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Friday, 26 November 2010 16:54

The Sudan Council of Churches is scrutinising out-of-country referendum registration processes in Kenya, Uganda and Egypt, while also reporting that on Sunday the police stormed their offices. Seven vans with 200 police broke down doors and searched the building for ‘suspected hidden weapons.’ These events happen as Africa's biggest country is preparing to vote in a referendum to determine if the Muslim North and Christian South should separate. See: Because of fears that the referendum results could send Sudan back into another civil war; a global Day of Prayer for Sudan on December 5th has been called by The World Evangelical Alliance. It is believed that a) the South is not prepared to receive the anticipated influx of refugees from the North. b) the government in the North cannot guarantee Christians safe passage South. WEA’s prayer requests are for a peaceful and fair referendum with the outcome accepted by all involved.

Pray: for God’s grace to be so poured out in Sudan that the referendum would be a beacon to the world of what God can do. (Is.59:1)


Thursday, 11 August 2011 15:58

Sixteen-year-old Hiba Anglo recently escaped from a gang of Muslims who kidnapped her last year, but it may be a long time before she recovers from the trauma. The kidnappers beat, raped and tried to force her to convert from Christianity to Islam. ‘They did many bad things to me,’ she said, as tears streamed down her face. ‘Several times I was warned if I don’t convert to Islam I risk losing my life. The man who imprisoned me did not allow me to pray Christian prayers and insulted my family as ‘infidels’. Hiba said that she gave the impression she had converted to Islam and was left unguarded. She fled and begged a motorist to take her to her home two hours away. Her mother said when she went to the police to open a kidnap case, officers said, ‘If you want your daughter back you should become a Muslim’.

Pray: for Hiba’s complete recovery from the trauma and for God to strengthen and protect the Sudanese believers.(Is.41:10-11)


Wednesday, 12 January 2011 14:15

The UN is preparing for a possible 2.8 million displaced people if fighting breaks out over southern Sudan's independence referendum. In two weeks voters in the south decide whether to remain with the Khartoum-based north, or more likely, to secede and create the world's newest country. Tensions are high over the vote. Aircraft from the Islamic northern Sudanese military have bombed areas in the Christian south or near disputed north-south borders in recent weeks. The UN report said both the northern and southern militaries had been rearming and many southerners possessed guns and light weapons. In a ‘vision’ statement posted on the internet, the Muslim Brotherhood of Sudan said allowing South Sudan to be independent was a crime. They vowed to punish Christians if this takes place. The people are worried that whatever the referendum results a civil war could be ignited. If the South remains part of Sudan the voting accuracy will be questioned.

Pray: against rigging of votes, a peaceful outcome and for Christians to have no fear for the future. (Ps.112:7)


Thursday, 08 September 2011 14:10

Heavy gunfire broke out on Tuesday in the capital of Sudan's Blue Nile border state where government soldiers have been fighting armed opposition groups, a Reuters correspondent said. Tensions have mounted in states along Sudan's poorly-defined border with South Sudan since the south declared independence in July. Thousands fled after fighting erupted last week in Blue Nile state. Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan - both states on Sudan's side of the border - and the disputed Abyei area, saw heavy fighting during decades of civil war between the Khartoum government and South Sudan. Fresh clashes have broken out in all three this year. They are all still home to tens of thousands of people from ethnic groups that
sided with the south during the civil war. Khartoum has accused people from those groups of trying to spread chaos along the border, backed by South Sudan's government - a charge denied by South Sudan.

Pray: for a resolution to this conflict bringing peace and stability to this area. (Pr.29:4)


Tuesday, 22 February 2011 10:17

A South Sudanese resident said, ‘The results of the referendum mean I am free today. Now I am a first class citizen in my own country.’ President Obama said, ‘I am pleased to announce the intention of the United States to formally recognize Southern Sudan as a sovereign independent state in July 2011.’ The brothers and sisters in Christ of the mainly Christians in the former South Sudan can pray, that God will sustain and provide for the people of the world's newest country facing challenges such as a new currency being established, diplomatic missions needing to be opened, and even choosing the new country’s name. Also critical negotiations are due with the north to decide on citizenship rights, oil rights and even the final border demarcation. But for the many Christians these are small problems to deal with after the mass killings and cruelty that so many of them have endured.

