darkness to LIGHT. We believe that the LIGHT has now OVERCOME the darkness and we have reached a point where we cannot and  will not turn back! These past few weeks following our Presidential Election have been quite a “learning curve” for all of us, as we joined together on this call, submitted ourselves to the Holy Spirit’s guidance in our intercession, and operated in mutual submission to Him and to one another. We are moving forward together, for these next 40 of the 70 days, rejoicing and praising God for the USA Trumpet Call to a HOLY CONVOCATION to Welcome the King of Glory into our nation! The list of those affirming and endorsing what God is doing through this initiative is growing every day. We welcome all who want to participate in the 24/7 Call, or come to join us in DC and/or endorse this “labor of love” for our nation!

As we press into completing the “70 Days of Prayer”, the first assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Conference Call, we find ourselves living, moving and having our being IN the LIGHT as HE IS IN THE LIGHT.  We are together experiencing what it is to be empowered by the Holy Spirit, so that we might embrace all that our Heavenly Father has for us, through His beloved Son, our Lord, Savior and KING, Jesus Christ!

We are praying with increasing grace and gratitude toward the January 20th Inauguration / installation of Donald Trump as our 45th President. Our hope for our nation is being renewed while our pounding hearts are rejoicing that we will not only be installing a new temporal leader, but welcoming, greeting and reestablishing our National Covenant with our LORD and KING, our BRIDEGROOM, Jesus! We are watching, waiting and praying…in joyful expectation…as we move toward that most GLORIOUS DAY!

We invite you to journey with us to Washington, DC, to be part of this HOLY CONVOCATION, from January 16th -20thIt will be an historic gathering of great consequence spiritually. We will convene daily, to worship and take communion together each morning and evening, will be fasting and praying in concert, and going out to intercede at various sites in our Capitol to erect HOLY ALTARS to the Lord where dark altars have stood. Let the kingdoms of this world become the Kingdoms of our GOD! These “70 Days of Prayer” leading to the Inauguration and the Holy Convocation are preparation for us to  Welcome the King of Glory into our Nation. On January 20th, we will joyously proclaim Jesus as our Lord and King, declaring His Victory of Love over the hearts of the people of our nation and affirming His Sovereign Governance over the United States of America.  

And there is MORE…following that January 20th “Day of VICTORY”, those who can remain in DC for an extra day are invited to join us for a special Shabbat “AFTERGLOW” (from 6 PM Friday, January 20th until 6 PM Saturday, January 21st).  

  • We will come together and enter SHABBAT on Friday evening at 6 PM, as we share a meal and express our gratitude for what God has done…and what He has allowed to take place.
  • Then, on Saturday, from 9 AM to 6 PM, we will gather in a “Malachi Moment”, to “debrief” and envision the future together,  as we transition to the next assignment… covering the “First 100 Days” of our new Administration and enforcing the gains that have been made, the ground that has been taken, and assure that the intercession continues on behalf of what God is purposing, planning and preparing for our nation as we go forward into 2017.
  • At 6 PM Saturday, we will be released to return to our individual states…to the new assignment for this next phase of our 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call…and BEYOND!  

     ***** We strongly urge you to remain with us for this critical time of discernment

                       and vision casting for what is to come in 2017! ALLELUIA! *****


We are summoned to a multi-day, HOLY CONVOCATION to Welcome the King of Glory into our Nation. Our staging ground will be at David's Tentlocated on the grounds by the Washington Monument -  ADDRESS:  130 17th St NW, Washington, DC 20006.  We will gather there each morning at 9 AM and each evening at 6 PM.  Directions for each day's assignments will be given at the morning gathering, and thanksgiving will be offered and praise reports shared in the evening sessions. We will take communion together at both times.

To prepare for the Second Day for the Battle, Inauguration Day, January 20th, 2017, we will enter into an  ESTHER FAST, from January 16th at 7 PM until January 19th at 7 PM. You may choose to join us or not;  let the Holy Spirit lead you in whatever way He pleases! 

Each day, we will follow the directives that have been received for this initiative. They are as follows:

Day One     -   January 17th - Justice of God / The Faith of Christ

         Proclaim Lord Jesus as the Supreme Judge over the entire nation.                  

  • Location for prayer, intercession, proclamation and Communion – The Supreme Court.

Day Two     -   January 18th - Law of God / The Hope of Christ

         Proclaim Lord Jesus as the Giver and Protector of Godly Law to the nation.

  • Location for prayer, intercession, proclamation and Communion – The Capitol.

Day Three   -   January 19th - Governance of God / The Love of Christ

         Proclaim Lord Jesus as the Lord of USA.                                                                

  • Location for prayer, intercession, proclamation and Communion – The White House.

