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Tuesday, 18 May 2010 17:20

Pro-government ‘yellow shirt’ protesters in Thailand have called on the Prime Minister to take concrete measures against thousands of The National United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship protestors - commonly known as the Red Shirts who have occupied the streets of Bangkok for over six weeks. The red shirts are calling for the Prime Minister to step down claiming he came to power illegally. About 1,000 yellow shirts are demanding the army take harsh measures against their rivals. An army spokesman previously told a news briefing the troops would use live ammunition against red shirts if necessary. On Wednesday Thai troops and hundreds of red shirts clashed as the protestors attended a rally. Many observers believe Thailand is at a critical crossroads. Differences could be healed or far worse bloodletting could occur depending upon how the government reacts. Thailand is one of the few countries never colonized by a European power. The word ‘Thai’ means freedom.

Pray: for the Prime Minister to have wisdom as he responds to the groups and for the security forces to maintain order through protecting rather than assaulting citizens. (Pr.1:7)


Thursday, 21 July 2011 13:48

King Rama IX of Thailand has reigned since 1946, and is Head of State, the Head of the Armed Forces, an Upholder of the Buddhist religion, and the Defender of all Faiths. ‘Daisy’ is 12 years old. Her father lives and works in Bangkok and makes the 10 hour bus ride home for visits a few times a year. Daisy likes to go to a Christian neighbours' home to play with their girls and read books. One of her favourite books is their Lao Children's Picture Bible. Recently, Daisy said she had heard that there was a house gathering of Phuan Christians in town. She said that she wanted to go so that she could learn the worship songs as Daisy loves music.

Pray: for more opportunities for Christian workers to reach the Thai people with the truth of their Creator God. (Lk.10:8-9)



Thursday, 03 February 2011 15:46

‘My uncle is in contact with the evil spirits. He presents offerings and sacrifices to them and makes promises to them so that they give him power. He tells me every member of the family must make offerings to the evil spirits and obey what they command. If not- problems will occur, a family member may become insane, if anyone betrays the spirits.’ ‘My uncle has been sick for 5 days and said it is because ‘someone’ in the family is not fully committed to the spirits. My father has warned me not to even think about Christianity. One of my brothers became a monk at our village temple for the Buddhist Lent ‘kao phan sa. He lost his money at the temple. Another brother had high fever and has been sent to hospital. I don’t want to cause any more problems to my family members because I am a Christian.’ We are asked to pray for lonely Christians living in Buddhist communities and families.

Pray: for a vibrant, multiplying group of Christian believers within walking distance of every Thai person. (Ps.128)

Saturday, 09 March 2013 15:20

Three violent incidents against Christian ministers have left believers concerned over the future of religious freedom. On Feb 17 gunmen waited for Father Evaristus Mushi as he parked his car outside his church, they surrounded the car and killed him. He was an advocate of interfaith dialogue. Also two days later a church was burned down. On Feb 2 Pastor Mathayo Kachili was hacked to death when he intervened in an altercation over the slaughter of an animal. A group of Muslims had demanded immediate closure of butcheries owned by Christians. On Boxing Day Father Ambrose Mkenda was shot as he left his car, the gunmen then ransacked the rectory. The Secretary General of the Tanzania Episcopal Conference said the situation signalled a plot to destroy peace in the country. The situations on Zanzibar remain tense. Islamic extremism is the main persecution dynamic for the country.

Pray: for peace to prevail in the communities affected by the violence, may the government take decisive action in resolving issues pertinent to the incidents. (Ps.7:8-9)



Thursday, 20 June 2013 12:40

On the Zanzibar archipelago, Islamic militants bent on wiping out all Christians from the islands have burnt and looted churches and threatened persecuted Christians with death. The push for the spread of Islam is less violent but equally persistent on the mainland. If successful, it could threaten the presence of the Church on the Zanzibar archipelago. Over the last year violence has been steadily increasing while at the same time becoming more public. Last month a deadly church bombing occurred with more violence continuing on into this month. Two weeks ago the home of Pastor Robert Ngai in north-eastern Tanzania was broken into by a large group of radical Muslims with machetes. The pastor received serious cuts on his hands and arms when he raised them to protect his head from the blows. Local doctors said the injuries were beyond their ability to treat and he was rushed to a larger city hospital. Tanzania is a Christian majority country with a substantial Muslim population with a strong Islamist drive toward the Tanzanian ‘House of Islam.’