 Pray: for God’s guidance and protection through the coming months of decisions, negotiations and avenues of change. (Pr.2:10-12)

More: http://ww

Thursday, 26 April 2012 16:21

On 21st April the Anglican Church in Sawafi was attacked by a mob, provoked by a radical Imam. Security forces stopped the mob, then some found an alternate route and ransacked and burnt down the building. Also on 21st the Gereif West Bible School in Al-Gereif, was badly damaged in an arson attack by a Muslim mob. They had received threats of violence in late March and early April. Churches on the site as well as the Bible School were damaged in the attack.Office equipment, library resources and students' personal belongings were destroyed. On 19th April in Burri 130 South Sudanese university students were detained and given seven days to leave Sudan after being accused of celebrating South Sudan's invasion of the Heglig oil field. The students denied that they had held any such celebration. Sudanese Christians give thanks that nobody was injured in the recent attacks.

Pray: Christians in Khartoum will know the peace, presence and protection of Jesus, and His enabling to live without fear; and for detained students to be released and know the Spirit's guidance and wisdom.


Wednesday, 19 May 2010 11:00

We are urged to pray for the country’s first democratic elections in 24 years taking place from April 11 to 13 that could help pave the way for lasting peace, or spark another civil war. Relief organisation Samaritan’s Purse International said, ‘In 17 years of doing relief work in Sudan we’ve witnessed so much horrific violence. With this historic election Sudan sits at a crossroads and has an opportunity for long-term peace. We are asking every Christian to join us in prayer for the people of Sudan’. Sudan has been embroiled in a 21-year civil war sparked by government efforts to impose Islamic law on the mostly Christian south. The war was one of the longest lasting and deadliest of the late 20th century with an estimated 2 million civilians killed in southern Sudan and more than 4 million people displaced because of the violence.

Pray: that all polling stations will be safe and secure, for peaceful elections, for political stability in Sudan and for an end to the conflict in Darfur. (Ps.12:5)


Friday, 11 January 2013 12:42

Barnabas Fund has transported over 2,300 Christians from Sudan since the start of its rescue mission four months ago. The Christians are being evacuated because of increasing hostility in the majority-Muslim country. After South Sudan gained independence in 2011, the largely Christian Southerners living in Sudan lost their citizenship rights and were ordered to leave. There is little sign of conditions improving as Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir has vowed to bring in a fully Islamic constitution and strengthen Sharia law. The Christians in the Barnabas evacuation programme are being taken to South Sudan, which is largely Christian. The evacuees, who include women and children, are being transported by bus in partnership with Africa Inland Church Sudan. There are plans to rescue another 1,500 from Sudan. Dr Patrick Sookhdeo, International Director of Barnabas Fund, said: ‘It has been wonderful to see the Lord’s hand at work in the Exodus mission.’

Pray: that God will continue to bless this work so that many more Christian women and children trapped in Sudan can be helped to safety. (Ps.34:22)



Saturday, 09 March 2013 15:12

Dozens of Sudanese Christians were thought to be trapped in a Sudanese prison Saturday, February 23, as violence raged in renewed fighting between two Arab tribes, killing scores of people. At least 55 Christians were detained by the government of Sudan over two weeks ago on ‘false accusations’ of allegedly receiving money from foreign countries, including Israel, according to Christians with close knowledge of the case. Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) said the group, which has no political affiliations and includes church leaders, was jailed as part of a wider crackdown on Christians in the volatile Islamic country. ‘CSW is deeply concerned at these arbitrary arrests and the wider news of an escalating crackdown on Christian citizens in Sudan’ said CSW’s Advocacy Director. ‘We urge the Sudanese government to release these prisoners and end its campaign of harassment against the Christian community.’ Also on Saturday 60 people died in fighting over mining rights in northern Darfur.

Pray: for detained believers and other Christians forced to flee areas of Sudan because of clashes and Islamic pressure by the government. (2Pe.1:2)



Thursday, 02 June 2011 14:19

Following last week's Prayer Alert report of thousands fleeing burning and looting by North Sudan forces in and around Abyei, the Sudanese government has presented a package of proposals to resolve the issue of Abyei’s disputed oil-rich area. The proposals included deploying African Union troops and appointing a new chairmanship for the area on rotation between north and south Sudan. Elsewhere conflict continues as Sudanese authorities arrested a Christian woman in a Darfur camp accused of possessing and distributing Bibles. Sources said she could also be tried for apostasy, which carries the death sentence in Sudan. In Khartoum a wounded Christian mother of a 2-month-old baby and her husband are destitute because they left Islam for Christianity. Northern Christians are becoming more vulnerable. Source:

Pray: that Sudan’s spiritual atmosphere changes from death to life and the proposals resolve the conflict peacably. (Is.2:4)