On January 20th, 2017, we, as representatives of the Ekklesia, will re-establish and affirm our Covenant with the Lord Jesus…The Judge, The Law Giver, The King of kings and our Beloved Bridegroom.  We will renew our marriage vows that day and our brothers and sisters from the nations will serve as our witnesses. That Second Day for the Battle will indeed be a “DAY OF VICTORY”…and a Day of Worship and Unbridled Joy.  Amen! Alleluia!


If you feel that the Holy Spirit is leading you to attend this HOLY CONVOCATION in DC, please pray and seek the Lord for your provision to do so. Each of us is responsible for making our own arrangements. We are unable to coordinate rooming and transportation. Many are staying with friends or ministry partners; some are sharing hotel rooms. Please be sure you have a place to stay and funds to get around the city (Uber is best)…ie. to David’s Tent and to any assignments you might accept. ($$$ for food is optional,  as many of us are fasting, but please be sure to have  your provision so that your needs are met in advance of  coming).Thank you! We look forward to seeing and being with those who are called to be there!

*** Please go to our fb page USA TRUMPET CALL to a HOLY CONVOCATION to Welcome the King of Glory into our Nation and LIKE it, then invite others to LIKE it.

*** We are posting the Daily Prayer Focus on that fb page each day. Feel free to COPY and REPOST it on your own fb pages. Spread the word and invite others into the Prayer Call!  


Dallas Eggemeyer, Ioan Peia and Maureen Bravo

Your 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call Administration Team

       Call in number for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call Dial 712-770-4340 enter code:   543555#

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 “On January 3 through the 14th, the Kalachakra Puja, a very spiritually and physically charged gathering being lead by the XIV Dalai Lama of Tibet will be held in Bodh Gaya, India the site believed to be where the Buddha is supposed to have achieved enlightenment. , http://www.dnaindia.com/…/report-dalai-lama-presides-over-2…

Here's my perspective on the Dalai Lama and Tibetan Buddhism from a Christian perspective including one lesson on the Maitreya Project, the Buddhist Messiah being built at Bodh Gaya. Check it out on youtube:https://youtu.be/GuFwXkALQbA…

For more information you can check out worldviews101.com and search through the site. Whenever the Kalachakra is performed by over 100,000 shamans, lamas, etc., there is always some war that seems to get fueled. This is occurring right before the Presidential Inauguration and right after the UN Resolution condemning Israel.  Remember, the Kalachakra ceremony is all about raising up a Shambhala Army for the prophesied Buddhist war against the followers of the evil snake religions of Mohammad, Abraham, Jesus, Mani, etc.

  http://www.worldviews101.com/?cat=13. If you use the search function on our site and type in Kalachakra it will bring up everything related to the Kalachakra Ceremony. The Ceremony being held there will follow basically the same pattern it follows everywhere.”

James Stephens

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Let us pray for God’s overthrow of this Kalachakra Puja, a ceremony of invoking demons by the Dalai Lama and others associated with him. Pray that he and other Tibetan Buddhist lamas and those coming under this influence can be set free from spiritual darkness and come to know Jesus Christ. Pray that all demonic spirits being supplicated will be bound and unable to do the harm to our world they and these lamas and shamans purpose

Fox News, Dec. 29

“The major players involved in the long-running Syrian conflict have agreed to a cease-fire set to begin at midnight on Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin said earlier in the day.

The deal will be guaranteed by Russia and Turkey. It's set to be followed by peace talks between Syrian President Bashar Assad's government and opposition leaders. The Syrian parties would meet in Kazakhstan for the talks, though no date has been set.

Some terror groups are to be excluded from the cease-fire, though, aside from ISIS, it's unclear which -- if any -- that refers to. The head of rebel group Fastaqim told Reuters the truce only excluded ISIS. The Syrian army earlier said the agreement would exclude ISIS, the group formerly known as the Nusra Front and any group linked to it.

Ahmad Ramadan of the Syrian National Coalition said the truce reached Thursday includes a halt to airstrikes and shelling.

Ramadan said in text messages sent to The Associated Press that members of the Free Syrian Army, a loose alliance of several moderate rebel factions, will abide by the truce -- but retaliate to violations by government and allied forces.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said the truce will include 62,000 opposition fighters across Syria, and that the Russian military has established a hotline with its Turkish counterpart to monitor compliance.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said President-elect Donald Trump's administration would be welcome to join the Syrian peace process once he takes office.

Russia is a key ally of Assad, while Turkey is one of the main backers of the opposition. Several previous attempts to halt the civil war have failed.

Let’s pray for the ceasefire to hold and be observed by all parties and that these peace talks can go ahead and bring an end to this destructive conflict.


