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Monday, 21 March 2011 09:39

North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula need our prayer now perhaps more than at any other time. God could do more than we imagine or expect if Christians across the world begin praying specifically for the areas of unrest to be healed and restored by His Holy Spirit. The Wall of Communism collapsed because people were praying. In the Arabian Peninsula increased spiritual awareness was noticed as a result of the prayer movement of the 90’s known as Praying through the Window. Today we see the chains of Islam binding over a billion people in a political and religious system denying people the chance to hear the gospel of hope for a lost world. This can be changed through prayer.

Pray: for many Christians to hear God’s call during Lent to pray in faith for those who do not believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus. (Hab.2:14)

Saturday, 16 April 2011 14:26

Attacks on non-Muslim villages gained momentum in the run-up to the elections, in an effort to disenfranchise non-Muslim communities. Following a warning from ‘Federation of Islamic Council from the 36 states of the Federation’ saying it would bomb polling booths, political party offices and vehicles unless ‘Christian commoners, ordinary people resident in the North East, North West, and North Central’ left immediately a bomb injured 6 and killed 1 at a polling station. Nigeria began the first of three crucial April elections on Saturday and dozens were killed in separate attacks. 25 killed and 200 injured in an explosion at the offices of the Independent National Electoral Commission. 8 killed and 56 injured when gunmen stormed a police station as election materials were being sorted. The Secretary of the People’s Democratic Party was shot. Attacks by 1,000 armed Fulani men on non-Muslim areas resulted in 10 dead, a village destroyed and some elderly people reported burnt to death in their homes.

Pray: for Christians to be protected from physical attack and fear, for the Nigerian government to step up security and peacefully turn back the militants from northern states. (Job 5:20,22)


Thursday, 09 May 2013 20:48

On Tuesday fifty-five people were killed, a police station, military barracks and government buildings were burned to the ground and 105 prisoners were freed in a pre-dawn raid in Bama, Borno state. Extremist attacks are common in the region but the scale of bloodshed makes this raid stand out. This strike - coming on the back of other deadly attacks - undermines the suggestion that the military operation against the militants has diminished the threat they pose. President Goodluck Jonathan has set up a committee to agree the terms of an am nesty for the rebels but Boko Haram's leader, Abubakar Shekau, has so far rejected the idea. Some of the attackers wore army uniforms for the five hour assault. The army says it was the work of Boko Haram - sending out the defiant message that it cannot be defeated by the state security forces. There are reports that the militants have acquired more powerful weapons. President Goodluck Jonathan has put his faith in the power of God for his country.

Pray: ‘God arise and scatter your enemies.’ Pray for the Islamist militants to accept an amnesty. (Ps.37:10,11)



Sunday, 24 February 2013 15:24

More than 3,000 people have been killed since 2009 by Boko Haram, a northern-based extremist group once known as the Nigerian Taliban. John Onaiyekan, Roman Catholic Cardinal Archbishop of Abuja, warned that the violence perpetrated by the extremist group is threatening the Muslim-Christian harmony in Nigeria with gun and bomb attacks against churches, schools, police stations, military facilities, newspaper offices and even the UN buildings. Militants also raid Christian homes demanding conversion to Islam or death. These attacks and massacres have fuelled concerns among Nigerian Christians and the cardinal said, ‘it becomes extremely difficult to convince the Christians that not all Muslims are killing our people, and that there are many Muslims who are sorry for what is happening to Christians.’ Nigeria is the largest oil producer in Africa, yet more than half its population lives on less than $1 a day.

Pray: against militant groups feeding off rampant poverty and corruption as they recruit the poorest people into violence. May the government officials change their policies and revert to good governance. (Ex.23:6,7)




Thursday, 22 August 2013 19:07

At least 50 civilians were killed and dozens more injured in a series of weekend attacks in north-eastern Nigeria by Boko Haram. CSW reported 12 killed when Boko Haram members dressed in military and police uniforms attacked Ngom village in Borno State last Saturday. An unconfirmed report said 19 people from surrounding villages were also murdered on Sunday. Also on Sunday 46 worshippers in a mosque were killed and 30 injured. At the same time, other members of the group petrol bombed and destroyed 50 homes. This was Boko Haram's first large scale attack inside a mosque; the group had previously targeted individuals on their way to or from prayer. Meanwhile, due to a breach in communications there are now doubts over the widely reported Nigerian military's claim that Boko Haram’s chief was killed earlier this week. See

Pray: for the state of emergency in Borno and Hobe States to successfully remove all who violently attempt to establish their interpretations of religion. Pray for good communications between military and government bodies. (Ps.34:14)