Pray: that pressure from Islamic extremists will be resisted and freedom of religion protected. Pray for protection for church leaders on Zanzibar and Pemba islands. Pray that Christians will have courage to share God’s love with Muslims. (Ps.20:1)



Thursday, 11 October 2012 13:27

Islamisation is increasing at an alarming rate in Tanzania according to a bishop from the country. Bishop Bernadin Mfumbusa of Kondoa warned that religious freedom and other civil liberties were under threat from intolerant radical Muslim influences sweeping in from countries neighbouring the east African nation. Speaking to Aid to the Church in Need, the Catholic charity for persecuted and other suffering Christians, the bishop said: ‘We see more and more itinerant Muslim preachers from Saudi Arabia and Sudan entering this country, – and Muslims are increasingly making political demands.’ These demands include extending Islamic Sharia law and making everyone subject to it – Muslim and non-Muslim alike. Bishop Mfumbusa said: ‘In recent times there has been a constant demand to introduce Sharia into other parts of Tanzania which do not have a majority of Muslims.’ Sharia law is already in force in Zanzibar, a semi-autonomous archipelago with an almost completely Muslim population, but it does not apply to other parts of Tanzania.

Pray: against the growth of radical Islam and pray that Christians will be empowered by the Holy Spirit to speak boldly about their faith. (Ac.4:13)



Friday, 01 June 2012 08:44

Described as acts of frenzied madness, radical Islamists set on fire at least two churches in Zanzibar last weekend during running battles with security forces. Senior members of the ‘Uamsho’ (Swahili word for Islamic Mobilisation and Propagation) radical movement were arrested with scores of others from among the rioters, and there are serious concerns over the safety of tourists now that the threshold of burning Christian churches has been crossed. Last year the same radical group was accused of organising attacks on bars, clearly with the aim of introducing a radical form of Islam to the island by banning alcohol and turning tourist resorts into empty shells in what has in the past been a moderate and tolerant Islamic society on the Spice Island. Uamsho demanded a referendum to leave the union. Members have vowed to use whatever means necessary to force the issue, clearly not ruling out violence as seen this weekend.

Pray: for Tanzania, hitherto one of East Africa’s most moderate countries, to return to her peaceful inheritance. (Ps.17:7-9)



Thursday, 08 September 2011 14:08

On Tanzania’s semi-autonomous island of Zanzibar, Christians live in a climate of fear. It’s a place where a young man flees the island to escape death threats from his Muslim family where others opt for jail, by entering a guilty plea, rather than face certain death from a furious mob. Yusuf Abdalla fled to Moshi, mainland Tanzania, after his family threatened to kill him in June. Having converted to Christianity after hearing the gospel on the radio when his family found out that he had left Islam. The beating he then received from family members left him with injuries to his head, hand and torso, as well as a serious mouth wound and substantial loss of blood, said an area pastor who requested anonymity. As soon as he had recovered enough to leave, Abdalla found refuge at the pastor’s church before fleeing to Moshi. Click on the ‘More’ link for more stories.

Pray: that God would lift the fear from His people and give them a spirit of boldness. (Act.4:29)


Wednesday, 12 January 2011 13:50

Radical Islamists have demolished two church buildings on Tanzania’s semi-autonomous island of Zanzibar on Sunday Nov. 21, and congregation members have since received death threats. The church buildings which belong to the Tanzania Assemblies of God and the Evangelical Assemblies of God Zanzibar were torn down at about 8 p.m. said Bishop Fabian Obeid of EAGZ. This is the latest in a string of violent acts aimed at frightening away Christians in the Muslim-dominated region. The destruction on the island off the coast of East Africa has raised fears that Muslim extremists could go to any length to limit the spread of Christianity, church leaders said. A church member who requested anonymity reported hearing one Muslim saying, ‘We have cleansed our area by destroying the two churches, and now we are on our mission to kill individual members of these two churches – we shall not allow the church to be built again.’

Pray: for the Christians of Zanzibar to overcome fear, be protected and encouraged by the power of God’s Holy Spirit. (Ro.8:39-39)


Saturday, 28 September 2013 14:56

Church leaders from Syria, Russia, the United States and Europe have said that a political solution is the only way to secure peace in Syria. They are urging ‘public outcry’ against the ongoing civil war that has killed at least 100,000 people and forced two million to flee from their homes. The comments follow a meeting at the Ecumenical Institute in Geneva,  Switzerland with Kofi Annan, the former United Nations general secretary, and Lakhdar Brahimi, UN-Arab League joint representative for Syria. The meeting was organised by the World Council of Churches to discuss the role of churches in moving Syria towards a peace agreement. Rev Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, WCC general secretary, said peace efforts ‘must not fail now when thousands of people have already died’. He said the international community and all parties to the conflict in Syria had to take responsibility to make peace talks successful and that churches must support the process.

Pray: that the current moves to bring peace to this horrific conflict will be successful. (Ps.37:37)