The Fall of Aleppo

December 13, 2016 

I sit in safety, less than one hour by air, only a few hundred miles from the besieged city of Aleppo that today has finally fallen to the forces of the Assad regime. I hear the cries of the innocent who wait for death even as they race to find a place of safety, a way out of the inferno of madness that is war. Their cries echo through the fractures of my breaking heart, tears fall and I grieve for the unjustifiable loss of life, for the children, for the men and women who will not see tomorrow. In the wrong place at the wrong time, some are simply civilians whose crime was that they lived in a rebel enclave. Others - aid workers, rescuers who sought to save and heal, remain alongside activists for freedom – all trapped together under the threat of indiscriminate armaments roaring over their heads, exploding in their streets. War, its strategies of conquest and death, its madness and sophisticated violence, its use of ever stronger force blindly focused to eradicate all resistance whatever the cost.

The world watches, waits for the aftermath when the last enclave falls. Breaking news informs of reprisal, the inevitable massacre has begun. The execution count unashamedly includes tens of women and children, all of them deemed enemies.

Helpless to help, I can but weep and plead for mercy


The Fall of Aleppo

We close our eyes

and think because

we cannot see the darkness

it is not our own.

War in real time,

voices emerge from the rubble,

disembodied cries rise amidst the ruins.


From under mounds of wreckage

telephones still beep their signals

to an anesthetized world.

Death-rattles tweet

into the hollow bright realm

of supercomputers,

thought-fast communications.


Their android voices twitter

through labyrinthine cyber-nets,

crossing continents

at the speed of light,

disseminating darkness

as multitudes fall, swallowed

in the maw of today’s real time war.


Lisa Loden ©

December 13, 2016


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Sunrise Prayer Relay

As we wrote earlier in the week, many interdenominational groups of praying people will greet the dawn of the New Year with others from all around the world as the sun rises in your own community this Sunday morning, January 1. Please join with brothers and sisters in Christ to pray for your church, city, nation and our world, trusting the Lord to do new and extraordinary things in 2017.

For more information about participating now or next year, please see this brief video and website that our Australian friends have created:

New Year’s Day 2017 Sunrise Prayer Relay Short Promo Video 1:23 Secs:  




Great Commission Prayer Summit

Prayer and mission to those who have never heard the Gospel are integrally linked. All the great breakthroughs in mission have been preceded by united prayer from the book of Acts till the present. With this in mind, the Great Commission Prayer Summit will gather those with a heart for both prayer and mission in Chiang Mai, Thailand, Jan. 19-22. Please pray for a spiritual “critical mass”, a divine explosion of His presence and power that will propel a new thrust of taking the Good News of Jesus Christ to the unreached peoples of our world. Pray for all who will be speaking and those attending to be guided clearly and stirred deeply as we prepare to take part. Here is more information about participating on site if you are able to register and come:

Theme: "Contending For Global Harvest" Expectation is Rising! We are expecting a powerful time in the presence of God from January 19-22, 2017 as we discern His heart and learn more about how to align with Him in spiritually contending for global harvest. Plan to join us in beautiful Chiang Mai, Thailand and catch God's fire of devoted prayer and intercession for the nations



Youth and Children’s Prayer Movements- A Request for your Prayer Support 

Please pray for crucial meetings that will be held in and near Jakarta, Indonesia, January 22-26, to plan for the further development of both the youth and children’s international prayer movements. International teams who focus on the Next Generation along with some from the IPC leadership will gather to seek the Lord together for the growth and expansion of both these movements throughout our world. Please pray with us for the following:

  1. God’s wisdom, clarity and unity as we pray and deliberate together on the best ways to go forward.
  2. The possibility of a world youth prayer assembly, including children, in 2018.
  3. That Christian leaders and churches worldwide will realize the importance of nurturing the prayer experience of the Next Generation and partnering with children and youth in tri-generational ministry.
  4. That as He has in the past, the Lord will move powerfully by His Spirit upon children and youth worldwide, calling them into relationship with Himself and using them to do great exploits in revival of the Church and reaching those who have never heard the Gospel.


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Tuesday, 12 July 2016 11:27


Do you have a story to tell about how you prayed and God answered?

Our God is a good Father who wants what's best for His children. In Matthew 7:7 says, 'Ask and it shall be given to you', so when we are going through situations and we ask God for a breakthrough or a miracle and He answers, God wants us to testify for His Glory.

"Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted. Sing to the LORD, for he has done glorious things; let this be known to all the world." (Isaiah 12:4-5)"

Our testimony of how God has answered our prayer can be just the encouragement that someone else in a similar situation needs to hear! It can help them to see that God is real, that He hears us when we call and if He did it for you He can do it for them too.

So... we want to hear about what answers to prayer you have had from God. We then want to share it on online so that others will be inspired to try prayer when there seems like there is nothing else to do.

If you have a story, send it to us along with your details to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or you can send via our social media with #shareprayer and we will contact you.

Let's start spreading some hope and love and the good news of Jesus through our answers to prayer!

Published in WPC News
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Wednesday, 24 June 2015 21:47

What is Prayer

An introduction on What is prayer? Why it is important, etc
Published in WPC