Displaying items by tag: racism

Thursday, 28 November 2019 23:13

Christian beliefs on a par with racist views?

Christian doctor David Mackereth, with over 26 years of experience, found that for upholding Biblical truth you can lose your job. A judge has ruled that his belief in Genesis 1:27 is ‘incompatible with human dignity’. The judge is saying that there is no protection in law for the Biblical belief that God made humans unchangeably male and female, putting Christian truth in the same category as racist and Neo-Nazi views. David held to what God says about men and women and his Christian views were not protected in a UK court of law. He lost his job for telling the truth, and now an Employment Tribunal has ruled against him. Christian Concern’s expert legal team has already started work to take this case to an appeal tribunal.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 31 May 2019 06:45

Equality watchdog and Labour Party

Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is launching a formal investigation into the Labour party over whether they unlawfully discriminated against, harassed or victimised people because they are Jewish. They have been carrying out preliminary investigations since March and will seek to determine whether the party and its employees have committed unlawful acts of discrimination or failed to respond to complaints of unlawful acts in an efficient and effective manner. The EHRC rarely takes action against political parties. In 2010, it ordered the British National party (BNP) to rewrite its constitution to comply with race relations laws because they banned black and minority ethnic Britons from becoming members. The inquiry transpires in the midst of a worrying rise in anti-semitism in the UK and across Europe. See https://www.prayer-alert.net/europe-pa-site/item/11821-germany-jews-told-not-to-wear-skullcaps

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 28 March 2019 23:51

Anti-hate and anti-Muslim bigotry

Tell MAMA supports victims of anti-Muslim hatred, and also measures and monitors anti-Muslim incidents. It highlights the rise in instances of harassment or abuse online, being targeted on public transport, being physically attacked, having property damaged, experiencing discrimination at work, school, or university, and receiving hate mail by post or email. Tell MAMA’s director, Imam Atta, says, ‘We are in deeply worrying times where people are looking for certainty, but what they are getting is instability at a political and societal level. At times like this, minority groups are the ones who suffer the anger of those looking to vent their fears, insecurities and concerns’. Its annual report gives examples of ‘Twitter bots’ seeking to cause disruption and division in communities, give false perceptions, and actively promote anti-Muslim hatred. Pray that neighbours would learn from each other’s differences and find common ground in their community.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 04 May 2018 10:53

Canada: First Nation racism

In Ontario Paul is in the civic centre and his wife is on a dialysis machine in a small motel room. They have been separated from their First Nations community since sewers froze two months ago. He said, ‘We’re forgotten people.’ Anti-indigenous racism is still widespread in Canada. Last month Ontario’s chief human rights commissioner said racism against indigenous people in Timmins is pervasive and normalised. People are scrutinised in stores, hassled when using status cards, called ‘dirty Indians’ and yelled at by motorists to go back to their reserves. If their name sounds First Nations or they look like one, it impacts their ability to get housing. In British Columbia First Nations officials have spoken out for years against a trans-mountain pipeline that will cross their territory without their even being consulted. On 16 April President Trudeau said work will go ahead, regardless of their objections. See:

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