Friday, 22 June 2012 09:59

Suicide bombers attacked Christians during Sunday worship for the third week running, killing 50+ in a familiar pattern of a suicide bomber ramming a car into a church. This week it was the Winning All church in Kaduna on Sunday killing 24 and wounding 125. Within a few minutes explosives were detonated at Christ the King Church in Zaria killing 16+ and injuring dozens - some of them critically and many were children. Then Shalom Church in Kaduna was bombed killing 10+. Boko Haram have claimed responsibility for all attacks – as they did for attacks in Plateau and Borno states on June 10 and in Bauchi state on June 3. Riots in Kaduna sparked by Sunday's bombings killed 52+ and a 24-hour curfew was implemented on Sunday to restore order. Pray for an end to extremist violence which has claimed more than 500 lives in Nigeria this year. Pray too that those living in affected areas will not seek reprisals.

Pray: for God to bless the efforts of those who are working to build bridges between Christian and Muslim communities, and may the grieving and injured draw near to God and receive His strength. (Ps.18:16,17)


Tuesday, 27 December 2011 13:50

The Plateau State capital of Jos was targeted by a series of bombings last weekend, in which one man died and 11 people were injured, including one woman. Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) said threats to disrupt Christmas celebrations in the area have been circulating for two weeks. Commenting on the weekend's events, the Chief Executive Officer of CSW Nigeria said, ‘I believe that northern elders could contribute more towards ending these frequent attacks on innocent citizens. It is rather worrying that the recently concluded northern Nigeria peace summit produced no statement regarding the Boko Haram militia, which has unleashed violence in several states of Northern Nigeria.’


Pray: for stronger security in both Plateau and Kaduna States, and for peaceful Christmas celebrations in Jos. (Ps.23:4,5)



Saturday, 26 March 2011 09:15

Armed Fulani tribesmen displaced 4,000 in a series of attacks on villages in Bauchi state in predominantly Muslim north. Pastor Markus Kele of the Church of Christ in Nigeria was among those killed in Lim village in the most recent attack last Wednesday. Church sources reported 463 homes, 11 shops and 13 churches set on fire in recent attacks carried out by a group of 2,000 militants from Niger, Katsina, Kano, Sokoto and other northern Nigerian states. We also need to continue to pray for Jos where sectarian violence continues with two hundred killed in 2011. The division between Muslim north and Christian south sees the Plateau State and its capital Jos sitting in the middle where Christians and Muslims are locked in a cycle of attacks and revenge killings. While some attacks on Christians are perpetrated by Fulani herdsmen seizing property many are sectarian in nature. See:

Pray: for God to comfort those living in fear, and facilitate dialogue between Christians and Muslims that results in peace. (Ps.5:11,12)



Thursday, 08 August 2013 19:23

Nigeria’s criminal justice system is utterly failing Nigerian people and a majority of prisoners are not convicted of any crime. Amnesty International reported ‘The problems in Nigeria’s criminal justice system - especially its prisons - are so blatant and egregious that the Nigerian government has had no choice but to recognize them and has pledged many times to reform the system.’ We are asked to pray that beyond their technical ability, the Holy Spirit will help judicial officers discern the guilty from the innocent and liars from those who tell the truth. Ask God to raise God-fearing people through whom there will be a cleansing and purging of the judiciary and an honouring of the work of righteous the work oflawyers, judges and magistrates. Pray for God to expose wicked and corrupt judges so as to discourage them from evil. Ask God to put godly people in the National Judiciary Council, the body in charge of appointments. Ask Him to use the Nigerian Judiciary as a tool to make the nation law-abiding. For more insights into prayer for Nigeria;

Pray: for God to build up the remnants of the Judiciary that are still just and honourable. (Ps 89:14 & Is.28:6)



Monday, 18 June 2012 09:14

An extremist ran a car full of explosives at Christ’s Chosen Church of God in Jos on Sunday morning, killing at least two and injuring 40+. The attack was the second suicide bombing of a church in two Sundays and the third church bombing in Jos in six months. It happened after the service ended. A pastor, church elders and some children remained in the sanctuary at the moment the bomb was detonated, collapsing the roof of the sanctuary. The death toll was expected to increase as injuries were severe. Also on Sunday in Borno State gunmen killed at least two Christians during church worship. The Boko Haram Islamic sect took responsibility for both assaults. A witness said the extremist was seen trying to bomb St Peter’s Catholic Church and the Evangelical Church Winning All, but could not gain entry. Each of these two churches and the bombed church are in the same road.

Pray: for the injured, bereaved and their families, pray also against the ideologies behind these attacks, and against the desire to de-stabilize the government through violence. (Ps.42:4)
